Christianity is a Jewish psyop

"Racism is incel cope."
You sound like a fucking redditor nigga
I'm not saying some people are not superior to others. I believe whites are superior in terms of looks and intellect but to ascribe so much importance to your own heritage is cope
I think you just have a very broad definition of pacifism. Turning the other cheek is meant to not let small slights turn into larger conflicts as it’s counterproductive for a people to fight against each other of inconsequential things. The same is with the text of love thy neighbor. It’s telling you to treat your neighbors well and not to sweat the small stuff. This is all to create a cohesive society that can work towards goals without falling into pointless infighting.

Well that’s your problem

Are you 12? The Crusades were called by the Pope to invade the Middle East and people across all European kingdoms at the time came to take the holy land. Pagans would only care if their individual kingdom got invaded and thus the large amount of soldiers would have never been sent there since the other kingdoms wouldn’t care.

It’s obviously corrupted it takes no effort to see that. Prosteantism formed because of this corruption. I’m not gonna argue about whether that was right or not because hundreds of more learned men have already made those biblical arguments which you can take the time to read yourself.

You missed my point. I was talking about morality not cultural institutions. Any moral argument is based on moral axioms which were provided to us through scripture. These fundamental ideas about the world like the value of life are the bedrock for which our civilization understands the world. Though on the individual it is definitely a Christian idea where everyone is equal under god and thus no man is superior to another and should be allowed to exploit others as inferiors.
JFL the entire sermon on the mount is a cornerstone of the (((Christian))) ethos. It radically calls for nonviolence and love towards enemies, which goes beyond merely avoiding internal conflict nigga.
Jesus is legit says in Matthew 5:44 to "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". That's not just about avoiding infighting nigga, that's about radical love and forgiveness (pacifist values)

JFL if you think Pagans would only care about their kingdoms in the event of an Islamic invasion. Pagans throughout history have allied and engaged in collective defense efforts against external threats. The Germanic tribes united against the Roman Empire in multiple occasions and Viking pagans organized together when conducting raiding operations in mainland Europe :lul::lul:

They also would've had a common threat perception and would've recognized the threat posed by Islamic expansion as much as (((Christians))) did. The fear of losing territory and sovereignty would have motivated pagans to join forces with neighboring kingdoms.

The third point did not refute me whatsoever. Catholicism makes the most biblical sense from an objective perspective. Nigger

For the fourth point, what a fallacious and baseless claim. Morality does not come solely from Christianity you fucking cucked retard.
Philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle discussed ethics and the value of human life. Plato's idea of the intrinsic value of the soul and Aristostle's concept of virtue ethics both predate (((Christianity))).

(((Christianity))) has undeniably contributed to the development of some moral principles, but these concepts are not wholly exclusive to (((Christianity))). The argument that these moral axioms are uniquely provided by Christian scripture and are the sole foundation of our civilization's understanding of these concepts does not hold up against historical and cross-cultural evidence, nigger
JFL the entire sermon on the mount is a cornerstone of the (((Christian))) ethos. It radically calls for nonviolence and love towards enemies, which goes beyond merely avoiding internal conflict nigga.

