

seriousmaxxing , only talk serious
Oct 16, 2023
These are just ideas , I dont necessarily support them . Post more ideas , contribute bhais .

I'll start off with a few :

Negative ions :

Negative ions act as natural antioxidants by neutralizing free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons that can cause cellular damage and contribute to aging processes. By donating electrons to free radicals, negative ions help stabilize them, thereby reducing oxidative stress and preventing cellular damage. This antioxidant activity can help protect cells from premature aging and maintain optimal cellular function.

Forests, showers, and natural bodies of water are all sources of negative ions, which contribute to their beneficial effects on air quality and overall well-being. Here's how each of these environments generates negative ions:

Trees and vegetation: Trees release negative ions into the air through a process called "biodiffusion." As part of their natural metabolic processes, trees emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as terpenes and phytoncides. These VOCs interact with atmospheric molecules, creating negative ions as a byproduct.
Water features: Forests often contain natural water features such as rivers, streams, and waterfalls. The movement of water molecules over rocks and surfaces generates negative ions through a process called "aerosolization." Water molecules break apart into positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) and negatively charged hydroxide ions (OH-) when they collide with surfaces, particularly those with rough textures. These negative ions are then released into the air as fine mist or spray, contributing to the high negative ion concentration in forest environments.

Water dispersion: During a shower, water droplets are dispersed from the showerhead and collide with each other and surfaces in the shower environment. This agitation creates turbulence and disruption of water molecules, leading to the separation of positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) and negatively charged hydroxide ions (OH-). The negative ions generated in this process are released into the air as fine droplets or mist, increasing the negative ion concentration in the surrounding air.
Steam: Hot showers produce steam, which further contributes to negative ion production. When water is heated, it evaporates and forms water vapor or steam. The process of evaporation releases negative ions into the air, as water molecules break apart and create negative ions during the transition from liquid to vapor phase.

Natural Water:
Water movement: Natural bodies of water such as oceans, rivers, and waterfalls constantly undergo movement and agitation, particularly due to wind, waves, and currents. This movement creates turbulence and disruption of water molecules, leading to the separation of positive and negative ions. The resulting negative ions are released into the air as fine mist or spray, contributing to the high negative ion concentration near water bodies.
Water features: Similar to forests, natural water features such as waterfalls and cascades generate negative ions through the process of aerosolization. As water molecules flow over rocks and surfaces, they collide with rough textures, leading to the separation of positive and negative ions. The negative ions are then released into the air as fine droplets or mist, enriching the surrounding atmosphere with negative ions.

Exercise Restriction :

Exercise restriction, or the deliberate reduction of physical activity, can potentially slow down damage accumulation in the body through various mechanisms:

Reduced stem cell differentiation: Exercise promotes pro-function adaptations like stem cell differentiation for muscle hypertrophy , which can age stem cell pools .

Reduced Oxidative Stress: Exercise can increase the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body, leading to oxidative stress. ROS can damage cellular components such as DNA, proteins, and lipids, contributing to aging and age-related diseases. By limiting physical activity, individuals may lower ROS production and decrease oxidative stress, thereby reducing damage accumulation in cells and tissues.

Decreased Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a hallmark of aging and is associated with the accumulation of damage in the body. Regular exercise can sometimes induce inflammation as part of the body's response to physical stress. By restricting exercise, individuals may lower inflammation levels, which can help mitigate tissue damage and slow down the aging process.

Preservation of Mitochondrial Function: Exercise places demands on mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles in cells. While regular exercise can improve mitochondrial function, excessive or intense exercise may lead to mitochondrial dysfunction and damage. By restricting exercise, individuals may help preserve mitochondrial health and reduce the accumulation of damage to these critical cellular structures.

Maintenance of DNA Integrity: Physical activity can increase the production of DNA-damaging free radicals, which may contribute to genomic instability and damage accumulation over time. By limiting physical activity, individuals may reduce the exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents, helping to preserve DNA integrity and minimize damage accumulation.

Enhanced Cellular Repair Processes: Exercise restriction may allow cells more time to repair damage and restore cellular homeostasis. Physical activity can sometimes overwhelm cellular repair mechanisms, particularly when exercise is excessive or intense. By giving cells a chance to recover and repair damage, exercise restriction may slow down the accumulation of cellular damage associated with aging.

Cum Recycleing :

By consumeing ur coom , u can retain the nutrients to age less .

Coom contains suspended free zinc ions , typically zinc in dietary sources are in chelates . Free zinc ions would be absorbed into the blood . They serve in coom to stabilize sperm DNA among other functions . It is possible that consumeing coom could be anti ageing , and is at least better than cooming and loseing the coom . Nofap might be better but is diffifult .

