(MEGA THREAD) Proof God doesn’t exist

Yeah, I made a similar reply to OP. Saying "I don't know" is not and has never been an act of weakness or a display of ineptitude. It's called intellectual honesty. Someone who admits they cannot be certain about something they have incomplete or limited knowledge of is better than someone who claims to be certain about something they have incomplete or limited knowledge of. As atheists, we are not obligated to prove the non-existence of God. Our job is to only to dispel the notions that claim to hold the knowledge of the unknown (i.e. the existence or nature of God). It's important to not talk in absolutes about the unknowable in the process of refuting the claims of those who do claim to know the unknowable. We're no different from the theists if we do that.
yeah i fully agree with u, i don't like when atheists get so caught up in this "war" that they start be similar to theists in their arrogance and over confidence thinking they know everything and know if a metaphysical entity exists or not. we do not need to explain anything because we don't claim anything we just disagree with what religions claim.
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My bad, I didn't read this entire thread before replying to you. I don't actually have any qualms with the content of your post. In fact, having confided in you about the implications of your post's title, I don't have qualms with it anymore either. If I were to make a post like this, I'd make use of inflammatory titles to garner attention too. Classic bait and switch. Admiring the effort.
Appreciate it
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Yeah but that's not my point. I'm objecting to claims that boast certitude. What you are talking about are postulations. I have no problems with that whatsoever.
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what a fucking embarrassing retard
1- strawman, never said it was created from nothing, ur saying god created i said proof u have none so stfu, idgaf abt dna or where did it come that's a whole other subject
2-damn ur dumb asf, in 1) i proved that dna is not code or info, so ur just dumb comparing something else to code, which demonstrates the level of mental gymnastics u would do to prove or god lol. and let's suppose that dna is a code and that is more complex than our code which idk wtf u mean by it but its ok, what do we conclude from this? fucking nothing u retard, :soy:"muh uh everything comple has a creator" how didu know?u don't u just needed to create a law to prove ur god, ur like lil kids playing in the play ground creating rules to win the game :lul:.
3-we don't need to answer, is it that hard to comprehend? we don't claim to know the universe and know who created it and that he has a fucking son. and there are answers which have more proof than ur god jfl but we don't need them because we don't claim nothing, I'd rather not know the answer than believe a fucking fairy taile. btw basic knowledge in logical fallacies would save u so much time and embarrassment, this argument from ignorance fallacy.
4-all u said is very dumb and is what i expected from a retard that learns abt islam from david wood💀 and u said is just bullshit that can be said abt Christianity too and how it stole myths from older civilizations,and muslims can turn it into a strong point and say it's because Christianity is just corrupted islam and it's allah that told jesus thoose stories ans told them again to muhammad and the other things are just claims with no proof pull out sum proof that islam is false, i bet ur so fucking retarded that u can't even proove islam is a lie, u think it's a lie because u were born on an even dumber lie.

i ain't here to listen to ur fairy tailes do u have proof that ur GOD that u worship exist or nah? because u isn't a deist so prove ur god and stop with the bs
1.) So you use ad hominem every other sentence then cry about a strawman (it's not). That's fairly hypocritical buddy.
It's not a strawman because I said you either believe our reality is created from something, nothing or you don't believe anything/apathetic. There's no other option so that's impossible for my statement to be a strawman as you falsely claim. Try again.
You not caring about DNA is irrelevant. Prove to me it can be created by anything but a creator. If you can't then you have insufficient evidence to disprove a creator of our reality.

2.) You proved anything except your lack of understanding and ignorance. It's called a DNA code for a reason, and it even looks like DNA information or coded information. A chromosome is a long computer tape, it's linear and runs one dimensional digital code. It's not binary it's quaternary but other than that it's basically the same. It's read in sequence and copied and pasted from one part of an organism in just the same damn way as a computer programmer would copy and paste. Overall the computer programs sequences of 1's and 0's instruct the computer what to do. This is the same way the long code in the nucleus of all the cells in the body aka DNA.

Example, if you see the message on the sand saying Michael is my best friend. What is the possibility that it was just randomly formed by the waves? There's a 0% chance, and you would conclude it comes from a conscious mind. Information comes from intelligence.
One can think of DNA as an instructional script or software program in the nucleus in the cell. If you look at the complexity of the code in the DNA it will blow your mind. The letters of the programming language written in the DNA are A T G and C. Similar to 1's and 0's of computer programs. The computer will do is decided by the program placed inside some memory that could be 100's to thousands of letters long. Whole functions of the body are decided by the DNA code having it's copy placed in each cell of the human body. The code is roughly 3 billion letters long. It's instructions are written by various sequences and arrangements of the full letters A T G and C. A unique combination instructs the cell how to carry out extremely complicated body functions. These chemicals are represenative of the chemicals Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine.

