Cap 🧢 classics are outdated no one cares about them anymore fades are what’s in right now and is what helps with sex appeal mfer get with the times or be left behind this ain’t the fuqing 1980s anymore bruh

those examples you showed looked goofy asf!!! Too feminine and they look ungroomed and don’t care about their style nothing Sexually attractive at all
Classics aren’t outdated at all lol
Classics aren’t outdated at all lol
yes they are you aint getting no v-box with them get with the times and stop rocking goofy haircuts
yes they are you aint getting no v-box with them get with the times and stop rocking goofy haircuts
Classic is forever
Simple and basic
those modern haircuts looks like shit amd try hard
Classic is forever
Simple and basic
those modern haircuts looks like shit amd try hard
disagree at the end of the day it's what women like and classics are dead to them now go get a fade cut boy
disagree at the end of the day it's what women like and classics are dead to them now go get a fade cut boy
keep coping
If you re good looking you can wear 18th century fashion and haircuts and bitches will drink your milk in the streets
keep coping
If you re good looking you can wear 18th century fashion and haircuts and bitches will drink your milk in the streets
agree to disagree bruh
  • +1
Reactions: Prince88 and jupiter0445
The best thread I've seen on this site
Voice is acutally free if you talk with a deep voice for a long time, you suddenly would get it forever, like with 0 effort. Also talk with diaphragm not throat
how to make a permanent facial scar?
Not one letter
How do you maintain high amount of test?

Voice, as a secondary sexual characteristic, is known to affect the perceived attractiveness of human individuals. Men with deeper/low-pitched voices signal large body size (which is sexually dimorphic), attract more women, father more children, intimidate other men, and command respect from other men. The larger the larynx, the longer and thicker the vocal folds and the lower the pitch of the voice. The size of the larynx is a secondary sexual characteristic partly controlled by testosterone; this is why the male larynx—commonly referred to as the “Adam’s apple”—enlarges disproportionately with the onset of puberty. The size of the vocal folds, commonly referred to as the vocal cords, is largely determined by the size of the larynx, and their thickness is further influenced by the action of hormones such as testosterone. Typical male voices range in pitch from 85 hertz to 180 hertz, with 96Hz and lower being the most attractive voice depth.


This video below backs up what this study says because some of the women mentally visualized a much larger person (large body size) based on hearing his voice alone.

All women desire a man to have a deep voice:

How to get a Deeper Voice?

Non-surgical Method:
- Deep chanting: start making "oohmm" sounds over and over in a controlled manner which relaxes your vocal chords
- Primal screaming: go out somewhere(preferably where not to many people are) and start screaming (growling loud screams) as loud as you can for 5-10 minutes everyday.
- Smoking cigarettes: over time can deepen voice by causing swelling in the vocal cords which lowers the pitch (not recommended only if you truly wish).
- Make sure you maintain high amounts of T during puberty (too late for most of you)
- Clear your throat, take a deep breath, and swallow your spit before talking. Relaxing your vocal cords lowers the pitch of your voice, this is why your voice is usually deeper when you wake up in the morning.
- Speak from your diaphragm instead of your throat
- Mint Pastilles: help to relax throat muscles and open up vocal tract increasing the resonance of your voice and make your voice temporarily deeper

Surgical Method:
- Voice Deepening surgery aka Fat Injection Thyroplasty: This surgery is performed by injecting fat into the patient’s vocal cords, adding bulk and creating a deeper-sounding voice. There’s a saying that goes: “sounding good is as important as looking good."
Cost: $2000 to $5000, sometimes as low as $1,000.
(injections can last up to 2yrs)

- Medialization laryngoplasty: In this procedure, the folds of the vocal cords are thickened with silicone rubber implants, which causes a deeper tone to develop. This is a common surgery among FtM individuals, I'm not sure they will perform it on a healthy/normal males but it's worth looking into.
Cost: $2500

- Thyroplasty: one to two and half inch incision is placed parallel to, or in a skin crease of your neck near the Adam’s apple. A diamond-shaped cut centered on the vocal cords loosens the vocal cords internally. An endoscope is in place during the procedure to observe your vocal cords, after this you are typically asked to make some sounds to assess the loosening. The incision is closed.
Cost: $1,000 to $2,500

- Micro-laryngeal Pitch reduction: A laser is used to incise some of the laryngeal tissue on the top surface of the true vocal cords and the bulk is transferred to near the vibrating edge of the vocal cords, increasing their mass. The vocal cords may also be loosened with some cuts. These changes in tension and mass can lower the comfortable speaking pitch.
Cost: $1,000

Voice Deepening Surgery Results:

- More info:


View attachment 450560

- Facial hair is a sexually dimorphic trait that makes men look more attractive. Theses pics above are examples of peak sex appeal. It isn't clean shaven like a prepubescent boy NEITHER is it a full on lumberjack beard that could be hiding facial fat or a weak lower third. This is the best of both worlds: a chiseled jawline covered in a layer of stubble just so much that they can still see your jawline + ability to grow facial hair = masculinity and sexiness.