Age Regression :

Age regression is a therapeutic technique that involves accessing and exploring memories, emotions, and experiences from earlier stages of life, typically childhood, to address unresolved issues, emotional wounds, or maladaptive patterns of behavior.

Age regression, a therapeutic approach involving accessing and exploring memories and emotions from earlier stages of life, could potentially utilize visualization of youth to influence biological aging indirectly. Through guided relaxation and visualization techniques, individuals envision themselves at a younger age, experiencing feelings of vitality, energy, and well-being. By repeatedly visualizing themselves in a state of optimal health and vitality, individuals may program their subconscious mind with positive mental images that support overall well-being and potentially influence physiological processes associated with aging. This process may activate the mind-body connection, reduce stress and oxidative damage, promote cellular repair and regeneration, and enhance resilience, ultimately contributing to a more positive attitude toward aging and potentially slowing down the biological aging process.

Bark Powder :

Just an idea i thought of , bark has phytonutrients to protect from UV . u could harvest bark and eat the bark or use bark powder in skincare to increase UV resistance .

Normie Avoidance :

Normies have bad health therefore harbor parasites and global connection allows parasites to move across the globe . Exposure to normies causes parasite exposure through the air and surfaces , if u get infected that will age u but even being exposed will increase immune . immune = inflammation and ages u , it evolved as a necessary defense but not without side effects . Normie avoidance can lower parasite exposure and inflammation .

Lowering body temperature by tricking the thermostatic system :

The hypothalamus regulates body temperature . If u could focally heat the hypothalamus u could make it think ur hot and therefore it would cool the rest of the body . this is challengeing to do tho . U could trick it by sending signals to the brain like activateing heat receptors elsewhere useing capsaicin (spicy compound in likepeppers ) warm visuals , placebo , subliminals .

Lower body temperature extends lifespan in mice as well as poikilotherms like drosophila (fruit flies) .
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give more ideas faggots i am posting all these very uncommon ideas instead of water posts
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no one cares about an actually good post , need more high IQ cels
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Find some way to enhance/utilise placebo effect, subconscious mind


Further lucid dreaming, spiritual abilities to access esoteric knowledge from spirits, akashic record similar like Tesla, Ramanujan. But maybe there is a price for this, their lives ended tragic, Tesla life insanely disciplined and alot of sacrifices. Vril energy.

I had weird dream once like I was zooming into Mandelbrot set, idk what it meant. I think it should be attained naturally too somehow, i have innate feeling using drugs isn't right like DMT, lsd. Even Datura plant, that one is very interesting, see experiences of that, itsliek you enter demonic realm
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Cum Recycleing :

By consumeing ur coom , u can retain the nutrients to age less .

Coom contains suspended free zinc ions , typically zinc in dietary sources are in chelates . Free zinc ions would be absorbed into the blood . They serve in coom to stabilize sperm DNA among other functions . It is possible that consumeing coom could be anti ageing , and is at least better than cooming and loseing the coom . Nofap might be better but is diffifult .
  • JFL
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Find some way to enhance/utilise placebo effect, subconscious mind


Further lucid dreaming, spiritual abilities to access esoteric knowledge from spirits, akashic record similar like Tesla, Ramanujan. But maybe there is a price for this, their lives ended tragic, Tesla life insanely disciplined and alot of sacrifices. Vril energy.

I had weird dream once like I was zooming into Mandelbrot set, idk what it meant. I think it should be attained naturally too somehow, i have innate feeling using drugs isn't right like DMT, lsd. Even Datura plant, that one is very interesting, see experiences of that, itsliek you enter demonic realm

subliminals could utilize both the subconsious mind and the placebo . probably best to make ur own tho

the dark therapy is a cool idea . im wondering if the darkness would decrease serotonin which could play a role in reduceing ageing . i actually feel better if i keep my room dark during the day but i dont because i want natural circadian rhythm .

"Another study, shows that a high dose of pinoline boosted the immune system 2.6 fold" I dont know what that means "boosted 2.6 fold" but hopefully doesnt increase inflammation .

"During days 6–8, 5-MeO-DMT (which is normally only found in the womb and in the first few months) is now reactivated." dark therapy reverting u to the beginning stage of life is a really good point , could be anti ageing somehow

speaking of caves a cave could be very good for anti ageing , faraday cage + grounding
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These are just ideas , I dont necessarily support them . Post more ideas , contribute bhais .

I'll start off with a few :

Negative ions :

Negative ions act as natural antioxidants by neutralizing free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons that can cause cellular damage and contribute to aging processes. By donating electrons to free radicals, negative ions help stabilize them, thereby reducing oxidative stress and preventing cellular damage. This antioxidant activity can help protect cells from premature aging and maintain optimal cellular function.