Therefore, if such a simple message on the beach cannot be written on the beach (or any other similar example) or randomly by sea waves but instead requires an intelligent mind conveying a piece of information, how is it possible to neglect an infinitely intelligent superintelligence who has written the long, dense and complex code of 3 billion code in each cell. Who placed that code their? Is ita random chance from nothing? Do you even understand how complex the DNA code is? Everything that makes up you is the product of your DNA( height, weight, brain, chemical reactions, organs, etc etc). The code is transferred to the next generations. This is qhy the child has many characteristics of his/her parents and share 99.5% of the DNA with their parents.

The code also has instructions for auto repairing itself. The 3 billion code is copied to new cells before the cell dies so the information isn't lost. All these functions are performed at high speeds without you noticing. The code is so long that it would take 50 years to type the human genome if they did it continuously for 8 hours a day. Not only that the code has to instruct the cell complete highly complex tasks. It's obvious this coding program is beyond the capability of the human mind. No program has ever been qritten by chance. If you did any programming at all you would understand the time, intelligence, concentration, creativity, and pain it takes to qrite a simple code of jus ta few hundred words if you want to get a task by instructing a machine. Can that computer program be written magically by chance? NO.

HOW can anyone think this 3 billion long code that's unbelievably complex and the densest storage of information in the universe can be written without any super intelligence behind it? Who is the programmer? That has to be nobody but God or YAH himself. This is the absolute proof of YAH in every cell in our body. Any claim to the contrary is pure delusion, ignorance, or blind faith in nothing, brainwashed or apathy.

3.) So you admit you're ignorant and I agree. Now that I've enlightened you, ignorance is no excuse. You saying you do not care about these things yet being so adamant that there is no creator is quite hilarious. I can see why the archaic satanic death cult turned you to atheism as that's normal. Eventually you'll have to wake up from your coma and realize the truth or it'll be too late. I did my part so the rest is up to you. I gave you the answers to the test but I can't take the test for you. You could at least say thank you.

4.) So you're still holding onto your Muslim beliefs. I have no idea who David Wood is. I just know most Muslims do not read their Quran and when you read it back to them they make up excuses, walk away, or lie. They can't defend their false satanic religion so they attack Christianity but just parrot other ignorant Muslims over and over until they've been beaten down and either converted or go into hiding and give up.

TF are you smoking? Christianity existed before Islam and never stole from Islam or any of the false man made religions. You have no evidence of this and are simply making up things again. Again, Muhammad had 0 miracles and 0 fulfilled prophecies, sins 70 times a day, duped by a demon about his vision of this entire made up religion, etc. All in the Quaran. Muslims recognize the prophets of the Hebreq bible (mainly the OT) yet it contradicts the Quaran and even contradicts Muhammad's very existence as a prophet since

Prove my god to you. I don't have to do anything as the proof is in the pudding it's in the DNA the very fabric of your existence and you said you clearly don't care so I'm done with you and the ball is your court lil buddy. Not only that, the mark Of YAH or YHWH is actually in your DNA in every cell of your body. So you have the coding that programs you that was created by the unmovable mover, or GOD or YAH and within that very DNA in every cell is the mark of his name and you still have the audacity to deny this based off ignorance and apathy.

Game Over and you're welcome
LMAOOO I laughed so hard at “and that he has a fucking son” 🤣🤣🤣 you kill me man in a good way. This guy is literally just repeating the same bullshit they like to throw at us: Muh you guys believe nothing created something

@King Solomon STOP spewing the same garbage about nothing creating something who tf even brought that up. It’s not just about fucking nothing and god that’s a logical fallacy which I know you presented on purpose. Dumb ass user
Yawn, I've already debunked your feeble attempt. I asked for you to convince me of your alternative belief yet you've failed and provided me nothing. I'm ready and open to change my mind but for some reason you refuse share this view point. Let me know when you've fully created a theory. If you don't have one then delete this embarrassment of a thread and a joke of an account.

Dumbass is one word.
1.) So you use ad hominem every other sentence then cry about a strawman (it's not). That's fairly hypocritical buddy.
It's not a strawman because I said you either believe our reality is created from something, nothing or you don't believe anything/apathetic. There's no other option so that's impossible for my statement to be a strawman as you falsely claim. Try again.
You not caring about DNA is irrelevant. Prove to me it can be created by anything but a creator. If you can't then you have insufficient evidence to disprove a creator of our reality.

2.) You proved anything except your lack of understanding and ignorance. It's called a DNA code for a reason, and it even looks like DNA information or coded information. A chromosome is a long computer tape, it's linear and runs one dimensional digital code. It's not binary it's quaternary but other than that it's basically the same. It's read in sequence and copied and pasted from one part of an organism in just the same damn way as a computer programmer would copy and paste. Overall the computer programs sequences of 1's and 0's instruct the computer what to do. This is the same way the long code in the nucleus of all the cells in the body aka DNA.