Jesus is legit says in Matthew 5:44 to "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". That's not just about avoiding infighting nigga, that's about radical love and forgiveness (pacifist values)
You’re willfully ignoring the overall message in favor of your narrow view. God the greatest figure within the text which all aspire to be like killed 99% of humanity with a flood, destroyed the city of Gomorrah, and set plagues upon the Egyptians. The pope called for a holy war, the devout Spaniards did the Reconquista, and numerous Christina kingdoms killed each other due to religious differences. There is no objective way to believe that text or its followers advocate for a pacifist approach. There clearest take away from that text is that you should show mercy not that violence is always bad. Mayo Rat.
JFL if you think Pagans would only care about their kingdoms in the event of an Islamic invasion. Pagans throughout history have allied and engaged in collective defense efforts against external threats. The Germanic tribes united against the Roman Empire in multiple occasions and Viking pagans organized together when conducting raiding operations in mainland Europe :lul::lul:
If you honestly think that pagans across all of Europe would send soldiers half way across the continent you’re lying to yourself. We’re not just talking about a regional conflict with allied actors we’re talking about people throughout a whole civilization working together in unison. A bunch of pagans who only care about their self interests would never do what the Christians did in the name of god.
The third point did not refute me whatsoever. Catholicism makes the most biblical sense from an objective perspective. Nigger
It’s retarded to get into a theological debate like that. But the argument goes that the church isn’t based upon Peter as the foundation for the church but upon his confession of his sins to Jesus. It depends on your interpretation of the text. Mayo Rat.
For the fourth point, what a fallacious and baseless claim. Morality does not come solely from Christianity you fucking cucked retard.
Philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle discussed ethics and the value of human life. Plato's idea of the intrinsic value of the soul and Aristostle's concept of virtue ethics both predate (((Christianity))).
Yea and their retarded value systems since their values come from subjective value judgments from men. You can’t objectively have any sense of morality unless it’s from some higher power. You can’t tell me life is valuable because some guy said so and expect me to believe in it. But if a higher power who determines and good and evil days it’s valuable then obviously it is.
(((Christianity))) has undeniably contributed to the development of some moral principles, but these concepts are not wholly exclusive to (((Christianity))). The argument that these moral axioms are uniquely provided by Christian scripture and are the sole foundation of our civilization's understanding of these concepts does not hold up against historical and cross-cultural evidence, nigger
Nearly every moral axiom in Europe is provided by scripture not some Roman or Greek cultural tradition. Mayo Rat.
You’re willfully ignoring the overall message in favor of your narrow view. God the greatest figure within the text which all aspire to be like killed 99% of humanity with a flood, destroyed the city of Gomorrah, and set plagues upon the Egyptians. The pope called for a holy war, the devout Spaniards did the Reconquista, and numerous Christina kingdoms killed each other due to religious differences. There is no objective way to believe that text or its followers advocate for a pacifist approach. There clearest take away from that text is that you should show mercy not that violence is always bad. Mayo Rat.

If you honestly think that pagans across all of Europe would send soldiers half way across the continent you’re lying to yourself. We’re not just talking about a regional conflict with allied actors we’re talking about people throughout a whole civilization working together in unison. A bunch of pagans who only care about their self interests would never do what the Christians did in the name of god.

It’s retarded to get into a theological debate like that. But the argument goes that the church isn’t based upon Peter as the foundation for the church but upon his confession of his sins to Jesus. It depends on your interpretation of the text. Mayo Rat.

Yea and their retarded value systems since their values come from subjective value judgments from men. You can’t objectively have any sense of morality unless it’s from some higher power. You can’t tell me life is valuable because some guy said so and expect me to believe in it. But if a higher power who determines and good and evil days it’s valuable then obviously it is.

Nearly every moral axiom in Europe is provided by scripture not some Roman or Greek cultural tradition. Mayo Rat.
Kek I will refute this tmrw but you're first point is already retarded
Le bvsed and benevolent god kills thousands of his creations with his unlimited power
Jfl at these retarded Jewish tales
Last edited:
If you're pro-White and also a Christian you're retarded

Christianity promotes pacifist values, like "loving your neighbor" (Leviticus 19:18) and "turning the other cheek" (Matthew 5:38)
While non-Whites ravage Europe and destroy all the institutions and rape White women, Christians will say "We are all equal under Christ" JFL.

View attachment 2916169

"B-but what about m-muh based crusaders marching against Islam"

Even if the Christianization of Europe didn't happen Europeans would defend themselves against the onslaught of Islam JFL at this shitty rebuttal.

EVEN after all of these clear reasons and facts of it being an anti-White psyop, I still haven't addressed its Jewishness.

It's a ubiquitously known fact that Christianity has its origins in Judaism
If you still think Christianity is not Jewish, read the fucking Bible retard.