Forests, showers, and natural bodies of water are all sources of negative ions, which contribute to their beneficial effects on air quality and overall well-being. Here's how each of these environments generates negative ions:

Trees and vegetation: Trees release negative ions into the air through a process called "biodiffusion." As part of their natural metabolic processes, trees emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as terpenes and phytoncides. These VOCs interact with atmospheric molecules, creating negative ions as a byproduct.
Water features: Forests often contain natural water features such as rivers, streams, and waterfalls. The movement of water molecules over rocks and surfaces generates negative ions through a process called "aerosolization." Water molecules break apart into positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) and negatively charged hydroxide ions (OH-) when they collide with surfaces, particularly those with rough textures. These negative ions are then released into the air as fine mist or spray, contributing to the high negative ion concentration in forest environments.

Water dispersion: During a shower, water droplets are dispersed from the showerhead and collide with each other and surfaces in the shower environment. This agitation creates turbulence and disruption of water molecules, leading to the separation of positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) and negatively charged hydroxide ions (OH-). The negative ions generated in this process are released into the air as fine droplets or mist, increasing the negative ion concentration in the surrounding air.
Steam: Hot showers produce steam, which further contributes to negative ion production. When water is heated, it evaporates and forms water vapor or steam. The process of evaporation releases negative ions into the air, as water molecules break apart and create negative ions during the transition from liquid to vapor phase.

Natural Water:
Water movement: Natural bodies of water such as oceans, rivers, and waterfalls constantly undergo movement and agitation, particularly due to wind, waves, and currents. This movement creates turbulence and disruption of water molecules, leading to the separation of positive and negative ions. The resulting negative ions are released into the air as fine mist or spray, contributing to the high negative ion concentration near water bodies.
Water features: Similar to forests, natural water features such as waterfalls and cascades generate negative ions through the process of aerosolization. As water molecules flow over rocks and surfaces, they collide with rough textures, leading to the separation of positive and negative ions. The negative ions are then released into the air as fine droplets or mist, enriching the surrounding atmosphere with negative ions.

Exercise Restriction :

Exercise restriction, or the deliberate reduction of physical activity, can potentially slow down damage accumulation in the body through various mechanisms:

Reduced stem cell differentiation: Exercise promotes pro-function adaptations like stem cell differentiation for muscle hypertrophy , which can age stem cell pools .

Reduced Oxidative Stress: Exercise can increase the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body, leading to oxidative stress. ROS can damage cellular components such as DNA, proteins, and lipids, contributing to aging and age-related diseases. By limiting physical activity, individuals may lower ROS production and decrease oxidative stress, thereby reducing damage accumulation in cells and tissues.

Decreased Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a hallmark of aging and is associated with the accumulation of damage in the body. Regular exercise can sometimes induce inflammation as part of the body's response to physical stress. By restricting exercise, individuals may lower inflammation levels, which can help mitigate tissue damage and slow down the aging process.

Preservation of Mitochondrial Function: Exercise places demands on mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles in cells. While regular exercise can improve mitochondrial function, excessive or intense exercise may lead to mitochondrial dysfunction and damage. By restricting exercise, individuals may help preserve mitochondrial health and reduce the accumulation of damage to these critical cellular structures.

Maintenance of DNA Integrity: Physical activity can increase the production of DNA-damaging free radicals, which may contribute to genomic instability and damage accumulation over time. By limiting physical activity, individuals may reduce the exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents, helping to preserve DNA integrity and minimize damage accumulation.

Enhanced Cellular Repair Processes: Exercise restriction may allow cells more time to repair damage and restore cellular homeostasis. Physical activity can sometimes overwhelm cellular repair mechanisms, particularly when exercise is excessive or intense. By giving cells a chance to recover and repair damage, exercise restriction may slow down the accumulation of cellular damage associated with aging.

Cum Recycleing :

By consumeing ur coom , u can retain the nutrients to age less .

Coom contains suspended free zinc ions , typically zinc in dietary sources are in chelates . Free zinc ions would be absorbed into the blood . They serve in coom to stabilize sperm DNA among other functions . It is possible that consumeing coom could be anti ageing , and is at least better than cooming and loseing the coom . Nofap might be better but is diffifult .

Age Regression :

Age regression is a therapeutic technique that involves accessing and exploring memories, emotions, and experiences from earlier stages of life, typically childhood, to address unresolved issues, emotional wounds, or maladaptive patterns of behavior.