Products/Tools Required:
- Brio Beardscape Trimmer
Cost: $68.95

- Clear Shaving Gel
Cost: $15-30

- Beard Oil
Cost: $29

How to Trim/Shave to get the "Perfect Stubble" Look:

How to grow Facial Hair (if you can't already)?

Non-Surgical Method:
- Minoxidil: This solution when applied topically can treat certain types of baldness and encourage facial hair growth(5% concentration). Although results may vary from person to person depending on age, hormones, genetics, etc.
Cost: $15-$30
- Side effects: some report heart palpitations, itchiness, dryness, chest pain, headaches
- Duration: Once you stop using most your results will diminish. If the hair you gained turns into terminal hair, then those terminal will be permanent.

- Dermarolling: Micro-needling with a dermaroller or dermarolling machine has been proven to treat hair loss (Androgenetic Alopecia in humans) and it appears to be more effective than minoxidil. Dermaroll once or twice a week at either 0.5mm or 0.75mm.

Cost: Dermaroller $10-30, Derminator $190

- Supplementation: Certain supplements have be proven to activate dormant hair follicles, strengthen hair, and promote hair growth.


Surgical Method:
- Beard Transplant: A beard transplant takes hair from another part of your body (usually the base of your scalp at the back, or under your chin) and transplants it to your face. ... An average of 4,000 to 7,000 hairs can be transplanted one by one. Some surgeons may use two hairs per graft to give a more natural appearance to the beard. Hair is permanent.
Cost: $3,000 to $7,000 depending on how many grafts are needed.
- Side Effects: temporary swelling, redness, and itchiness

Beard Transplant Results:

3) Dark Hair (Brown or Black)


View attachment 450596

- Hair color is important and rather underrated. When women say the dark in "tall, dark, and handsome", they are referring to men who look/appear to be "dark triad" due to dark hair/features. They are referring to Atlantids and handsome Meds. NOT Nordic, Nordic pheno specifically the light blonde hair color is a failo for men. The light blonde/ginger color is weak, submissive, and feminine looking. After meeting a women's looks requirement a dark triad personality could be considered the "cherry on top".


Dark Triad Slayer vs. Low T Cuck

View attachment 553774

Dye your hair darker/black.
Cost: Below $15

Video Tutorial:

4) Tattoos


View attachment 553777


Reasons to get Tattoos:
- The research said that women thought tatted men were not good long term partners because it made them look like they have 'bad boy appeal' which is very good for short term flings and slaying.

- If you emerge from a tattoo unscathed, you just survived a wound. Which means, by definition, that you are a man who is of above-average health and "immunocompetence.” Piercing the skin exposes the recipient of a tattoo to infection, and only those with the strongest immune systems can come through the process with their health intact.

- According to the research linked above, tattooed men stood out as the stereotypical vision of the machismo man.

- There was a greater difference in overall ratings of tattooed versus non-tattooed men with male participants than there was with female participants. What this means is that non-tattooed men see tattooed men as rivals in the dating game.

- The researchers concluded that when a man gets inked, that tattoo does two things: it attracts the ladies by exuding an air of health and masculinity, and it intimidates other men, because men with tattoos simply look like alpha males. Tattoos make you look hotter to women, and it clears away rivals, so you just have a better chance of getting laid.

Example of how Tattoo improves his look:
View attachment 329359 @Hopelessmofoker
- Think of tattoos as the icing on the cake. Visible lean muscle mass + tattoos = Bad boy look and increased sex appeal.

- Face/neck tats :no:
- Tats of girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, family, or fraternity :no:
- Tats on butt/rear end :no:
- Ankle Tattoos :no:
- Finger Tattoos :no:
- Full Sleeve Arm Tattoos ✅
- Forearm Tattoos ✅
- Back Tattoos ✅
- Underside of Wrist Tattoos ✅
- Chest Tattoos ✅
- Calf Tattoos ✅

The average cost for a small tattoo like a heart or cross is $50 to $250. For a medium-sized tattoo like a tribal or portrait, expect to spend between $150 and $450. Hiring a tattoo artist typically costs $120 to $150 per hour, and prices depend on how long it takes.
Minimum Cost: $30
Maximum Cost:

5) Facial Scars


View attachment 450598

- If you got a scar from a fight/accident/illness it does not mean it is a flaw which will lower your SMV (Sexual Market Value). However, making a scar on your skin if you don't have any is not recommended.


Reasons why women find facial scarring attractive:
- When scarring is seen as the result of a violent encounter, it signifies strength or bravery in a guy, or it could be due to an accident, and so evidence of a risk-taking personality

- Women may have rated scarring as an attractive quality for short-term relationships because they found it be a symbol of masculinity, a feature that is linked to high testosterone levels and an indicator of good genetic qualities that can be passed on to offspring

- Men without scars are more likely to be seen as caring, cautious, and conscientious, and therefore more suitable for long-term relationships, whereas men with scars project a rugged bad boy vibe that’s irresistible in the context of a no-strings-attached fling. They are unconsciously viewed as a sign of strength, bravery, or an adventurous, risk-taking personality. Call it the James Bond effect – dangerous, and probably doomed, but seductive nonetheless.

