What is the ROI of gear? - Not Worth Unless.......

Literally awful. Ive spent more time on forums than most ppl and seen the anecdotes from Sarmcels, literally experienced it myself. And carv thinks im just making it up and SARMs are the holy grail

If im saying something is a bad idea with my low inhibition, its probably bad

Test is best
Never said sarms are holy grail just better for small boost
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
You took Rad140 wrong like a retard at 15 u ruined ur body
Jfl which is why im in a better place to talk about why sarms are shit than you copy and pasting something from chatgpt
  • JFL
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So u wanna take the risk need Cialis and Viagra to get hard in ur 20s LMAOOOOO

15 percent is basically 1 in 6.67.

Imagine getting steroids when u can train natty and keep ur dick working
Its not 15% for pfs its 15% for temporary ed,
5D2E1D41 07CC 49BB AC5A 3D089322C34F

Thats permanent 1/100
I can show many sources give me proof ?
Theres no sources for that keeping gains post cycle is an extremely well known thing, it just depends on your pct and how hard you train post cycle
Literally awful. Ive spent more time on forums than most ppl and seen the anecdotes from Sarmcels, literally experienced it myself. And carv thinks im just making it up and SARMs are the holy grail

If im saying something is a bad idea with my low inhibition, its probably bad

Test is best
Let's analyze everything you did wrong + if you spent time on forums u wouldn't have done this horrible dose and fuck ur body up:
-my cycle was 30MG daily of RAD140
-25MG daily of MK677

You didn't even take a PCT so ur larping about being on forums cause they would tell do that shit cycle

"20mg per day, doses higher than this are generally not recommended due to the increased risk of side effects without necessarily providing significantly greater benefits."

A dose of 25mg daily of MK-677 is relatively high compared to typical dosages used in clinical trials or recommended by experts. Such high doses can significantly increase the risk of adverse effects, including:
  1. Increased Appetite: One of the most common side effects of MK-677 is increased appetite, which can lead to weight gain and potentially negate any benefits related to fat loss.
  2. Water Retention: Some users experience water retention and bloating, which can be uncomfortable and may affect muscle definition.
  3. Insulin Sensitivity: MK-677 may affect insulin sensitivity in some individuals, potentially leading to elevated blood sugar levels or worsening of conditions like diabetes.
  4. Joint Pain: Joint pain is reported by some users as a side effect of MK-677, although the mechanism behind this is not fully understood.
  5. Hormonal Changes: MK-677 can affect other hormones besides growth hormone, potentially leading to imbalances or unwanted side effects such as changes in cortisol levels.
  6. Sleep Disturbances: While MK-677 is often reported to improve sleep quality, some individuals may experience disturbances such as vivid dreams or difficulty falling asleep.
  7. Long-Term Effects: The long-term safety of MK-677, especially at higher doses, is not well-studied, so the potential risks over extended periods are not fully understood.
Theres no sources for that keeping gains post cycle is an extremely well known thing, it just depends on your pct and how hard you train post cycle
Legit all pro bodybuliders say lose most gains on it go on YT.

Jfl which is why im in a better place to talk about why sarms are shit than you copy and pasting something from chatgpt
I took sarms and know other people.

Me when i ignore studies and use personal experience as rule for everything instead looking at studies.

I've watched tons of vidoes on this topic
Jfl which is why im in a better place to talk about why sarms are shit than you copy and pasting something from chatgpt
I use chatgpt for sources and don't use personal experience to make points.
@NotCarv how old are you? You sounf like an arrogant teenager
20 like bro we are legit the same age we having a convo like normal people.