Age regression, a therapeutic approach involving accessing and exploring memories and emotions from earlier stages of life, could potentially utilize visualization of youth to influence biological aging indirectly. Through guided relaxation and visualization techniques, individuals envision themselves at a younger age, experiencing feelings of vitality, energy, and well-being. By repeatedly visualizing themselves in a state of optimal health and vitality, individuals may program their subconscious mind with positive mental images that support overall well-being and potentially influence physiological processes associated with aging. This process may activate the mind-body connection, reduce stress and oxidative damage, promote cellular repair and regeneration, and enhance resilience, ultimately contributing to a more positive attitude toward aging and potentially slowing down the biological aging process.

Bark Powder :

Just an idea i thought of , bark has phytonutrients to protect from UV . u could harvest bark and eat the bark or use bark powder in skincare to increase UV resistance .

Normie Avoidance :

Normies have bad health therefore harbor parasites and global connection allows parasites to move across the globe . Exposure to normies causes parasite exposure through the air and surfaces , if u get infected that will age u but even being exposed will increase immune . immune = inflammation and ages u , it evolved as a necessary defense but not without side effects . Normie avoidance can lower parasite exposure and inflammation .

Lowering body temperature by tricking the thermostatic system :

The hypothalamus regulates body temperature . If u could focally heat the hypothalamus u could make it think ur hot and therefore it would cool the rest of the body . this is challengeing to do tho . U could trick it by sending signals to the brain like activateing heat receptors elsewhere useing capsaicin (spicy compound in likepeppers ) warm visuals , placebo , subliminals .

Lower body temperature extends lifespan in mice as well as poikilotherms like drosophila (fruit flies) .

Consume diemethylecadmium
deuterated PUFA extends c elegans lifespan relative to non deuterated PUFA

perhaps deuterated PUFAs to displace normal PUFAs to age less ? or what if u took deuterated MUFAs or SFAs ?

artificial magnetic fields not all bad ?

(imagine this in the voice of Jeremy clarkson as you read it)

TLDR: eat cum but only from yourself and bark powder while thinking about bieng a child and bathing in the ocean, if you see a person nearby quickly escape to avoid the normie sickness but not too fast or you might exert yourself, keep the water cold to keep your core body temp pre hypothermic at all times. This is guaranteed make your immortal.
  • JFL
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Excellent thread
You have all my respect
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I'll have to read all of this I just wanted to comment on a couple things.


Exercise is harmful but that's the point. There's a concept called "anti-fragility" that applies to many complex systems, that when you harm something but not too much, it adapts and becomes stronger.

You are aging more during your exercise, but less the rest of the day. So like everything, dosage is important. Not too much, but not too little.

ECGC (Green Tea Extract) Works the same way. Stressing the cells a small amount, so they are better at doing their anti-aging function.

The study above shows a U shaped dosage effect (FOR C-Elegons). So too much of a stressor accelerates aging. But a small periodic amount decreases aging.

The Optimal frequency and dosage of exercise, would probably depend on a persons health and ability to bounce back, and the levels and quantities of different anti-oxidants in their body.

I advocate for an intuitive choice for how hard and often to exercise. You can kind of feel if you're starting wear yourself down too much. You want to exercise an amount so that you feel great when you're not exercising, not tired and worn out.

Bark Powder

Imho from reading a bunch of studies on sun dna damage, I think it's overblown and not a signficant cause of aging. I think it's usually small enough (unless you're out in the sun all day everday) that your body can repair all of it. Supplementing with Niacin to boost NAD levels (main molecule involved in DNA repair), and having other healthy habits should be more than enough.

Oxidation is a much bigger cause of aging.

Because the sun also gives you health advantageous like improved sleep, and improved ATP production in the skin that leads to skin healing and anti-aging skin effects.

Those studies that try to make you afraid of the sun, support the sunscreen industry, and don't measure all cause mortality of sun exposure, and treat the skins natural adaptation to the sun (increased melanin production) as skin "aging". All those UV Photos of faces with UV "Damage", it's not damage it's literally just a photo of melanin under the skin that formed so you get the optimal dose of sunlight for your area, and your health.

The examples where the sun ages the skin are extreme, and usually involve some one being out in the sun all day everyday, and smoking, and leading an unhealthy life-style so their skin isn't able to repair itself. It's industry scare tactics.

Normie Avoidance

Normies are vectors for unhealthy habits and ideas. Being around them will cause you to start eating out, drinking, smoking, smoking pot, staying up late, and engaging in other unhealthy behaviors. This is why most normies age terribly and don't live as long as they could have lived if they isolated and health maxed.