The OT is just the Torah

"The term "Torah" is used in the general sense to include both Rabbinic Judaism's written and oral law, serving to encompass the entire spectrum of authoritative Jewish religious teachings throughout history, including the Oral Torah which comprises the Mishnah, the Talmud, the Midrash and more."

Jesus was a Jewish carpenter and also a rabbi
  1. Matthew 26:25: "Then Judas, the one who would betray him, said, 'Surely you don’t mean me, Rabbi?' Jesus answered, 'You have said so.'"
  2. Matthew 26:49: "Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, 'Greetings, Rabbi!' and kissed him."
  3. John 3:2: "He came to Jesus at night and said, 'Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.'"
    (thank you chatgpt)

JFL at this. It's not. Christians are spiritually Semites, it's not a perversion, Judaism came first, Christianity splintered off.
View attachment 2916197

Christianity is a Jewish psyop used to neuter and pacify what's left of Indigenous Europe
If you're still a "Christian White Nationalist" after reading this, there is no hope for you, you are a Jewish ZOGbot.
View attachment 2916186
Shut the fuck up retard. DNR a single pixel. REPENT, AND ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR.


In the soon to come global Christian theocracy, you will be enslaved for the needs of Christendom—pending that you do not convert to Christianity and live a righteous and pious life devoted to your Lord, Jesus Christ. A warrant will be issued and you will be dragged out of your rat infested basement and directly into a life of manual labor and torture. The Lord wills it.

Shut the fuck up retard. DNR a single pixel. REPENT, AND ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR.

View attachment 2917029
View attachment 2917030

In the soon to come global Christian theocracy, you will be enslaved for the needs of Christendom—pending that you do not convert to Christianity and live a righteous and pious life devoted to your Lord, Jesus Christ. A warrant will be issued and you will be dragged out of your rat infested basement and directly into a life of manual labor and torture. The Lord wills it.

"DNR a single pixel"
also reacts to every single reply in this post Kys kike
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Eternal_
"DNR a single pixel"
also reacts to every single reply in this post Kys kike

I reacted to a total of 2 replies—1 of which being your original thread.

Repent, cuck.
  • +1
Reactions: Gus17
I reacted to a total of 2 replies—1 of which being your original thread.

Repent, cuck.
Yes I'm the cuck for not bending to Rabbi Yeshua
Shut up nigga
You can't be BPer and Christian
It's a deterministic philosophy
Christianity is not deterministic
Make it make sense kike
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Eternal_
Yes I'm the cuck for not bending to Rabbi Yeshua
Shut up nigga
You can't be BPer and Christian
It's a deterministic philosophy
Christianity is not deterministic
Make it make sense kike
Rabbi Yeshua is also the incarnation of God. Shut yo goofy ass up, cuck. This has to be the 35th time you’re using the word “deterministic”. Did you just learn it and want to flex your rich vocabulary?
  • JFL
Reactions: cromagnon
Rabbi Yeshua is also the incarnation of God. Shut yo goofy ass up, cuck. This has to be the 35th time you’re using the word “deterministic”. Did you just learn it and want to flex your rich vocabulary?
Retard dumbass can't understand basic vocabulary
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Eternal_
I think you just have a very broad definition of pacifism. Turning the other cheek is meant to not let small slights turn into larger conflicts as it’s counterproductive for a people to fight against each other of inconsequential things. The same is with the text of love thy neighbor. It’s telling you to treat your neighbors well and not to sweat the small stuff. This is all to create a cohesive society that can work towards goals without falling into pointless infighting.

Well that’s your problem

Are you 12? The Crusades were called by the Pope to invade the Middle East and people across all European kingdoms at the time came to take the holy land. Pagans would only care if their individual kingdom got invaded and thus the large amount of soldiers would have never been sent there since the other kingdoms wouldn’t care.

It’s obviously corrupted it takes no effort to see that. Prosteantism formed because of this corruption. I’m not gonna argue about whether that was right or not because hundreds of more learned men have already made those biblical arguments which you can take the time to read yourself.