Example, if you see the message on the sand saying Michael is my best friend. What is the possibility that it was just randomly formed by the waves? There's a 0% chance, and you would conclude it comes from a conscious mind. Information comes from intelligence.
One can think of DNA as an instructional script or software program in the nucleus in the cell. If you look at the complexity of the code in the DNA it will blow your mind. The letters of the programming language written in the DNA are A T G and C. Similar to 1's and 0's of computer programs. The computer will do is decided by the program placed inside some memory that could be 100's to thousands of letters long. Whole functions of the body are decided by the DNA code having it's copy placed in each cell of the human body. The code is roughly 3 billion letters long. It's instructions are written by various sequences and arrangements of the full letters A T G and C. A unique combination instructs the cell how to carry out extremely complicated body functions. These chemicals are represenative of the chemicals Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine.

Therefore, if such a simple message on the beach cannot be written on the beach (or any other similar example) or randomly by sea waves but instead requires an intelligent mind conveying a piece of information, how is it possible to neglect an infinitely intelligent superintelligence who has written the long, dense and complex code of 3 billion code in each cell. Who placed that code their? Is ita random chance from nothing? Do you even understand how complex the DNA code is? Everything that makes up you is the product of your DNA( height, weight, brain, chemical reactions, organs, etc etc). The code is transferred to the next generations. This is qhy the child has many characteristics of his/her parents and share 99.5% of the DNA with their parents.

The code also has instructions for auto repairing itself. The 3 billion code is copied to new cells before the cell dies so the information isn't lost. All these functions are performed at high speeds without you noticing. The code is so long that it would take 50 years to type the human genome if they did it continuously for 8 hours a day. Not only that the code has to instruct the cell complete highly complex tasks. It's obvious this coding program is beyond the capability of the human mind. No program has ever been qritten by chance. If you did any programming at all you would understand the time, intelligence, concentration, creativity, and pain it takes to qrite a simple code of jus ta few hundred words if you want to get a task by instructing a machine. Can that computer program be written magically by chance? NO.

HOW can anyone think this 3 billion long code that's unbelievably complex and the densest storage of information in the universe can be written without any super intelligence behind it? Who is the programmer? That has to be nobody but God or YAH himself. This is the absolute proof of YAH in every cell in our body. Any claim to the contrary is pure delusion, ignorance, or blind faith in nothing, brainwashed or apathy.

3.) So you admit you're ignorant and I agree. Now that I've enlightened you, ignorance is no excuse. You saying you do not care about these things yet being so adamant that there is no creator is quite hilarious. I can see why the archaic satanic death cult turned you to atheism as that's normal. Eventually you'll have to wake up from your coma and realize the truth or it'll be too late. I did my part so the rest is up to you. I gave you the answers to the test but I can't take the test for you. You could at least say thank you.

4.) So you're still holding onto your Muslim beliefs. I have no idea who David Wood is. I just know most Muslims do not read their Quran and when you read it back to them they make up excuses, walk away, or lie. They can't defend their false satanic religion so they attack Christianity but just parrot other ignorant Muslims over and over until they've been beaten down and either converted or go into hiding and give up.

TF are you smoking? Christianity existed before Islam and never stole from Islam or any of the false man made religions. You have no evidence of this and are simply making up things again. Again, Muhammad had 0 miracles and 0 fulfilled prophecies, sins 70 times a day, duped by a demon about his vision of this entire made up religion, etc. All in the Quaran. Muslims recognize the prophets of the Hebreq bible (mainly the OT) yet it contradicts the Quaran and even contradicts Muhammad's very existence as a prophet since

Prove my god to you. I don't have to do anything as the proof is in the pudding it's in the DNA the very fabric of your existence and you said you clearly don't care so I'm done with you and the ball is your court lil buddy. Not only that, the mark Of YAH or YHWH is actually in your DNA in every cell of your body. So you have the coding that programs you that was created by the unmovable mover, or GOD or YAH and within that very DNA in every cell is the mark of his name and you still have the audacity to deny this based off ignorance and apathy.

Game Over and you're welcome
Stop setting up stupid false dichotomy and parroting the same garbage over and over again which has been debunked 100 times. The fact you keep doing this and thinking it’s doing you any favours is making you look like a buffoon. It’s obviously what u are trying to do and no one is being fooled by it.
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Yawn, I've already debunked your feeble attempt. I asked for you to convince me of your alternative belief yet you've failed and provided me nothing. I'm ready and open to change my mind but for some reason you refuse share this view point. Let me know when you've fully created a theory. If you don't have one then delete this embarrassment of a thread and a joke of an account.

Dumbass is one word.
Ur funny. I said ur debunking attempt was terrivle which it is, not sure what more you want
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Stop setting up stupid false dichotomy and parroting the same garbage over and over again which has been debunked 100 times. The fact you keep doing this and thinking it’s doing you any favours is making you look like a buffoon. It’s obviously what u are trying to do and no one is being fooled by it.
Just saying you debunked something doesn't make it true. This has never been debunked. Please show me where it's been debunked.