Get slits in your eyebrows similar to what Jason Momoa has. While his is an actual scar an eyebrow slit can help mimic a scar.
Cost: Free if you do it yourself. If you go to the barber the prices may vary depending on the location or barber himself.

Video Tutorials:

6) Muscles


View attachment 450601

- Muscle mass and size is one of the biggest indicators of dimorphism, health, and fitness. These physiques above are nearly ideal for all women. Extreme bodybuilder physique and thin twig physique only have niche appeal. These bodies presented above are good for both attraction and intimidation. Gaining lean muscle mass is crucial for improving sex appeal.


- Everyone here should know by now that muscles are attractive, sexually dimorphic, and help to give the 'full package effect'.

Videos: How women react to muscular men

Good Fitness Youtubers:
- Jeff Nippard, Jeremy Ethier, Athlean-X, Greg Doucette, and Dr. Mike Diamonds (my personal top 5)

Workout Routine:

View attachment 469266

Gym memberships: Cost anywhere from $10-$60 per month on average. Contrary to popular opinion Planet Fitness is actually great for beginners and only costs $10 a month.

(R) Roids + (T) Tats + (T) Tan = Insane Sex Appeal Combo
RTT Theory in Action:

7) Thick Muscular Neck

Examples of thick vs thin:

View attachment 450603

- Neck training is essential as it helps make the face more balanced and masculine. It makes you look high T and can help strengthen the visual appearance of your lower third. Training/engaging the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles is what makes the neck thicker/wider.

Helpful equipment:
Neck Harness
Cost: $15-$30

Workout Routines:

3 exercises: neck extensions, neck flexions (laying on stomach), lateral extensions to both sides.
week one: NO WEIGHT, 3 sets of each
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week two: 5-10 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week three: 10-15 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week four: 15-20 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week 5: 20 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest
(Shout out to @Nibba)

8) SWR, SHR, and WHR

View attachment 469210
Ideal ratios for men are as follows:
- SWR (shoulder to waist ratio) greater than 1.6, ideally 1.8 - 2.0
- SHR (shoulder to hip ratio) greater than 1.4
- WHR (waist to hip ratio) greater than 0.80, ideally 0.9 to 1.0
- Having broad shoulders and narrow hips gives that Superman like V-taper. A man having good SHR/SWR is similar to a woman having good WHR. It is very sexually attractive and dimorphic.


View attachment 329362
- The key to having good broad square shoulders is having a wide scapula + long and straight clavicles

How to get Wider Shoulders?

Non-Surgical Method:
- Revisit the gym routine I posted above (muscles section)
- Specifically target the back, delts, and chest
- Refrain from over-training traps as they can give your shoulders a "sloped" appearance

- Self Adhesive Shoulder Push-up Pads: self silicone adhesive shoulder pads that should be placed on the sides of your shoulders (side deltoids region) to broaden your shoulders. It is both washable (hand wash) and reusable. Adds about 1-2 cm on each side.
Amazon product ASIN B07H35NHYBBefore wearing and after wearing shoulder pads:
View attachment 670364

- Padded Undershirts: should be worn under a shirt/sweat and can be used for aesthetics purposes to accentuate the pectorals, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Can give around half and inch to an inch increase on each side.

- Raglan T's: these T's will draw attention to your shoulders because their unique sleeves that leave a diagonal seam from the underarm to the collarbone.

- Oxford Shirts: pieces with structured fabrics that have a certain weight to them tend to fall better than thin, clingy materials.

Surgical Method:
- Clavicle lengthening surgery: known as clavicle osteotomies. Dr. Eppley has increased clavicle length of up to 1in on each side.
Cost: Personally call, email, or DM Dr. Eppley

- Deltoid Augmentation via Implants: deltoid implants are designed to widen the shoulders and/or create an enhanced muscle appearance and are placed in the subfascial pocket over the muscle. This causes no permanent injury to the muscle which means one can resume working out and even make the underlying muscle bigger with enough exercise.
Cost: $3,000 to $5,000 or more

- Deltoid Augmentation via Fat Injection: as an alternative option to implants for deltoid/shoulder augmentation, injectable fat can be used. The fat donor sites are the traditional stomach and flanks (love handle) areas. Deltoid augmentation by fat injections provides a potentially pleasing dual benefit of abdominal and waistline reduction and an increase in shoulder size. Deltoid augmentation with fat injections is a good alternative to implants that can be successful if one has enough donor fat. Optimal fat take requires a good concentration method and distribution of the fat by small linear track layering both above or below the deltoid muscle fascia.
Cost: Around $4,000 or more

9) Height

View attachment 453247

- Height is not only important in attraction but intimidation/domination as well. Good frame combined with good height = ONS success
- Never put your height on tinder unless its starts with 6'.


Ideal Height:
- 6'0-6'5. Beyond 6'5 is good as long as you don't have a subhuman face or twig like frame.

Power of Height in Action:
- Just read the comments of women lusting after this man mainly due to his great stature.

How to get Taller?