Me when look out for someone cause i care about humans instead of giving bad advice
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OP is retard.
  • +1
Reactions: Clavicular
Legit all pro bodybuliders say lose most gains on it go on YT.

wow just wow… ik ur smart but dude this one was dumb… bodybuilders drop to their natty limit off cycle i wish i could draw it out but try imagining it

Maxed natty: 100/100
Bodybuilder on cycle: 1200/100
Bodybuilder off cycle: 100/100
Normal person on cycle: 400/100
Normal person off cycle: 100/100

Assuming both are at their natural limit
I know im retarded at giving examples its just not my thing but i hope u understand this a bodybuilder LOSES WAY MORE gains than a normal person because they are way ahead and take way harder steroids
  • +1
Reactions: Clavicular
For example if you look at someone like alex eubank he was on steroids now hes off and he hasnt gained any muscle for like a year and hes cut and bulked several times
  • +1
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20 like bro we are legit the same age we having a convo like normal people.

Me when look out for someone cause i care about humans instead of giving bad advice
I always advice against roids but i cant stop people from doing it, if they are going to do it i just advice on how to minize side effects and get results
wow just wow… ik ur smart but dude this one was dumb… bodybuilders drop to their natty limit off cycle i wish i could draw it out but try imagining it

Maxed natty: 100/100
Bodybuilder on cycle: 1200/100
Bodybuilder off cycle: 100/100
Normal person on cycle: 400/100
Normal person off cycle: 100/100

Assuming both are at their natural limit
I know im retarded at giving examples its just not my thing but i hope u understand this a bodybuilder LOSES WAY MORE gains than a normal person because they are way ahead and take way harder steroids
Most people who get on gear are not gonna do regular doses lets be real
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
wow just wow… ik ur smart but dude this one was dumb… bodybuilders drop to their natty limit off cycle i wish i could draw it out but try imagining it

Maxed natty: 100/100
Bodybuilder on cycle: 1200/100
Bodybuilder off cycle: 100/100
Normal person on cycle: 400/100
Normal person off cycle: 100/100

Assuming both are at their natural limit
I know im retarded at giving examples its just not my thing but i hope u understand this a bodybuilder LOSES WAY MORE gains than a normal person because they are way ahead and take way harder steroids
Not true lol
wow just wow… ik ur smart but dude this one was dumb… bodybuilders drop to their natty limit off cycle i wish i could draw it out but try imagining it

Maxed natty: 100/100
Bodybuilder on cycle: 1200/100
Bodybuilder off cycle: 100/100
Normal person on cycle: 400/100
Normal person off cycle: 100/100

Assuming both are at their natural limit
I know im retarded at giving examples its just not my thing but i hope u understand this a bodybuilder LOSES WAY MORE gains than a normal person because they are way ahead and take way harder steroids
good chart
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Most people who get on gear are not gonna do regular doses lets be real
Well yeh i mean if ur talking about that then the roi is absolutely ass but for people like @Clavicular and @PsychoDsk , who just took 500 test e and then a sarm they have (almost) nothing to lose and so much to gain
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: Carv
Well yeh i mean if ur talking about that then the roi is absolutely ass but for people like @Clavicular and @PsychoDsk , who just took 500 test e and then a sarm they have (almost) nothing to lose and so much to gain
Clav took sarms to look awful 💀 test won't make a difference.

PEDs is for male validation lets be real just train natty
  • +1
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Natty lifting is a meme
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Clav took sarms to look awful 💀 test won't make a difference.

PEDs is for male validation lets be real just train natty
Hey clavs a very sexy young man, i agree about training natty but like i said before im getting on cycle to skip progression why would i spend 2 years training naturally when i can get to it in 3 months on test and look like a sexy beast natty
Hey clavs a very sexy young man, i agree about training natty but like i said before im getting on cycle to skip progression why would i spend 2 years training naturally when i can get to it in 3 months on test and look like a sexy beast natty
  • Love it
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You can agree with this point only people who care about PEDs physique is men.

Why would want validation for men thats gay

It's for male validation lets be real @Rigged
You can agree with this point only people who care about PEDs physique is men.

