Ultimate tinder guide by Niklaus - STILL IN PROGRESS

Niklaus Mikaelson

Niklaus Mikaelson

May 20, 2022
If you want to learn how to make a Tinder profile

that gets more matches than you know what to do with, look no further.

Here you will learn my techniques for developing a Tinder profile that gets you plenty of matches and women to message you first.

Whether you are on Tinder for dating or hoping to hookup

It all starts with one thing: getting more matches.

You probably think this sounds too good to be true or why the hell would I trust this random guy with my online dating profile?

So id like to share my profile and some of my statistics from Tinder Insight:

Untitled design 2
Untitled design

1# Tinder Statistics Are Against You


What are we up against?

I know you’re hungry for the techniques.
But first, we need to cover what you’re up against.
It’s no secret that men have a much harder time with Tinder dating than women do.

But a quick look at the numbers behind this phenomenon is pretty staggering…
It’s much worse than you think.
On Tinder, the statistics heavily favor woman.

  • Women get 20X more matches than men.
  • 59% percent of women like less than 10% of the male profiles.
  • Only 9% of men are that selective.
  • 33% of men reported “casually liking most profiles.”
  • 0% of women report “casually liking most profiles.”
  • That’s worth saying again, women don’t casually swipe right.
  • 93% of women only like profiles that they’re attracted to.

But It Gets Even Worse​

80% of men on Tinder are competing for the bottom 22% of female Tinder users.
It shows that the top 10% of men get 58% of all matches.
So what does this mean?

It means that you need to put yourself in the top 10% of men.
Chances are if you’re reading this article you’re not in that coveted 10%.

this is why you need all the help you can get and require the techniques all of which you’re going to learn in this guide.

Getting In The Top 10%​

you’re probably thinking:

  • I’m not attractive enough to be in the top 10%.
  • I’m overweight.
  • I have acne.
  • My hair is thinning.
You probably don’t look like chico, Maher or Gandhi.

… and you know what?
That’s okay.
It turns out that getting into that top 10% isn’t purely about your genetics.
It’s all about your presentation.
So when asking that age-old question about whether looks matter on Tinder…

2# Do Looks Matter On Tinder?

If you think the answer is “yes” you’d be right.

But there is a major caveat.

The concept of “looks” actually includes two completely distinct categories.

  • Genetics.
  • Presentation.
Both of these affect how you ‘look.’

But one plays a much more important role.

Genetics is what you’re born with.
  • Bone structure.
  • Skin condition/type (to some extent).
  • Your height.

These are factors that are out of your control.

On Tinder, they act as a bonus.

Making everything a little easier.

On the other hand…

Presentation is a visual representation of your choices.

Presentation represents your…

  • Attitude.
  • Experience.
  • Intelligence.
  • Competence.
  • Trustworthiness.
  • Confidence.
  • Personality.
  • Ambition.

Why Presentation Matters​

Your genetics might be enough for a quick hookup in a club.

But you’re going to need more than that to get

— and keep if that's your goal —

the highest quality women you can get on tinder.

How can you actually show your ambition, intelligence, experience and personality?

Especially in a photo?

The reality is: it’s easy.

The choices you make are reflected in your “looks.”

Here are some examples:
  • Being overweight is a choice. It reflects your lack of willpower.
  • Being fit is a choice. It reflects your determination.
  • Wearing well fitting clothes is a choice. It reflects your social awareness.
Every choice that you make in how you display yourself is a reflection of you.

This is not shallow.

This is presenting the qualities, choices, and experiences that make you who you are.

Getting into that top 10% is simple.

Here’s the big secret:

It’s not about being in the top 10% most genetically attractive.

It’s about having one of the top 10% best presented Tinder profiles.

I really want to stress this.

Looks matter.

But it’s about the presentation of the features you have.

And not so much about the features themselves.

3# What pictures to use?