Non-Surgical Method:
- Lifts: good temporary fix that can grant you anywhere from 1-3 inches of height boost.
Cost: $20-$50

- Elevator Shoes: shoes that have thickened sections of the insoles under the heels to make the wearer appear taller, or "elevate" them as the name suggests. They give you around 2-4 inches of additional height.
Cost: $40-$200

- Spine Stretching Treatment:

- Stretching: mostly cope but it's good to do to make sure you are at your greatest natural height. Do this morning and evening:

- Normal footwear that add the most height: Nike Airmaxes, Boots (Timberlands or Chelsea Boots)

- Wear monochromatic outfit: streamlines your figure unlike contrasting colored outfits which break up your figure

- Wear vertical stripes: give the illusion of length just like horizontal stripes give the illusion of width

- Grow out your hair on top: grow out your hair on top while keeping the sides short/tight can add an inch or two

- Wear hats/caps/beanies: can give additional inch or two

Surgical Method:
- Limb Lengthening: works by separating the bone and distracting (pulling apart) the bone segments very slowly so that new bone continues to form in the gap. As the bone segments are slowly distracted, the bone regenerates, resulting in increased length.
Cost: $16,000 in Russia, $85,000 in US

- More Info: Visit Dr. Paley

10) Big Dick

View attachment 469270

- Dick size is one of the most brutal blackpills of all time. You can have a PSL 7 face, great physique, and height BUT if you have a micro-penis IT'S OVER!


Importance and Power of having a Big Dick:
- @Vvvvxxxx Dick bulge Tinder Experiment
TLDR: He has an army of women waiting to fuck just because of his "big dick Game" Read his thread for more details.

- @Doablin Dick Bulge Tinder Experiment
TLDR: Just like the previous experiment it not only got him matches with attractive women but also made it easier for him to discuss sexual topics with them. It also made it easier for women to desire having sex with him.

- Story of Jonah Falcon
TLDR: A man named Jonah Falcon has been able to sleep with A list actors and celebrities just because of the size of his dick. Many of you would label him as a "fat manlet" but his insane penis size (13.5 in/34.3 cm) has allowed him to sleep with women many men can only dream of sleeping with. His exact size might be exaggerated but the fact that his penis size has helped him get laid still stands.

How to get a Big Dick?

Non-Surgical Method:

- Jelqing: mostly anecdotal evidence but some have seen results. I will link some sites/threads:
More Info:

- Penis Extenders and Penis Pumps:

Cost: $40-$100 for pumps, $10-20 for extenders
More Info:

Surgical Method:
- Penis Enlargement Surgery:
The Penuma is a crescent-shaped piece of medical-grade silicone inserted under your penis skin to make your penis longer and wider. It’s provided in three sizes: large, extra-large, and extra-extra-large.
The tissues that give your penis its shape are composed largely of two types:
  • Corpus cavernosa: two cylindrical pieces of tissue that run parallel to each other along the top of your penis
  • Corpus spongiosum: one cylindrical piece of tissue that runs along the bottom of your penis and surrounds your urethra, where urine comes out
Your Penuma device will be designed to fit your specific penis shape. It’s inserted into your shaft over the corpus cavernosa, like a sheath.
This is done through an incision in your groin area just above the base of your penis. The device stretches the penis skin and tissues to make your penis look and feel larger.
According to Dr. Elist’s website, people who have had the Penuma procedure report increases in length and girth (measurement around their penis) of about 1.5 to 2.5 inches, while flaccid and erect.
The average male penis is about 3.6 inches long (3.7 inches in girth) when flaccid, and 5.2 inches long (4.6 inches in girth) when erect.
The Penuma could enlarge the average penis up to a length of 6.1 inches when flaccid, and 7.7 inches when erect.
Cost: $15,000
More Info:

Romance Novel Pill
Romance novels allowed women to play out their sexual fantasies without having to go through the risk in real life. Look at the men they put on the covers of romance novels, they tend to have high levels of sexual dimorphism and exhibit well developed secondary sex characteristics. The reason for this is to attract women and get them to buy the book. Then women usually take that picture of the guy on the cover to use as a reference to the protagonist in the story. Notice how the men on the covers of romance novels have many of the 10 things I covered above. Notice how they never put skinny alien looking fags on the cover due to the fact that they lack sex appeal.

Examples of Men with HIGH Sex Appeal

Most if not all of the guys I posted above have most of the 10 sex appeal characteristics I mentioned in the beginning. Dark hair, designer stubble, tan, muscles, tattoos, scars, good height, voice, etc etc. They all have high Sex Appeal.

***Thanks! to @Kade for inspiring me to make this thread. You also helped distinguish sex appeal vs aesthetics.***


View attachment 471577

View attachment 471570


Jason Mamoa is taller, wider framed, has more muscle mass, exhibits higher levels of masculinity, maturity, and danger (tats, scars etc). In other words he oozes with sex appeal from head to toe . GUYS LIKE JASON MAMOA AND LOUIS ALLEN III ARE THE GUYS YOUR GIRL CHEATS WITH. THESE GUYS TRIGGER THE RAW PRIMAL SEXUAL URGES IN WOMEN. NOT ONLY WILL THEY MAKE HER ORGASM A HUNDRED TIMES BUT THEY WILL ALSO BEAT THE ABSOLUTE SHIT OUT OF SOMEONE LIKE TWINKY JORDAN BARRETT!