Why would want validation for men thats gay

It's for male validation lets be real @Rigged
Yeh i agree on that but just imagine u walk into a room ur 6’4 300 lbs lean, watch this netflix show its called strength 100, 100 bodybuilders fighting each other, when a huge guy enters they all get intimidated, but tbh thats for sum ppl i just want pussy
Yeh i agree on that but just imagine u walk into a room ur 6’4 300 lbs lean, watch this netflix show its called strength 100, 100 bodybuilders fighting each other, when a huge guy enters they all get intimidated, but tbh thats for sum ppl i just wanna fuck
People bodybulid to intimidate men muscle barely mean anything in a fight.

MMA/Gun for that.
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged

Keep larping 5'11 manlet
im a manlet 5’5 too instead of making this post can u make a post on how to inject hgh into my liver thx
High ROI during puberty
  • +1
Reactions: ConfusedBolivian
People bodybulid to intimidate men muscle barely mean anything in a fight.

MMA/Gun for that.
True im in america tho so no intimidating anyone everyone has a gun 😔
im a manlet 5’5 too instead of making this post can u make a post on how to inject hgh into my liver thx
yeah i would get on gear at 5'5 ngl
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
True im in america tho so no intimidating anyone everyone has a gun 😔
you touch weight and ur more built then most guys
  • JFL
Reactions: Rigged
  • You do not lose MOST of your gains after your cycle. Some muscle gains may diminish after stopping a cycle, proper PCT and continued training will retain a significant portion of the gains.
  • The side effects mentioned, such as mood swings, acne, and increased appetite are risks if you’re a low IQ retard that doesn’t know what they’re doing by not properly mitigating these issues.
  • Women not caring about muscle gains is extremely false. I never slayed more than being sub 11% bodyfat and jacked (my avi) while in college. I’d get an insane amount of attention and smashed stacylites and HTBs regularly. This changed when I got depressed and bloated, night and day difference.
  • Dependency and withdrawal CAN be concerns, but as you know this a strawman argument and can applied to literally anything. These potential risks can be mitigated by not being retarded and going through proper PCT protocols and gradual tapering.
  • The claim about steroids accelerating brain aging does not represent the full picture. Other factors that have not been taken into account, such as lifestyle, genetics, overall health, compounds used, and dosages are why this study is flawed.
  • You do not lose MOST of your gains after your cycle. Some muscle gains may diminish after stopping a cycle, proper PCT and continued training will retain a significant portion of the gains.
  • The side effects mentioned, such as mood swings, acne, and increased appetite are risks if you’re a low IQ retard that doesn’t know what they’re doing by not properly mitigating these issues.
  • Women not caring about muscle gains is extremely false. I never slayed more than being sub 11% bodyfat and jacked (my avi) while in college. I’d get an insane amount of attention and smashed stacylites and HTBs regularly. This changed when I got depressed and bloated, night and day difference.
  • Dependency and withdrawal CAN be concerns, but as you know this a strawman argument and can applied to literally anything. These potential risks can be mitigated by not being retarded and going through proper PCT protocols and gradual tapering.
  • The claim about steroids accelerating brain aging does not represent the full picture. Other factors that have not been taken into account, such as lifestyle, genetics, overall health, compounds used, and dosages are why this study is flawed.

1st give me a source?
2nd people on gear are low iq most times they don't even get blood work
3rd point i was saying that steroids just make u too buff just turns into male gaze most times
4th do most people do this? No
1st give me a source?
2nd people on gear are low iq most times they don't even get blood work
3rd point i was saying that steroids just make u too buff just turns into male gaze most times
4th do most people do this? No
  1. Source = Me and other casual gear users that aren't retards
  2. Overgeneralization without evidence. So you're admitting your point of " Mood swings, increased appetite, difficulty sleeping, acne, and more severe conditions like Cushing syndrome, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and increased risk of infection" only applies to irresponsible individuals who don't do their due diligence.
  3. That is true, I missed where you added "hella big"
  4. Again overgeneralization, only applies to irresponsible individuals. There are people who abuse gear, but saying most is a stretch.
1. "The world is large, and we can experience only very little of it personally. To see what the world is like, we need to rely on other means: carefully-collected global statistics" You can't use yourself as a Source or other gear users who are smart.