What You DON'T Want In Your Profile Photo.​

For starters, your profile photo should never be:

  • A selfie.
  • A poor quality photo (Bad lighting, taken with flash, or at night.)
  • A group photo (Save that for photo 2 or 3.)
  • A photo where your face is unclear (sunglasses = bad.)
  • A photo where you’re far away from the camera.

So What Should Your Profile Photo Be?​

The brain doesn’t like to be confused, so the most attractive profile photo is:

  • A clean headshot, preferably showing the upper third of your body.
  • A high-quality photo, with some clear contrast between you and the background.
  • A photo of you alone.
  • A photo without distracting “noise” in the background.
  • A photo where your face is clearly shown (NO SUNGLASSES!)

The “Hop The Fence” Principal - technique 1​

Close your eyes.

It’s summer.

You’re in your back yard, your friends are over, and the grille is going.

(Impossible burgers, of course.)

Music is playing, and you even have a pool to cool off in.

Pretty nice, right?

Meanwhile, your neighbor a few houses down has a similar set up.

You really don’t hang out with your neighbor, but he seems fine.

Now, let me ask you a question:

Under what circumstances would you abandon all your friends and hop the fence to join his BBQ?

If you and him already have the same set up…

Why would you leave the comfort of your own house to join his party?

It’d have to be something big:

  • Maybe a ton of people showed up, and their party looks way more fun.
  • Maybe it turns out he’s a stand up comedian and his jokes are so funny you need to head over.
  • Or maybe everyone at his party is going to accompany him back to his boat for an afterparty.
Whatever it is, it’s got to be amazing, right?

Tinder is no different.

When a girl looks at your profile, you need to convince her to “jump the fence” to come join you.

Her “yard” is already full of her close friends, family, and even some dudes she casually sleeps with.

(Awkward, right?)

So why would she leave the comfort of her own world to join yours?

The answer is you need to have something that she doesn’t have.

Something that is so compelling she will “jump ship” and come join you.

If a woman is interested in you, she will do anything to hang out.

She will skip homework, ditch classes, take off work, and bail on her family if you’re worth while.

When a girl, or even a guy, looks at your profile they should say to themselves:

Wow, he looks awesome to hang out with.

If you want matches on Tinder, you can not be boring!

That’s what the “hop the fence” principal is about.

The image should look way more fun than what someone looking could be doing that day.

You want to bring them on a journey…

Lets use my first pic as an example:
Tinder phone

For example:
it's probably evening, a girl opens up tinder, shes sitting comfortably in her bed and watching Netflix while scrolling tinder or whatever,
this doesn't sound too bad right?

That's what you're probably competing against, have to BEAT whatever she's doing at that exact moment.
A date scenario, which looks to be fun as he's smiling, approachable and there's probably food included doesn't sound for that particular girl then. hence you get a right swipe

How To Get Images This Good.​

When a girl looks at your profile this is what happens:

She instantly decides within a fraction of a second whether she’s going to swipe right or left on you.

And she makes that decision almost exclusively on your profile picture.

I want to stress this.

Her choice is:

  • Instantaneous.
  • Unconscious.
You have maybe 0.1 second to ‘convince’ her you’re worth talking to.

Don’t get me wrong.

Your supplemental photos and your bio are important.

Since she can preview your other photos before swiping right.

But that doesn’t minimize the importance of the first.

You’re communicating your values and how you view yourself by the choice of your first photo.

So there’s little need to keep looking if she’s decided you suck.

We know this intuitively.

And yet the overwhelming majority of guys use random pictures from Facebook.

Or terrible bathroom selfies as their profile photos.




4# Your Tinder bio:

What not to have in your profile


ill start by showing you an example
Profile bio

312936481 1615357075597829 3854362278543611215 n

it's short, hard to find anything that can be seen as a red flag and includes a call to action.
as a bonus, I caught a trending topic at the time (Bridgerton season 2 came out) so managed to get a lot of traction from that

nothing less, nothing more.
5# Tinder ELO & Premium
Your beauty is for sure important while dating. But a good photo is not about that! Spending time shooting the perfect picture can really skyrocket your results alone. Then swiping will get more pleasant.