You're also wasting tons of time hanging out with "friends" that would betray you in a heart beat for a girl, or any small reason, when you could be reading and improving.
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Exercise is harmful but that's the point. There's a concept called "anti-fragility" that applies to many complex systems, that when you harm something but not too much, it adapts and becomes stronger.
You are aging more during your exercise, but less the rest of the day. So like everything, dosage is important. Not too much, but not too little.
adapting and becomeing stronger is pro-function , exactly what exercise is , pro-function so it can increase median lifespan in mice via functional benefit . but it doesnt increase maximum lifespan due to not being pro-stemness .

the hormetic aspect could be potentially anti ageing (exercise can increase SIRT6 ) , if theres some sort of overcompensation to the damage in terms of stress resistance .

my perspective is that exercise for the purpose of growth or endurance are pro ageing , for growth , as in damageing muscles to stimulate over-repair , is pro ageing because it increases cell division which shortens telomeres among other things . endurance puts the body into allostasis in order to cope with being out of homeostasis , this compromises metabolic efficiency . my personal theory is that metabolic efficiency is a huge factor in rate of ageing . the more efficient metabolic processes are , the less byproducts for the same results . this is how nutrient deficiencies could accelerate ageing , by compromiseing metabolic efficiency .

ECGC (Green Tea Extract) Works the same way. Stressing the cells a small amount, so they are better at doing their anti-aging function.
The study above shows a U shaped dosage effect (FOR C-Elegons). So too much of a stressor accelerates aging. But a small periodic amount decreases aging.
c elegans is a bad model for many reasons , one being that its lifespan is dependent considerably on the time it spends dormant . but humans cant go dormant , like hibernate or something .

hormesis is interesting phenomenon . we should be getting hormesis from things like artificial EMF and artificial toxins .

The Optimal frequency and dosage of exercise, would probably depend on a persons health and ability to bounce back, and the levels and quantities of different anti-oxidants in their body.

I advocate for an intuitive choice for how hard and often to exercise. You can kind of feel if you're starting wear yourself down too much. You want to exercise an amount so that you feel great when you're not exercising, not tired and worn out.
walking is good because it doesnt seem to simulate muscle growth nor does it seem to be particularly allostatic . but u get the anti ageing benefit of less energy for growth , fecundity , and immune . (energy expenditure through increased movement doesnt really raise metabolism long-term)

speaking of anti oxidants , i use gelatin , NAC , and vitamin c (from fruits) before exercise to mitigate the damage . although this could prevent hormesis , idk if its wise .

Bark Powder

Imho from reading a bunch of studies on sun dna damage, I think it's overblown and not a signficant cause of aging. I think it's usually small enough (unless you're out in the sun all day everday) that your body can repair all of it. Supplementing with Niacin to boost NAD levels (main molecule involved in DNA repair), and having other healthy habits should be more than enough.

Because the sun also gives you health advantageous like improved sleep, and improved ATP production in the skin that leads to skin healing and anti-aging skin effects.

Those studies that try to make you afraid of the sun, support the sunscreen industry, and don't measure all cause mortality of sun exposure, and treat the skins natural adaptation to the sun (increased melanin production) as skin "aging".

The examples where the sun ages the skin are extreme, and usually involve some one being out in the sun all day everyday, and smoking, and leading an unhealthy life-style so their skin isn't able to repair itself. It's industry scare tactics.
window sunlight is the most pro-ageing , it blocks UVB , which induces vitamin d and lumisterol from cholesterol , but UVA penetrates through

i consider vitamin D (and lumisterol) a form of hormetic response (in addition to its crucial functions) .

windows prevent the full hormetic response from sunlight but u still get some UVA

sunscreen is bad IMO , i agree , i do not use sunscreen . i do avoid sun tho , especially windows

Normies are vectors for unhealthy habits and ideas. Being around them will cause you to start eating out, drinking, smoking, smoking pot, staying up late, and engaging in other unhealthy behaviors. This is why most normies age terribly and don't live as long as they could have lived if the isolated and health maxed.

You're also wasting tons of time hanging out with "friends" that would betray you in a heart beat for a girl, or any small reason, when you could be reading and improving.
well yeah i agree but i was talking about their parasites . parasites are being used as a bioweapon as part of the plans by the elites in synergy with other factors , i have experience with parasites in my body and mind . they cant control u consciously , but they can hijack ur feelings as an attempt to trick u .
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I have a dehumidifier with a hepa 13 filter, an air ionizer and uv function in my bedroom, I doubt this shit works though the only thing indicating it does is a led light and dust still passes around the filter and it doesn't remove much water as advertised.

This is a legit gatekept health and looksmax secret, I think I got ripped off but you just need a good product
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give me anti water info on anti ageing :feelshah:

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