"A study from the National Institute of Health shows that around 32% of anabolic steroid users will develop a dependency"

Adverse effect of steroid was found in 33.0% of the patients

Anabolic steroid misuse is common. Approximately 3 to 4 million people in the United States use anabolic steroids for nonmedical purposes.

Meaning 1,120,000 will get addicted and ruin body (y)

"The misuse of anabolic steroids can cause long-term side effects. These can include cardiovascular complications, liver disease, reproductive organ damage and severe mood swings."

Basically 1 out of 3.125 will get addicted.
The Return on Investment (ROI) is legit more cons then pros.

You should only get on gear if you are competing or sports if you aren't getting money or monetizing for it it's legit a waste of time in most cases.

Let's analyze the Pro's and Cons:


- Muscle Growth
- Male Attention and Respect
- Increase Sex Appeal ( but goes out the water when you get too much muscle which happens to most guys )
- Muscle dysmorphia ( a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder about being lean and having muscle )

Individuals with MD perceive themselves as small and weak even if they look normal or very muscular

Imagine you get to a point where you can't enjoy life cause you compulsive about being lean and dieting 24/7 you will nuke your social life.

- Lose most gains after you stop the cycle

- Mood swings, increased appetite, difficulty sleeping, acne, and more severe conditions like Cushing syndrome, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and increased risk of infection

- Woman don't care about muscle when you become hella big.

- Dependency and Withdrawal ( There is a risk of becoming psychologically and physically dependent on steroids. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe and include fatigue, restlessness, loss of appetite, insomnia, reduced sex drive, and steroid cravings )

- Steroids age you which makes u less attractive to woman ( Research has shown that anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), synthetic versions of the male sex hormone testosterone, can have deleterious effects on the brain, causing it to age prematurely. A study highlighted in ScienceDaily found that AAS users had a bigger brain age gap compared to non-users, indicating accelerated brain aging. Those with dependence on AAS, or with a longer history of use, showed even more pronounced effects of accelerated brain aging. This is significant because advanced brain age is associated with impaired cognitive performance and an increased risk for neurodegenerative diseases.)

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TLDR: Steroids have low ROI unless you play sports or monetize your physique.

You are better off taking Sarms for subtle boost or just buying brain supplements n nootropics.

Wrote this at work stop telling people to get on gear when ROI are terrible.

If you want bitches keep your youthful face and train natty 4x a week and eat clean.

Make money with your brain not ur physique JFL


[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10759908/
[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8274439/
[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6043738/
[4] https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/anabolic-steroids
[5] https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/ajp.2006.163.4.697
[6] https://tau.amegroups.org/article/view/19737/html
[7] https://www.webmd.com/men/anabolic-steroids
[8] https://www.physio-pedia.com/The_in...teroids_on_physiologic_processes_and_exercise
[9] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0955395920302164
[10] https://www.dea.gov/factsheets/steroids
[11] https://law.marquette.edu/facultyblog/2010/10/why-steroids-have-no-place-in-sports/
[12] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/viagra-foods
[13] https://medlineplus.gov/anabolicsteroids.html
[14] https://study.com/academy/lesson/pros-cons-of-performance-enhancing-drugs.html
[15] https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-019-7288-x
[16] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/natural-steroids
[17] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09687637.2021.1882940
[18] https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/steroids
[19] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-12977-w
[20] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/24637
if u go in gesr for muscle and not height ur dumb
  • +1
Reactions: Carv
High ROI during puberty
What about height stunt? Im 5’5 16 and i know i wont grow so im getting on cycle rn, but for someone whose still growing why would they get on test
keep on coping you dyel framelet fag

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