Again, show me DNA or code being created from nothing. I know you do not believe in the nothing but if there is no creator or unmovable mover, to create the code/DNA then. There either is a creator or there's not or you don't care. There is no alternative. Sorry to burst your little bubble.

I'm not trying to do anything but present you with the facts and you're getting angry because you cannot show that code or DNA can come from nothing or random accidents as it needs a creator or a programmer. If you can show me this then I'll change my mind and say ok the randomness and nothingness is GOD now. lmao

Also, I'm still waiting for your alternative option. Are you ashamed of your beliefs? Don't be shy lil buddy.

Yawn, next please
Ur funny. I said ur debunking attempt was terrivle which it is, not sure what more you want
Still waiting for your alternative option to God so I can convert to your belief system. Come on bro you almost have me convinced. I mean that evil thing really had me going for a second and then I remembered about that thing called free will. Oh and no evidence because DNA doesn't count and I'll just pretend it doesn't exist and I don't care about Nothing being the alternative to something bro. Oh and quantum physics and the soul's proven existence along with energy can't be created or destroyed is irrelevant bro.

Come on post your beliefs and stop being a little bitch.
1.) So you use ad hominem every other sentence then cry about a strawman (it's not). That's fairly hypocritical buddy.
It's not a strawman because I said you either believe our reality is created from something, nothing or you don't believe anything/apathetic. There's no other option so that's impossible for my statement to be a strawman as you falsely claim. Try again.
You not caring about DNA is irrelevant. Prove to me it can be created by anything but a creator. If you can't then you have insufficient evidence to disprove a creator of our reality.

2.) You proved anything except your lack of understanding and ignorance. It's called a DNA code for a reason, and it even looks like DNA information or coded information. A chromosome is a long computer tape, it's linear and runs one dimensional digital code. It's not binary it's quaternary but other than that it's basically the same. It's read in sequence and copied and pasted from one part of an organism in just the same damn way as a computer programmer would copy and paste. Overall the computer programs sequences of 1's and 0's instruct the computer what to do. This is the same way the long code in the nucleus of all the cells in the body aka DNA.

Example, if you see the message on the sand saying Michael is my best friend. What is the possibility that it was just randomly formed by the waves? There's a 0% chance, and you would conclude it comes from a conscious mind. Information comes from intelligence.
One can think of DNA as an instructional script or software program in the nucleus in the cell. If you look at the complexity of the code in the DNA it will blow your mind. The letters of the programming language written in the DNA are A T G and C. Similar to 1's and 0's of computer programs. The computer will do is decided by the program placed inside some memory that could be 100's to thousands of letters long. Whole functions of the body are decided by the DNA code having it's copy placed in each cell of the human body. The code is roughly 3 billion letters long. It's instructions are written by various sequences and arrangements of the full letters A T G and C. A unique combination instructs the cell how to carry out extremely complicated body functions. These chemicals are represenative of the chemicals Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine.

Therefore, if such a simple message on the beach cannot be written on the beach (or any other similar example) or randomly by sea waves but instead requires an intelligent mind conveying a piece of information, how is it possible to neglect an infinitely intelligent superintelligence who has written the long, dense and complex code of 3 billion code in each cell. Who placed that code their? Is ita random chance from nothing? Do you even understand how complex the DNA code is? Everything that makes up you is the product of your DNA( height, weight, brain, chemical reactions, organs, etc etc). The code is transferred to the next generations. This is qhy the child has many characteristics of his/her parents and share 99.5% of the DNA with their parents.

The code also has instructions for auto repairing itself. The 3 billion code is copied to new cells before the cell dies so the information isn't lost. All these functions are performed at high speeds without you noticing. The code is so long that it would take 50 years to type the human genome if they did it continuously for 8 hours a day. Not only that the code has to instruct the cell complete highly complex tasks. It's obvious this coding program is beyond the capability of the human mind. No program has ever been qritten by chance. If you did any programming at all you would understand the time, intelligence, concentration, creativity, and pain it takes to qrite a simple code of jus ta few hundred words if you want to get a task by instructing a machine. Can that computer program be written magically by chance? NO.

HOW can anyone think this 3 billion long code that's unbelievably complex and the densest storage of information in the universe can be written without any super intelligence behind it? Who is the programmer? That has to be nobody but God or YAH himself. This is the absolute proof of YAH in every cell in our body. Any claim to the contrary is pure delusion, ignorance, or blind faith in nothing, brainwashed or apathy.

3.) So you admit you're ignorant and I agree. Now that I've enlightened you, ignorance is no excuse. You saying you do not care about these things yet being so adamant that there is no creator is quite hilarious. I can see why the archaic satanic death cult turned you to atheism as that's normal. Eventually you'll have to wake up from your coma and realize the truth or it'll be too late. I did my part so the rest is up to you. I gave you the answers to the test but I can't take the test for you. You could at least say thank you.