@the next o'pry

Convinced me to get tattoos

Great thread, more important for slaying than the autistic PSL shit
  • +1
Reactions: Egyptianmogger and Kingkellz
Whoever made this thread, legend.
  • +1
Reactions: Kingkellz and Egyptianmogger

Voice, as a secondary sexual characteristic, is known to affect the perceived attractiveness of human individuals. Men with deeper/low-pitched voices signal large body size (which is sexually dimorphic), attract more women, father more children, intimidate other men, and command respect from other men. The larger the larynx, the longer and thicker the vocal folds and the lower the pitch of the voice. The size of the larynx is a secondary sexual characteristic partly controlled by testosterone; this is why the male larynx—commonly referred to as the “Adam’s apple”—enlarges disproportionately with the onset of puberty. The size of the vocal folds, commonly referred to as the vocal cords, is largely determined by the size of the larynx, and their thickness is further influenced by the action of hormones such as testosterone. Typical male voices range in pitch from 85 hertz to 180 hertz, with 96Hz and lower being the most attractive voice depth.


This video below backs up what this study says because some of the women mentally visualized a much larger person (large body size) based on hearing his voice alone.

All women desire a man to have a deep voice:

How to get a Deeper Voice?

Non-surgical Method:
- Deep chanting: start making "oohmm" sounds over and over in a controlled manner which relaxes your vocal chords
- Primal screaming: go out somewhere(preferably where not to many people are) and start screaming (growling loud screams) as loud as you can for 5-10 minutes everyday.
- Smoking cigarettes: over time can deepen voice by causing swelling in the vocal cords which lowers the pitch (not recommended only if you truly wish).
- Make sure you maintain high amounts of T during puberty (too late for most of you)
- Clear your throat, take a deep breath, and swallow your spit before talking. Relaxing your vocal cords lowers the pitch of your voice, this is why your voice is usually deeper when you wake up in the morning.
- Speak from your diaphragm instead of your throat
- Mint Pastilles: help to relax throat muscles and open up vocal tract increasing the resonance of your voice and make your voice temporarily deeper

Surgical Method:
- Voice Deepening surgery aka Fat Injection Thyroplasty: This surgery is performed by injecting fat into the patient’s vocal cords, adding bulk and creating a deeper-sounding voice. There’s a saying that goes: “sounding good is as important as looking good."
Cost: $2000 to $5000, sometimes as low as $1,000.
(injections can last up to 2yrs)

- Medialization laryngoplasty: In this procedure, the folds of the vocal cords are thickened with silicone rubber implants, which causes a deeper tone to develop. This is a common surgery among FtM individuals, I'm not sure they will perform it on a healthy/normal males but it's worth looking into.
Cost: $2500

- Thyroplasty: one to two and half inch incision is placed parallel to, or in a skin crease of your neck near the Adam’s apple. A diamond-shaped cut centered on the vocal cords loosens the vocal cords internally. An endoscope is in place during the procedure to observe your vocal cords, after this you are typically asked to make some sounds to assess the loosening. The incision is closed.
Cost: $1,000 to $2,500

- Micro-laryngeal Pitch reduction: A laser is used to incise some of the laryngeal tissue on the top surface of the true vocal cords and the bulk is transferred to near the vibrating edge of the vocal cords, increasing their mass. The vocal cords may also be loosened with some cuts. These changes in tension and mass can lower the comfortable speaking pitch.
Cost: $1,000

Voice Deepening Surgery Results:

- More info:


View attachment 450560

- Facial hair is a sexually dimorphic trait that makes men look more attractive. Theses pics above are examples of peak sex appeal. It isn't clean shaven like a prepubescent boy NEITHER is it a full on lumberjack beard that could be hiding facial fat or a weak lower third. This is the best of both worlds: a chiseled jawline covered in a layer of stubble just so much that they can still see your jawline + ability to grow facial hair = masculinity and sexiness.


Products/Tools Required:
- Brio Beardscape Trimmer
Cost: $68.95

- Clear Shaving Gel
Cost: $15-30

- Beard Oil
Cost: $29

How to Trim/Shave to get the "Perfect Stubble" Look:

How to grow Facial Hair (if you can't already)?

Non-Surgical Method:
- Minoxidil: This solution when applied topically can treat certain types of baldness and encourage facial hair growth(5% concentration). Although results may vary from person to person depending on age, hormones, genetics, etc.
Cost: $15-$30
- Side effects: some report heart palpitations, itchiness, dryness, chest pain, headaches
- Duration: Once you stop using most your results will diminish. If the hair you gained turns into terminal hair, then those terminal will be permanent.

- Dermarolling: Micro-needling with a dermaroller or dermarolling machine has been proven to treat hair loss (Androgenetic Alopecia in humans) and it appears to be more effective than minoxidil. Dermaroll once or twice a week at either 0.5mm or 0.75mm.

