Advice on SARMs from coach with 5+ years of experience

Can SARMs fuck with growth plates the same way regular AAS do?
think of sarms like this.

worse, shittier in every single way
pros: you dont inject
think of sarms like this.

worse, shittier in every single way
pros: you dont inject
thanks habibi.
but i'd like my question answered ;)

and i've seen people getting decent gains from SARMs. tbh. but yes gain wise test mogs
thanks habibi.
but i'd like my question answered ;)

and i've seen people getting decent gains from SARMs. tbh. but yes gain wise test mogs
sarms like roids rope g plate
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Tren mogs
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when i will get some money i will get sarms i think
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Mirin, What will you get?
idk, i dont think about it, i dont even have diet and i did 2 workouts lol. If i would get sarms i would workout natty beofre it for some time. Imo sarms are worth it if you have a base to get halo from body
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Is it okay to stack rad 140 with mk and going to the gym 3 times a week?

Roids mog
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Reasoning for this: Rad140 for gains and minimal bloat. Mk677 for skin and hair (decreases acne and hair loss which is possible from Rad)

How does mk677 stop hairloss? And is rad worse for the hair than normal T?
How does mk677 stop hairloss? And is rad worse for the hair than normal T?
The reason people lose hair on rad is because they dont just take rad, they stack the rad with 20 other things like prohormones and stuff which is the actual reason for the hairloss
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The reason people lose hair on rad is because they dont just take rad, they stack the rad with 20 other things like prohormones and stuff which is the actual reason for the hairloss
Hmm so rad is hairsafe? Cuz everyone says it rapes the hair:feelsbadman:
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Thank you so much for this thread. I understand why people want to stay natural and I recommend that, but to me the risks are worth it. I can’t wait to be super muscular and lean, and be able to train more because of recovery advantages.
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But is it worth it if you're a framecel?
How hard is RAD-140 on the liver?
Mk677 can potentially increase height and frame right
So whats the deal with sarms:
Are they as effective as roids? Do they suppress?
1. Great muscle gains (5-10kg weight gain after 8 weeks is expected for rad140/lgd). Dr.Tony Huge and Gregg Doucette agree that one month of SARMs= 6 months of natty training. I’ve seen this first hand on the people I’ve coached.
People called me a liar when I said I gained 10kg in 8 weeks on this forum. The cope is strong.
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I have some experience over the last decade of bodybuilding, researching and coaching, which I can contribute finally after lurking on Read what I’ve written fully: to my knowledge there is nothing as comprehensive as this available anywhere else online. Sarms will be Illegal in 3months, so you need to order them asap.

What are SARMS?

Selective androgen receptor modulators or SARMs are a novel class of androgen receptor ligands. They have the same effects as steroids but are selective to only muscle and bones. This means that rather than effecting the full body, they effect only bones and muscles (Unlike steroids)

Benefits (gotten from high quality SARMs, shit products that are underdosed/fake won’t achieve these):

1. Great muscle gains (5-10kg weight gain after 8 weeks is expected for rad140/lgd). Dr.Tony Huge and Gregg Doucette agree that one month of SARMs= 6 months of natty training. I’ve seen this first hand on the people I’ve coached.

2. The severity of side-effects are much lower. For example, testosterone, a steroid, has an anabolic/androgenic ratio of 100:100. Rad140 has an anabolic/androgenic ratio of 90:1. Androgenic are the chemicals that cause side-effects (hair loss, acne), while anabolic chemicals promotes muscle growth. This gives insane gains without any long-term risks.

3. Its taken orally, so there are no injections plus no need for PCT, or AI (a pussy reason but makes a difference to some people)

Following are theoretical benefits as there have been limited human trials for SARMs. This is not because they are dangerous, but because they lack therapeutic application to be funded and approved by FDA. FDA doesn't want to do testing just for something which can be abused for muscle growth.


4. Potentially increase height (Sarms suppress your hormones, since the androgen binds with androgen receptors to mimic the effect of testosterone. You won't feel low T, but estrogen is suppressed, delaying epiphyseal plate or growth plate closure, increasing the time you can grow)

5. Jaw/shoulder/browridge growth: Since SARMS are selective to muscle and bone, it increases bone growth. However, it is selective to dimorphic traits influenced by testosterone. Thus, bones influenced by estrogen such as hips will grow less causing the development of wide shoulders while hips remain relatively the same.

6. Changes in Fat distribution: Gynoid or estrogenic fat distribution stores fat in thighs and Breast, while Andriod fat distribution (high t) stores it in Abdomen, Chest, Shoulder and neck. This happens because of Estrogen suppression.

7. Prevent hair loss: By suppressing systemic Testosterone levels in the body and competing with Testosterone and DHT for the androgen receptor, androgenic activity in the body is substantially decreased. Suppressing DHT could act similar to Fin and decrease or even reverse hair loss.

SARMS vs steroids:

Steroids still outperform SARMs when it comes to muscle growth. However, sarms are effective enough that it doesn't matter; you can still achieve the most aesthetic body on SARMs within 1-2years. Steroids are for pushing over that limit.