4.) So you're still holding onto your Muslim beliefs. I have no idea who David Wood is. I just know most Muslims do not read their Quran and when you read it back to them they make up excuses, walk away, or lie. They can't defend their false satanic religion so they attack Christianity but just parrot other ignorant Muslims over and over until they've been beaten down and either converted or go into hiding and give up.

TF are you smoking? Christianity existed before Islam and never stole from Islam or any of the false man made religions. You have no evidence of this and are simply making up things again. Again, Muhammad had 0 miracles and 0 fulfilled prophecies, sins 70 times a day, duped by a demon about his vision of this entire made up religion, etc. All in the Quaran. Muslims recognize the prophets of the Hebreq bible (mainly the OT) yet it contradicts the Quaran and even contradicts Muhammad's very existence as a prophet since

Prove my god to you. I don't have to do anything as the proof is in the pudding it's in the DNA the very fabric of your existence and you said you clearly don't care so I'm done with you and the ball is your court lil buddy. Not only that, the mark Of YAH or YHWH is actually in your DNA in every cell of your body. So you have the coding that programs you that was created by the unmovable mover, or GOD or YAH and within that very DNA in every cell is the mark of his name and you still have the audacity to deny this based off ignorance and apathy.

Game Over and you're welcome
1-it is a strawman, then when u added the either or either that it became a black and white fallacy, i don't need to believe the universe is created from the start lol, u need to prove that it is created then we will discuss where did it come from.
and yes i don't need to explain nothing u clearly lack basic logic, the one who claims is the who proves, i didn't claim nothing u claimed so u prove, is it this hard to understand, but I'll give u an exemple so ur dumb ass can understand, we are both walking in the forest, we see a dead body, i tell you that person was killed by an alien nigger, u say prove it i don't believe u, and i say do u got a another explanation?? so instead of proving my claim I'll just keep trying to disprove ur other explanations when u don't even have to give one.
2-what a fucking dumb false analogy, dna is not a language it can be converted to be read as language which u can do with everything, ur whole argument is based on the god of the gaps and argument from ignorance, and I've already debunked ur claim that dna is a language because it's not and i gave the exemple of atoms, for exemple the gold atom is made by electrons protons and neutrons, and just by the number of these we get complex attributes for this atom like it's color, density,melting point,how it reflect light ect... if we change one electron and one neutron everything will change and it will turn to another element, and if was as retarded as u i would've said :soy:muh uh it's information by an intelligent creator, it's not information we just understand it as such because it gives attributes to matter. andif u actually knew what ur talking abt u would know that dna has nothing to do with intelligent code and if someone actually coded it he is a fucking retard:lul: because we apes learned how to code better than that shit, because dna is so fucking screwy and repetitive and have useless parts ect..That is how “biological” DNA code looks. There’s a lot of redundant code that doesn’t do anything at all, and the rest of it is very convoluted too. Often a single chunk of code accomplishes two or more things, or a minor change switches it between completely different functions. It seems to “work” in spite of itself rather than by intention. The quality of coding is really that different. There’s a very obvious difference between coding created by intent and coding created by selection on random changes. It’s really quite remarkable.
answered ur dumb argument in tree ways, hope u understand and stfu next.
and u fucking retard this argument can be used by everyone which doesn't prove ur religion and if it was true which i proved it isn't, would only prove an intelligent entity that's it we know nothing abt it's attributes or anything, why are u so ashamed from ur religion u need to play as a deist??
3- ur a fucking retard :lul: I'm just loosing my time with u, are u this dumb basic logic??? u having fairy tailes as answers isn't making u better u just sound retarded, i admit that i don't know which isn't a weakness but intellectual honesty, but u, u work on ur ego and u can't admit that u don't know and would lie to urself to not face the truth that u don't know, I've never said that there's no creator because I'm not as retarded as u , because both people that have certainty abt the existence or non existence of a higher being are fucking retarded and arrogant, i do not believe in the gods of religions, and ur the one claiming god exist and u say u have proof which i proved that it is bs.
4- I've never in my entire life seen a Christian priest or apologist win over a knowledgeable muslim ,never, both are retarded but Christians are on a whole other level ur bitch asses always get flammed in every debate, from muslims from atheists..... ur religion is so shit that u got ashamed from it and needed to reform, atleast muslims are still trying to keep their religion unchanged but u Christian cucks open ur asshole to the gays and shit:lul:
ur just claiming things abt islam that are all false and are not in islamic texts lol ur so fucking dumb that u got me defending islam, and all the myths in Christianity are stolen from other civilizations like the story of adam and eve which is a fucking myth proven by dna that used to prove ur god, or ur one of those cucks that say that story is just metaphorical :lul:, and story of abraham and a lot of stories.
ur just a pussy ass vomiting bs give me one scientific source that proves ur bs :lul: nigga said yahwe in our dna , this bs lie had been debunked since the dawn of man lol, and u just proved me that u get ur knowledge ron fucking youtube Christian channels lmao.
i said idc because i don't need to explain anything if god want me to worship him then where tf is the proof ?? there's none as i debunked ur best try at giving proof. get ur dumb shit to sum Christian forum and have mental jerk circles there, no one's buying in ur bs.
:lul::lul::lul: ain't no fucking way, u fucking changed my mind Christians are way way dumber than i thought.
1-dna is not a code u ignorant lil fuck, it's not information by the common meaning, it's like the way atoms arange, is 2 oxygen bonding fucking information? no but it contains the attributes of dioxygen; colour,freezing point,boilling point ....... it's the same thing with dna u can't say it's information that's just a loaded term theists love to use
2- complex doesn't mean it's a creation u have 0 proof for that only things we notice, we see a car so we think it has someone who made it, so we think everything needs someone to make it which is a false conclusion .
3- ur just dumb and love lying to urself, u've said this"something coming from nothing" 100 of times and every time u get answered but u still say it, no one fucking believes something came from nothing
4- I'm an ex-Muslim and i can confidently say that islam is way way way more logic and has lessdumb things than Christianity, even tho islam is dumb asf but truth has to be said, it learned from the mistakes of Christianity and made itself better. nigga imagine believing the creator of the universe is a fucking god that created his son which is him but not technically him to kill him to forgive mankind for their sins, godamn what retarded story:lul:

Rot in hell, ya kelb.
Just saying you debunked something doesn't make it true. This has never been debunked. Please show me where it's been debunked.

Again, show me DNA or code being created from nothing. I know you do not believe in the nothing but if there is no creator or unmovable mover, to create the code/DNA then. There either is a creator or there's not or you don't care. There is no alternative. Sorry to burst your little bubble.

I'm not trying to do anything but present you with the facts and you're getting angry because you cannot show that code or DNA can come from nothing or random accidents as it needs a creator or a programmer. If you can show me this then I'll change my mind and say ok the randomness and nothingness is GOD now. lmao

Also, I'm still waiting for your alternative option. Are you ashamed of your beliefs? Don't be shy lil buddy.

Yawn, next please
Ok I’ll outline for you. I don’t believe this to be true but it is possible for something to come from nothing. Just like quantum particles pop out from nothing. If you’re talking about an absolute nothing then yes that is also possible for something to come out of. Again I don’t believe this SO DONT USE THIS AS AN ATTEMPT TO TRY AND SAY I HOLD THIS VIEW NIGGA.

ALSO NIGGA UR TRYING TO PROVE THE QUANTUM GOD WHICH YOU CLEARLY DONT BELIEVE IN BCUZ YOU ARE A FILTHY JEW SO YOU BELIEVE IN THE JEWISH GOD. I have to caps lock because ur so brain dead it’s the only way ur gonna understand my point
Still waiting for your alternative option to God so I can convert to your belief system. Come on bro you almost have me convinced. I mean that evil thing really had me going for a second and then I remembered about that thing called free will. Oh and no evidence because DNA doesn't count and I'll just pretend it doesn't exist and I don't care about Nothing being the alternative to something bro. Oh and quantum physics and the soul's proven existence along with energy can't be created or destroyed is irrelevant bro.

Come on post your beliefs and stop being a little bitch.
I literally addressed the free will argument I mY OG thread it’s not my fault ur too dumb to understand
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Still waiting for your alternative option to God so I can convert to your belief system. Come on bro you almost have me convinced. I mean that evil thing really had me going for a second and then I remembered about that thing called free will. Oh and no evidence because DNA doesn't count and I'll just pretend it doesn't exist and I don't care about Nothing being the alternative to something bro. Oh and quantum physics and the soul's proven existence along with energy can't be created or destroyed is irrelevant bro.