Cost: Dermaroller $10-30, Derminator $190

- Supplementation: Certain supplements have be proven to activate dormant hair follicles, strengthen hair, and promote hair growth.


Surgical Method:
- Beard Transplant: A beard transplant takes hair from another part of your body (usually the base of your scalp at the back, or under your chin) and transplants it to your face. ... An average of 4,000 to 7,000 hairs can be transplanted one by one. Some surgeons may use two hairs per graft to give a more natural appearance to the beard. Hair is permanent.
Cost: $3,000 to $7,000 depending on how many grafts are needed.
- Side Effects: temporary swelling, redness, and itchiness

Beard Transplant Results:

3) Dark Hair (Brown or Black)


View attachment 450596

- Hair color is important and rather underrated. When women say the dark in "tall, dark, and handsome", they are referring to men who look/appear to be "dark triad" due to dark hair/features. They are referring to Atlantids and handsome Meds. NOT Nordic, Nordic pheno specifically the light blonde hair color is a failo for men. The light blonde/ginger color is weak, submissive, and feminine looking. After meeting a women's looks requirement a dark triad personality could be considered the "cherry on top".


Dark Triad Slayer vs. Low T Cuck

View attachment 553774

Dye your hair darker/black.
Cost: Below $15

Video Tutorial:

4) Tattoos


View attachment 553777


Reasons to get Tattoos:
- The research said that women thought tatted men were not good long term partners because it made them look like they have 'bad boy appeal' which is very good for short term flings and slaying.

- If you emerge from a tattoo unscathed, you just survived a wound. Which means, by definition, that you are a man who is of above-average health and "immunocompetence.” Piercing the skin exposes the recipient of a tattoo to infection, and only those with the strongest immune systems can come through the process with their health intact.

- According to the research linked above, tattooed men stood out as the stereotypical vision of the machismo man.

- There was a greater difference in overall ratings of tattooed versus non-tattooed men with male participants than there was with female participants. What this means is that non-tattooed men see tattooed men as rivals in the dating game.

- The researchers concluded that when a man gets inked, that tattoo does two things: it attracts the ladies by exuding an air of health and masculinity, and it intimidates other men, because men with tattoos simply look like alpha males. Tattoos make you look hotter to women, and it clears away rivals, so you just have a better chance of getting laid.

Example of how Tattoo improves his look:
View attachment 329359 @Hopelessmofoker
- Think of tattoos as the icing on the cake. Visible lean muscle mass + tattoos = Bad boy look and increased sex appeal.

- Face/neck tats :no:
- Tats of girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, family, or fraternity :no:
- Tats on butt/rear end :no:
- Ankle Tattoos :no:
- Finger Tattoos :no:
- Full Sleeve Arm Tattoos ✅
- Forearm Tattoos ✅
- Back Tattoos ✅
- Underside of Wrist Tattoos ✅
- Chest Tattoos ✅
- Calf Tattoos ✅

The average cost for a small tattoo like a heart or cross is $50 to $250. For a medium-sized tattoo like a tribal or portrait, expect to spend between $150 and $450. Hiring a tattoo artist typically costs $120 to $150 per hour, and prices depend on how long it takes.
Minimum Cost: $30
Maximum Cost:

5) Facial Scars


View attachment 450598

- If you got a scar from a fight/accident/illness it does not mean it is a flaw which will lower your SMV (Sexual Market Value). However, making a scar on your skin if you don't have any is not recommended.


Reasons why women find facial scarring attractive:
- When scarring is seen as the result of a violent encounter, it signifies strength or bravery in a guy, or it could be due to an accident, and so evidence of a risk-taking personality

- Women may have rated scarring as an attractive quality for short-term relationships because they found it be a symbol of masculinity, a feature that is linked to high testosterone levels and an indicator of good genetic qualities that can be passed on to offspring

- Men without scars are more likely to be seen as caring, cautious, and conscientious, and therefore more suitable for long-term relationships, whereas men with scars project a rugged bad boy vibe that’s irresistible in the context of a no-strings-attached fling. They are unconsciously viewed as a sign of strength, bravery, or an adventurous, risk-taking personality. Call it the James Bond effect – dangerous, and probably doomed, but seductive nonetheless.

Get slits in your eyebrows similar to what Jason Momoa has. While his is an actual scar an eyebrow slit can help mimic a scar.
Cost: Free if you do it yourself. If you go to the barber the prices may vary depending on the location or barber himself.

Video Tutorials:

6) Muscles


View attachment 450601

- Muscle mass and size is one of the biggest indicators of dimorphism, health, and fitness. These physiques above are nearly ideal for all women. Extreme bodybuilder physique and thin twig physique only have niche appeal. These bodies presented above are good for both attraction and intimidation. Gaining lean muscle mass is crucial for improving sex appeal.


- Everyone here should know by now that muscles are attractive, sexually dimorphic, and help to give the 'full package effect'.