Check out this transformation for example. First pic is SARMs only, and second pic is after steroids


So if your content with a body like shown below, you have no need for steroids


70-80% of sarms are under-dosed or fake. Since it is sold in the grey area as a research chemical, it's not FDA approved, implying companies can sell whatever they want without testing the chemicals. Therefore you want a third party tested source that gives reliable SARMs. The problem is that there are 2 types of tests done on the SARMs, qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative analysis will tell you if something is present in a sample while quantitative analysis gives you purity. Therefore, even if third party testing is used to confirm the substance, the purity is still unconfirmed. SARMs are also relatively expensive to buy (since they are in smaller scale, diminishing returns and lack of optimization makes it harder to produce cheap), so most sources sell under-dosed supplements.

Starting January 1st, Sarms will become illegal and all Chinese manufacturers will have to stop production of SARMs. Simple law of supply and demand, means this will increase prices drastically. The US also wants to make SARMs illegal in 2020 under schedule 3. This means that SARMs will be much harder to purchase, their purity will degrade, and they will become illegal on top of that. So buy it ASAP if you want to get a legit and relatively cheap product.

So unless you order from a third party verified source, you will have shitty-moderate gains. EVERY single person who says that sarms don’t work has bought a bunk product 100%. From the guys I've coached around 10 told me they tried SARMs and made no gains. When I gave them a proper source to buy from, they all made crazy gains. This post has no significance or contribution if it convinces you to go buy some under dosed shit and make no gains so make sure you use a proper source.

trusted source is Chemyo and I’ve recommended it to my athletes. From around 50 guys I’ve coached, not a single one has complained about a bunk product.

Chemyo have 3rd party testing, and even if the product turns out to be bunk, you can send it back if you don't want it. So unless you order from a legit source, don't complain or rant about SARMs not working. I’ve included Chemyo’s link because I don't want this guide to convince you to try SARMs, only for you to get cucked by an underdosed/fake product.


Length: All cycles should be 8 weeks long. After 8 weeks, lowered estrogen and increased myostatin decreases gains. No PCT needed but usually time on=time off. However hormones generally recover after 34 days.

RAD 140:

Potent SARM. Good for lean mass gains. Very suppressive but manageable in short cycles.
Dosages Low: 5mg, Average: 10mg, High: 30mg

Dry gains with minimal bloat. Minimal water retention. Extreme strength increases. Strongest Sarm.
Androgenic:Anabolic ratio: 1:90 , as strong as 300mg-500mg testosterone

Studies: (No human trials as of yet)

LGD-4033 (now known as VK-5211 as Viking Therapeutics is taking over development (LGD -> VK is a name change only) )

Potent SARM. Low side effects.
Good for lean mass gains. Suppressive but very manageable for most people. No aromatisation so low gyno risk.
Dosages Low: 1mg (study dose), Average: 4/5mg, High: 10mg (diminishing returns thereafter) ^/ ^

The only reason to choose LGD over RAD-140 is because it has gone through Phase 1 human trials, other than this Rad140 should be your first choice.

Other recommended PEDS:


a long-acting (24h half life), orally-active, and selective agonist of the ghrelin receptor and a growth hormone secretagogue, mimicking the growth hormone (GH)-stimulating action of the hormone ghrelin.

MK677 significantly increases plasma growth hormone (GH) levels in both animals and humans (80%+). In addition, also stimulates body weight gain in animals. Stimulation of ghrelin causes an increase in hunger. If you follow my program and guide this increased appetite will be beneficial,
Also improves sleep, hair and skin quality

Ultimate weight loss drug

Improves lipids, cardio increases, heart rate decreases, reduces inflammation, and improves fat oxidation. But don't listen to the idiots saying this is safe. It has been linked to cancer (at 104 week, 4x normal dose, in rats who are susceptible to cancer and were given a cancer promoting drug) However even human studies have been done and nothing was reported, and if you follow my guide it will be safe.

Blackpilled Cycle advice:


10mg Rad140 with 25mg Mk677 for 6 weeks followed by 10mg RAD, 10mg cardarine, and an appetite suppressant (optional). Get your shit from or else it has a high chance of being fake.

Reasoning for this: Rad140 for gains and minimal bloat. Mk677 for skin and hair (decreases acne and hair loss which is possible from Rad), increases growth hormone (builds new muscle cells) and also increases muscle recovery. Cardarine for weight loss and restoring lipid damage done by Rad140. An optional appetite suppressant to help with fasting.


1. Eat at 500calories above TDEE for 6 weeks. Eat high protein and high calcium for optimal bone and muscle growth.

2. Follow a Hypertrophy program. I made a program specifically for my clients like this: 8 week with 2 meso cycles. Emphasis on shoulders, traps, neck as these have the most androgen receptors, enabling crazy gains on SARMs. No need for deload. Volume and intensity is adjusted for cycle. Abs and arms are also emphasised. Usually for my clients preparing for BB shows I charge $500+ with coaching, but if you just want the program pm me and I'll give it for cheap. If not PPL programs works well also.