Come on post your beliefs and stop being a little bitch.
You clearly don’t even understand what atheism is and anyone with a brain can see that
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1-it is a strawman, then when u added the either or either that it became a black and white fallacy, i don't need to believe the universe is created from the start lol, u need to prove that it is created then we will discuss where did it come from.
and yes i don't need to explain nothing u clearly lack basic logic, the one who claims is the who proves, i didn't claim nothing u claimed so u prove, is it this hard to understand, but I'll give u an exemple so ur dumb ass can understand, we are both walking in the forest, we see a dead body, i tell you that person was killed by an alien nigger, u say prove it i don't believe u, and i say do u got a another explanation?? so instead of proving my claim I'll just keep trying to disprove ur other explanations when u don't even have to give one.
2-what a fucking dumb false analogy, dna is not a language it can be converted to be read as language which u can do with everything, ur whole argument is based on the god of the gaps and argument from ignorance, and I've already debunked ur claim that dna is a language because it's not and i gave the exemple of atoms, for exemple the gold atom is made by electrons protons and neutrons, and just by the number of these we get complex attributes for this atom like it's color, density,melting point,how it reflect light ect... if we change one electron and one neutron everything will change and it will turn to another element, and if was as retarded as u i would've said :soy:muh uh it's information by an intelligent creator, it's not information we just understand it as such because it gives attributes to matter. andif u actually knew what ur talking abt u would know that dna has nothing to do with intelligent code and if someone actually coded it he is a fucking retard:lul: because we apes learned how to code better than that shit, because dna is so fucking screwy and repetitive and have useless parts ect..That is how “biological” DNA code looks. There’s a lot of redundant code that doesn’t do anything at all, and the rest of it is very convoluted too. Often a single chunk of code accomplishes two or more things, or a minor change switches it between completely different functions. It seems to “work” in spite of itself rather than by intention. The quality of coding is really that different. There’s a very obvious difference between coding created by intent and coding created by selection on random changes. It’s really quite remarkable.
answered ur dumb argument in tree ways, hope u understand and stfu next.
and u fucking retard this argument can be used by everyone which doesn't prove ur religion and if it was true which i proved it isn't, would only prove an intelligent entity that's it we know nothing abt it's attributes or anything, why are u so ashamed from ur religion u need to play as a deist??
3- ur a fucking retard :lul: I'm just loosing my time with u, are u this dumb basic logic??? u having fairy tailes as answers isn't making u better u just sound retarded, i admit that i don't know which isn't a weakness but intellectual honesty, but u, u work on ur ego and u can't admit that u don't know and would lie to urself to not face the truth that u don't know, I've never said that there's no creator because I'm not as retarded as u , because both people that have certainty abt the existence or non existence of a higher being are fucking retarded and arrogant, i do not believe in the gods of religions, and ur the one claiming god exist and u say u have proof which i proved that it is bs.
4- I've never in my entire life seen a Christian priest or apologist win over a knowledgeable muslim ,never, both are retarded but Christians are on a whole other level ur bitch asses always get flammed in every debate, from muslims from atheists..... ur religion is so shit that u got ashamed from it and needed to reform, atleast muslims are still trying to keep their religion unchanged but u Christian cucks open ur asshole to the gays and shit:lul:
ur just claiming things abt islam that are all false and are not in islamic texts lol ur so fucking dumb that u got me defending islam, and all the myths in Christianity are stolen from other civilizations like the story of adam and eve which is a fucking myth proven by dna that used to prove ur god, or ur one of those cucks that say that story is just metaphorical :lul:, and story of abraham and a lot of stories.
ur just a pussy ass vomiting bs give me one scientific source that proves ur bs :lul: nigga said yahwe in our dna , this bs lie had been debunked since the dawn of man lol, and u just proved me that u get ur knowledge ron fucking youtube Christian channels lmao.
i said idc because i don't need to explain anything if god want me to worship him then where tf is the proof ?? there's none as i debunked ur best try at giving proof. get ur dumb shit to sum Christian forum and have mental jerk circles there, no one's buying in ur bs.
Bro why ru so funny u just make me laugh
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Bro why ru so funny u just make me laugh
these niggas are so fucking retarded i can't take it anymore, fucking shit i'll proly stop arguing with these retards im just loosing my time
  • +1
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these niggas are so fucking retarded i can't take it anymore, fucking shit i'll proly stop arguing with these retards im just loosing my time
Same lol this one kid we’re arguing with rn is doing my head in
  • +1
Reactions: ggg.tv🤫 and Darktriad16
Same lol this one kid we’re arguing with rn is doing my head in
ain't their fault, being indocrinating from the day u were born is really hard to escape
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Reactions: RecessedChinCel and thebuffdon690
ain't their fault, being indocrinating from the day u were born is really hard to escape
He has an agenda he’s doing the thing where u try to prove god with super complex quantum argument known as digital physics. And it’s obviously not the same god as his Jewish god. Can instantly tell off the bat he isn’t arguing out of good faith. And he knows this that’s why he’s not addressing it.
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He has an agenda he’s doing the thing where u try to prove god with super complex quantum argument known as digital physics. And it’s obviously not the same god as his Jewish god. Can instantly tell off the bat he isn’t arguing out of good faith. And he knows this that’s why he’s not addressing it.
all theists do this, they wear the deist mask instead of proving the god they worship
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Still waiting for your alternative option to God so I can convert to your belief system. Come on bro you almost have me convinced. I mean that evil thing really had me going for a second and then I remembered about that thing called free will. Oh and no evidence because DNA doesn't count and I'll just pretend it doesn't exist and I don't care about Nothing being the alternative to something bro. Oh and quantum physics and the soul's proven existence along with energy can't be created or destroyed is irrelevant bro.