Videos: How women react to muscular men

Good Fitness Youtubers:
- Jeff Nippard, Jeremy Ethier, Athlean-X, Greg Doucette, and Dr. Mike Diamonds (my personal top 5)

Workout Routine:

View attachment 469266

Gym memberships: Cost anywhere from $10-$60 per month on average. Contrary to popular opinion Planet Fitness is actually great for beginners and only costs $10 a month.

(R) Roids + (T) Tats + (T) Tan = Insane Sex Appeal Combo
RTT Theory in Action:

7) Thick Muscular Neck

Examples of thick vs thin:

View attachment 450603

- Neck training is essential as it helps make the face more balanced and masculine. It makes you look high T and can help strengthen the visual appearance of your lower third. Training/engaging the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles is what makes the neck thicker/wider.

Helpful equipment:
Neck Harness
Cost: $15-$30

Workout Routines:

3 exercises: neck extensions, neck flexions (laying on stomach), lateral extensions to both sides.
week one: NO WEIGHT, 3 sets of each
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week two: 5-10 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week three: 10-15 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week four: 15-20 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week 5: 20 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest
(Shout out to @Nibba)

8) SWR, SHR, and WHR

View attachment 469210
Ideal ratios for men are as follows:
- SWR (shoulder to waist ratio) greater than 1.6, ideally 1.8 - 2.0
- SHR (shoulder to hip ratio) greater than 1.4
- WHR (waist to hip ratio) greater than 0.80, ideally 0.9 to 1.0
- Having broad shoulders and narrow hips gives that Superman like V-taper. A man having good SHR/SWR is similar to a woman having good WHR. It is very sexually attractive and dimorphic.


View attachment 329362
- The key to having good broad square shoulders is having a wide scapula + long and straight clavicles

How to get Wider Shoulders?

Non-Surgical Method:
- Revisit the gym routine I posted above (muscles section)
- Specifically target the back, delts, and chest
- Refrain from over-training traps as they can give your shoulders a "sloped" appearance

- Self Adhesive Shoulder Push-up Pads: self silicone adhesive shoulder pads that should be placed on the sides of your shoulders (side deltoids region) to broaden your shoulders. It is both washable (hand wash) and reusable. Adds about 1-2 cm on each side.
Amazon product ASIN B07H35NHYBBefore wearing and after wearing shoulder pads:
View attachment 670364

- Padded Undershirts: should be worn under a shirt/sweat and can be used for aesthetics purposes to accentuate the pectorals, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Can give around half and inch to an inch increase on each side.

- Raglan T's: these T's will draw attention to your shoulders because their unique sleeves that leave a diagonal seam from the underarm to the collarbone.

- Oxford Shirts: pieces with structured fabrics that have a certain weight to them tend to fall better than thin, clingy materials.

Surgical Method:
- Clavicle lengthening surgery: known as clavicle osteotomies. Dr. Eppley has increased clavicle length of up to 1in on each side.
Cost: Personally call, email, or DM Dr. Eppley

- Deltoid Augmentation via Implants: deltoid implants are designed to widen the shoulders and/or create an enhanced muscle appearance and are placed in the subfascial pocket over the muscle. This causes no permanent injury to the muscle which means one can resume working out and even make the underlying muscle bigger with enough exercise.
Cost: $3,000 to $5,000 or more

- Deltoid Augmentation via Fat Injection: as an alternative option to implants for deltoid/shoulder augmentation, injectable fat can be used. The fat donor sites are the traditional stomach and flanks (love handle) areas. Deltoid augmentation by fat injections provides a potentially pleasing dual benefit of abdominal and waistline reduction and an increase in shoulder size. Deltoid augmentation with fat injections is a good alternative to implants that can be successful if one has enough donor fat. Optimal fat take requires a good concentration method and distribution of the fat by small linear track layering both above or below the deltoid muscle fascia.
Cost: Around $4,000 or more

9) Height

View attachment 453247

- Height is not only important in attraction but intimidation/domination as well. Good frame combined with good height = ONS success
- Never put your height on tinder unless its starts with 6'.


Ideal Height:
- 6'0-6'5. Beyond 6'5 is good as long as you don't have a subhuman face or twig like frame.

Power of Height in Action:
- Just read the comments of women lusting after this man mainly due to his great stature.

How to get Taller?

Non-Surgical Method:
- Lifts: good temporary fix that can grant you anywhere from 1-3 inches of height boost.
Cost: $20-$50

- Elevator Shoes: shoes that have thickened sections of the insoles under the heels to make the wearer appear taller, or "elevate" them as the name suggests. They give you around 2-4 inches of additional height.
Cost: $40-$200

- Spine Stretching Treatment:

- Stretching: mostly cope but it's good to do to make sure you are at your greatest natural height. Do this morning and evening:

- Normal footwear that add the most height: Nike Airmaxes, Boots (Timberlands or Chelsea Boots)

- Wear monochromatic outfit: streamlines your figure unlike contrasting colored outfits which break up your figure

- Wear vertical stripes: give the illusion of length just like horizontal stripes give the illusion of width

- Grow out your hair on top: grow out your hair on top while keeping the sides short/tight can add an inch or two

- Wear hats/caps/beanies: can give additional inch or two

Surgical Method:
- Limb Lengthening: works by separating the bone and distracting (pulling apart) the bone segments very slowly so that new bone continues to form in the gap. As the bone segments are slowly distracted, the bone regenerates, resulting in increased length.
Cost: $16,000 in Russia, $85,000 in US

- More Info: Visit Dr. Paley

10) Big Dick

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- Dick size is one of the most brutal blackpills of all time. You can have a PSL 7 face, great physique, and height BUT if you have a micro-penis IT'S OVER!