3. 1-2 weeks before ending cycle, cut at extreme caloric deficit (water fast even). Since Rad140 is anti-muscle wasting you will lose only fat. This is optimal as you can build muscle easy with a surplus, and quickly cut down the fat. This will give you nice veins and striations and a great dry look.

As a natty you could maybe gain 10kg of weight after a 5 month bulk, and after a long cut at a small deficit lose 5kg of fat and 2.5kg of muscle. Doing this cycle of SARMs, you can lose 5-10kg of pure fat and gain 5-10kg of lean muscle in 8 weeks.

Unlike other coaches I don't force people to bulk and become fat, and then cut it down. Even Vitruvian physique who has good looking aesthetic, looks terrible while bulking. This guy has been training smart for 12 years and still looks bad while bulking. that's why this method is perfect for those who want to gain crazy muscle and stay shredded year round.


If anyone is interested, I can write my approach to muscle building. Just comment and let me know and pm me for any questions/coaching. Hope this helps and clears some of the bullshit around sarms.
Is it worth taking just mk 677 by itself? Eat clean + lift consistently for 1 year on it, will results be noticeably better than same regimen minus the mk 677?
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Is it worth taking just mk 677 by itself? Eat clean + lift consistently for 1 year on it, will results be noticeably better than same regimen minus the mk 677?
Facial bloat is a big problem if you want to look attractive.
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Is it worth taking just mk 677 by itself? Eat clean + lift consistently for 1 year on it, will results be noticeably better than same regimen minus the mk 677?
Nah not really it barely has any anabolic effects
If u are the type of person who struggles to get their meals in then ya it’ll help cause it raises ghrelin but as far as muscle building it’s as good as creatine p much
& don’t stay on it all year round. Just use it during a bulk for 3-4 months max. It elevates prolactin & cortisol
Too pussy to inject ngl:feelsbadman:
Subcutaneous injections with an insulin needle done every day are easy. Hurts about as much as a mosquito bite. Intramuscular is more risky.
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Subcutaneous injections with an insulin needle done every day are easy. Hurts about as much as a mosquito bite. Intramuscular is more risky.
i thought you need to inject into your muscle?
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i thought you need to inject into your muscle?
No just grab a bunch of skin of your belly and inject into the fold. The amount of gear you can inject with one injection can be lower than with IM injections, so more frequent injections or more injections are necessary. Just inject every day to keep hormones balanced and minimize AI usage. You get used to it after a few injections.
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You definitely need to do a PCT after a sarms cycle especially if you are using LGD or YK-11,even Rad, since they are insanely suppressive.
Are you prone to hairloss? If you don't have balding genetics nothing will make you lose hair. Arnold blasted roids for ages and never lost a single hair follicle
Really? Then lifefuel for me because no one in my family has ever gone bald
basically all your bones except the pelvic bones. I assume the ones that would change the most are your clavicles/rib cage and facial bones.
How is tf is that possible
Yes,I wanted more people to see this thread bc a lot of people think that sarms are cope
need ur high iq opinion on this

Who puts the text in black?

Results of 8week rad cycle at 11.25mg ED
Do you think this could have been achieved in less than 6months of natty lifting?

This is not an outlier either, Check for cycle reports online; Adding 50lb to bench in 8weeks is the norm.

Idk 50 lbs in 8 weeks is doable as a natty if you’re a novice
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clearly not an ad for that company :lul::lul:
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Idk 50 lbs in 8 weeks is doable as a natty if you’re a novice
btw talking about that to a bench instead of bodyweight don't add 50 pounds to your weight in 8 weeks jfl
clearly not an ad for that company :lul::lul:
that company is known don't need an incel advertising it
the shit he said is facts but he didn't mention none of the negatives lol
that company is known don't need an incel advertising it
the shit he said is facts but he didn't mention none of the negatives lol
niggas doing everything humanly possible to avoid the injection
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Just a reminder chemyo isn't the only source now, you can buy from peptidesciences, camochem, swisschems etc too, they all are 1000% legit and some are even better than chemyo
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the sarms do work, but as someone mentioned all that shit was incorrectly labeled, so dudes were taking shit without even knowing what it actually was...don't know if anything has changed in the UGL circles. and the side effects are far worse than just taking the tried n true (test,eq,primo,tren,dbol)

common stacks
test (500mg) Eq (150+) optional 3d (tren or dbol 150+)
test (500mg) primo (300+) optional 3d (tren or dbol 100+)

run that for 3 months and you should have a descent physique with proper diet
Yk11 is different from Rad140 and LGD because it has the same chemical backbone as testosterone and DHT. Its technically also a SARM because it selectively activates the androgen receptor, but this term is applied loosely (even trenbolone is referred as a SARM in animal models)

Just by looking at how YK11 is synthesised (Combining DHT, Hydroxyflutamide, ascorbic acid, and β-glycerol phosphate) we can deduce that its a steroid and is less selective than the other true SARMS

Also its half life is 4hours which makes it tricky to dose.

If you can’t read something for 15minutes, SARMS are not for you
Sarms is cope try herion

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