Come on post your beliefs and stop being a little bitch.
what happened lol u stopped commenting. Too scared ?
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what happened lol u stopped commenting. Too scared ?
I gifted you with everything you need to change your mind. You said you have an open mind so I gave you the facts, I brought the stats and you just wanted to argue which tells me all I need to know as you're just trolling and have no beliefs of your own just ruffling feathers for attention. Therefore, you're a complete waste of time at this point.
I gifted you with everything you need to change your mind. You said you have an open mind so I gave you the facts, I brought the stats and you just wanted to argue which tells me all I need to know as you're just trolling and have no beliefs of your own just ruffling feathers for attention. Therefore, you're a complete waste of time at this point.
Yeh that’s what we think about you. You didn’t even respond to @Darktriad16 post because you’re obviously aware he will destroy you, but I’d like to see you try lmao and fail hard
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Yeh that’s what we think about you. You didn’t even respond to @Darktriad16 post because you’re obviously aware he will destroy you, but I’d like to see you try lmao and fail hard
It doesn't matter qhat you think as I could care less and have no idea who that is. I have a life to live and you should try it some day.
Ok I’ll outline for you. I don’t believe this to be true but it is possible for something to come from nothing. Just like quantum particles pop out from nothing. If you’re talking about an absolute nothing then yes that is also possible for something to come out of. Again I don’t believe this SO DONT USE THIS AS AN ATTEMPT TO TRY AND SAY I HOLD THIS VIEW NIGGA.

ALSO NIGGA UR TRYING TO PROVE THE QUANTUM GOD WHICH YOU CLEARLY DONT BELIEVE IN BCUZ YOU ARE A FILTHY JEW SO YOU BELIEVE IN THE JEWISH GOD. I have to caps lock because ur so brain dead it’s the only way ur gonna understand my point
@King Solomon i literally replied to you with the so called evidence you wanted and you just ignored it, so obviously scared lmao it’s laughable 😂 I said I do believe something can come from nothing but that’s not the view I hold.

Should try harder next time
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Yeh that’s what we think about you. You didn’t even respond to @Darktriad16 post because you’re obviously aware he will destroy you, but I’d like to see you try lmao and fail hard
he's just a retard don't loose ur time with him, didn't even respond and is now talking shit
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he's just a retard don't loose ur time with him, didn't even respond and is now talking shit
I literally responded to him with evidence and my claim after he asked and he just ignored it lmao. Stupid ass time waster
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Reactions: moreroidsmoredates, ggg.tv🤫 and Darktriad16
@King Solomon i literally replied to you with the so called evidence you wanted and you just ignored it, so obviously scared lmao it’s laughable 😂 I said I do believe something can come from nothing but that’s not the view I hold.

Should try harder next time
Nope, I just couldn't care less. I have bigger fish to fry than your sweet and sorry chicken ass. Buh Bye
DNR + Christ is King
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Nope, I just couldn't care less. I have bigger fish to fry than your sweet and sorry chicken ass. Buh Bye
U don’t have shit to try except ur dopamine receptors with the amount of people who are gonna clown u on this forum. And u obviously won’t reply because ur scared no other reason. I presented u with the argument so address it lmao. Scared ass bitch
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human worshipper + polytheist:lul:

keep coping low iq retard :lul:
This dude can't comprehend the bible as displayed in his first comment. Then proceeds to call me a low IQ retard.

He just earned the Dunning-Kruger effect award of the year.
@King Solomon address his post if you have the balls or intellect, which you don’t
I dnr his response as I have no reason to respond to him as it's a waste of time attempting to persuade a brain washed buffoon. If he comes back to me later and is willing to learn from the master then I'll consider enlightening him further.
This dude can't comprehend the bible as displayed in his first comment. Then proceeds to call me a low IQ retard.

He just earned the Dunning-Kruger effect award of the year.

I dnr his response as I have no reason to respond to him as it's a waste of time attempting to persuade a brain washed buffoon. If he comes back to me later and is willing to learn from the master then I'll consider enlightening him further.
I’m willing to learn that’s why I responded in the first place dumbass. And JFL at calling urself the master. You have only proven that ur the master at dodging and straw manning. Address both of our arguments stop calling ursrlf dumb ass master
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I’m willing to learn that’s why I responded in the first place dumbass. And JFL at calling urself the master. You have only proven that ur the master at dodging and straw manning. Address both of our arguments stop calling ursrlf dumb ass master
He’s a retarded schizo. I debunked his argument on the flat earth and he just ignored me too.
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He’s a retarded schizo. I debunked his argument on the flat earth and he just ignored me too.
No way this dude is a flat earther lmao. Really taking those bible apologetics to the next level Lmao
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  • JFL
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Will read tomorrow after waking up, the mechanical God thing sounds interesting, i think im a perennialist in nature but quite agnostic on the certainty of my beliefs
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Will read tomorrow after waking up, the mechanical God thing sounds interesting, i think im a perennialist in nature but quite agnostic on the certainty of my beliefs
Of course, feel free to share your thoughts after. I wasn’t aware of perennialism actually I’ll probably give that some thought
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He’s a retarded schizo. I debunked his argument on the flat earth and he just ignored me too.
ain't no fucking way this retard is a flat earther :lul:.
a flat earther but also using dna to prove his god, just shows the hypocrisy they would indulge in to just defend their religion
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