Importance and Power of having a Big Dick:
- @Vvvvxxxx Dick bulge Tinder Experiment
TLDR: He has an army of women waiting to fuck just because of his "big dick Game" Read his thread for more details.

- @Doablin Dick Bulge Tinder Experiment
TLDR: Just like the previous experiment it not only got him matches with attractive women but also made it easier for him to discuss sexual topics with them. It also made it easier for women to desire having sex with him.

- Story of Jonah Falcon
TLDR: A man named Jonah Falcon has been able to sleep with A list actors and celebrities just because of the size of his dick. Many of you would label him as a "fat manlet" but his insane penis size (13.5 in/34.3 cm) has allowed him to sleep with women many men can only dream of sleeping with. His exact size might be exaggerated but the fact that his penis size has helped him get laid still stands.

How to get a Big Dick?

Non-Surgical Method:

- Jelqing: mostly anecdotal evidence but some have seen results. I will link some sites/threads:
More Info:

- Penis Extenders and Penis Pumps:

Cost: $40-$100 for pumps, $10-20 for extenders
More Info:

Surgical Method:
- Penis Enlargement Surgery:
The Penuma is a crescent-shaped piece of medical-grade silicone inserted under your penis skin to make your penis longer and wider. It’s provided in three sizes: large, extra-large, and extra-extra-large.
The tissues that give your penis its shape are composed largely of two types:
  • Corpus cavernosa: two cylindrical pieces of tissue that run parallel to each other along the top of your penis
  • Corpus spongiosum: one cylindrical piece of tissue that runs along the bottom of your penis and surrounds your urethra, where urine comes out
Your Penuma device will be designed to fit your specific penis shape. It’s inserted into your shaft over the corpus cavernosa, like a sheath.
This is done through an incision in your groin area just above the base of your penis. The device stretches the penis skin and tissues to make your penis look and feel larger.
According to Dr. Elist’s website, people who have had the Penuma procedure report increases in length and girth (measurement around their penis) of about 1.5 to 2.5 inches, while flaccid and erect.
The average male penis is about 3.6 inches long (3.7 inches in girth) when flaccid, and 5.2 inches long (4.6 inches in girth) when erect.
The Penuma could enlarge the average penis up to a length of 6.1 inches when flaccid, and 7.7 inches when erect.
Cost: $15,000
More Info:

Romance Novel Pill
Romance novels allowed women to play out their sexual fantasies without having to go through the risk in real life. Look at the men they put on the covers of romance novels, they tend to have high levels of sexual dimorphism and exhibit well developed secondary sex characteristics. The reason for this is to attract women and get them to buy the book. Then women usually take that picture of the guy on the cover to use as a reference to the protagonist in the story. Notice how the men on the covers of romance novels have many of the 10 things I covered above. Notice how they never put skinny alien looking fags on the cover due to the fact that they lack sex appeal.

Examples of Men with HIGH Sex Appeal

Most if not all of the guys I posted above have most of the 10 sex appeal characteristics I mentioned in the beginning. Dark hair, designer stubble, tan, muscles, tattoos, scars, good height, voice, etc etc. They all have high Sex Appeal.

***Thanks! to @Kade for inspiring me to make this thread. You also helped distinguish sex appeal vs aesthetics.***


View attachment 471577

View attachment 471570


Jason Mamoa is taller, wider framed, has more muscle mass, exhibits higher levels of masculinity, maturity, and danger (tats, scars etc). In other words he oozes with sex appeal from head to toe . GUYS LIKE JASON MAMOA AND LOUIS ALLEN III ARE THE GUYS YOUR GIRL CHEATS WITH. THESE GUYS TRIGGER THE RAW PRIMAL SEXUAL URGES IN WOMEN. NOT ONLY WILL THEY MAKE HER ORGASM A HUNDRED TIMES BUT THEY WILL ALSO BEAT THE ABSOLUTE SHIT OUT OF SOMEONE LIKE TWINKY JORDAN BARRETT!

@the next o'pry

underrated part of attraction, good
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 68446 and Kingkellz
How long do u recommend screaming for? what's the science behind this bro?

@Henry_Gandy how would we enlargen the larynx and thicken vocal folds/cords?

do you know what happened to @Henry gandy ?

no sex appeal for my autism
  • +1
Reactions: thebuffdon690
man, come back to reality, any woman will choose Barrett in the club, Mamoa was invented for forty-year-old sluts, women hate ogres
  • JFL
Reactions: IndraBC and Kingkellz

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