You missed my point. I was talking about morality not cultural institutions. Any moral argument is based on moral axioms which were provided to us through scripture. These fundamental ideas about the world like the value of life are the bedrock for which our civilization understands the world. Though on the individual it is definitely a Christian idea where everyone is equal under god and thus no man is superior to another and should be allowed to exploit others as inferiors.
Fuark, I forgot to refute this. Give me a bit
I think you just have a very broad definition of pacifism. Turning the other cheek is meant to not let small slights turn into larger conflicts as it’s counterproductive for a people to fight against each other of inconsequential things. The same is with the text of love thy neighbor. It’s telling you to treat your neighbors well and not to sweat the small stuff. This is all to create a cohesive society that can work towards goals without falling into pointless infighting.

Well that’s your problem

Are you 12? The Crusades were called by the Pope to invade the Middle East and people across all European kingdoms at the time came to take the holy land. Pagans would only care if their individual kingdom got invaded and thus the large amount of soldiers would have never been sent there since the other kingdoms wouldn’t care.

It’s obviously corrupted it takes no effort to see that. Prosteantism formed because of this corruption. I’m not gonna argue about whether that was right or not because hundreds of more learned men have already made those biblical arguments which you can take the time to read yourself.

You missed my point. I was talking about morality not cultural institutions. Any moral argument is based on moral axioms which were provided to us through scripture. These fundamental ideas about the world like the value of life are the bedrock for which our civilization understands the world. Though on the individual it is definitely a Christian idea where everyone is equal under god and thus no man is superior to another and should be allowed to exploit others as inferiors.
I think you;'re using semantics to twist the meaning, but sure, think what you wanna think.

My point is, Europeans would unite against a common threat (Muslims). Just because Christianity was a prime mover of the Crusades doesn't mean Europeans wouldn't defend themselves from invaders.

Not arguing about which 40,000 sects of Christianity is the true one.

Moral systems have existed in many cultures before Christianity. Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, all of them had well-developed moral and legal codes. Scripture is not the only basis for morality.

Quick refute, might be bad, I'm tired.
If you're pro-White and also a Christian you're retarded

Christianity promotes pacifist values, like "loving your neighbor" (Leviticus 19:18) and "turning the other cheek" (Matthew 5:38)
While non-Whites ravage Europe and destroy all the institutions and rape White women, Christians will say "We are all equal under Christ" JFL.

View attachment 2916169

"B-but what about m-muh based crusaders marching against Islam"

Even if the Christianization of Europe didn't happen Europeans would defend themselves against the onslaught of Islam JFL at this shitty rebuttal.

EVEN after all of these clear reasons and facts of it being an anti-White psyop, I still haven't addressed its Jewishness.

It's a ubiquitously known fact that Christianity has its origins in Judaism
If you still think Christianity is not Jewish, read the fucking Bible retard.

The OT is just the Torah

"The term "Torah" is used in the general sense to include both Rabbinic Judaism's written and oral law, serving to encompass the entire spectrum of authoritative Jewish religious teachings throughout history, including the Oral Torah which comprises the Mishnah, the Talmud, the Midrash and more."

Jesus was a Jewish carpenter and also a rabbi
  1. Matthew 26:25: "Then Judas, the one who would betray him, said, 'Surely you don’t mean me, Rabbi?' Jesus answered, 'You have said so.'"
  2. Matthew 26:49: "Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, 'Greetings, Rabbi!' and kissed him."
  3. John 3:2: "He came to Jesus at night and said, 'Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.'"
    (thank you chatgpt)

JFL at this. It's not. Christians are spiritually Semites, it's not a perversion, Judaism came first, Christianity splintered off.
View attachment 2916197

Christianity is a Jewish psyop used to neuter and pacify what's left of Indigenous Europe
If you're still a "Christian White Nationalist" after reading this, there is no hope for you, you are a Jewish ZOGbot.
View attachment 2916186
Watches one bowden edit

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