Your general attractiveness depends on your behavior. The algorithm knows it!

The better Tinder user you are, the more likely to be shown you are.

A lot of people think that Tinder ranks its users by their looks, but this is not the case. In fact, there are three main factors in a person's attractiveness: profile pictures; behavior on the app (swiping right to like someone and left to pass); and interactions with others through messages or matches.

A lot of little details are favored by the app: how often do you use it? How long? How fast and often do you engage with your matches?

It is easy. There are 2 main things you need to do. First, show Tinder that you are a person of high value and success. Second, behave like a person of high value and model the behavior of other people on Tinder.

You can improve your profile by editing your photos and adding a bio. This is the key to better online dating results and improving your score! Think about quality. A bad photo can really impact your ratings.

Many people don't take enough pictures of themselves, or they think it's useless to spend time on that.

But this can help you stand out among other men on the app!

Second point: be a model user.

Respect yourself and behave like a high-value individual.

Your usage of the app will impact your ELO a lot!. What would a high-value person do? Swipe only on the girls you REALLY like.

If you swipe right fiercely on all the girls that are shown to you, you will quickly be perceived as a non-selective person. And will therefore be shown anyone, or mainly similar users, that may not be so attractive.

Engage FAST with your Tinder matches.

Send your first message fast to the woman you matched!

It is not in Tinder's interest to let matches expire so they are motivated for both parties to keep the conversation going.

This means that if you engage with people on tinder, it will increase your ELO score. If a person doesn't interact at all with anyone on tinder, their ELO rank decreases and this can lead them to get booted off of the app completely or have limited access to other users.

Is Tinder premium worth it?​

A good way to improve your rank is to pay in the app. You will be shown more and get bonus exposure. But you should not do this if you have had no results before!

It joins what I just described, paying makes you a better user from Tinder's perspective. It could be Tinder plus, Tinder gold, or Tinder Platinum (The best choice).

But I insist. Build a strong profile, and strong habits, with quality photos before!

You can get a lot of quality matches before spending a single dime.

6# What to do once you have created your account:
Once you have read the tinder guide and are ready to make your account follow these steps:
- Wait until Sunday evening to create your account
- Insert your pre-prepared data - bio, photos, interest and so forth
- Make sure you get your profile verified ASAP
- Start swiping selectively and spend as much time as you can on tinder throughout the week
- Once you get 99+ likes get tinder premium for optimal ELO
-Keep you profile as active as possible as inactivity heavily effects ELO
7# Texting/converting matches - in progress

This thread will continue to be updated once I have more time on my hands and is far from done, but posted as people can use what is already written to improve their OLD experience in the meantime - also let me know if there's stuff missing and ill add it to my guide

@currylightskin @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Xangsane @Nims @Ken @John124 @Hoso @Gargamel @Biggdink @bkr2906 @xxxxxxxxxxxxxx @Corleone @the BULL @Makeyousit @DoctorLooksmax @aBetterMii @justshower @SubSigma @EasternRightWinger15 @krisal @Amnesia @Danish_Retard @TRUE_CEL @StreegeReturn @Prettyboy @fogdart @Adonis @Anstrum95
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BANGER thread
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While you neurotic incels are busy reading this entire thread, meanwhile chad
  • JFL
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Reactions: sumduck, Sick, OGJBSLAYER and 36 others
I’ll read properly later but you’re bang on about the combination of genetics/presentation of your looks

I’d go as far as to say it’s 50/50 in terms of your success on dating apps

Also a little bit of cheeky morphing and height frauding never hurt anyone teehehee
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: RecessedChinCel, Deleted member 24347, Deleted member 24444 and 8 others
Got a dopamine rush from chad tagging me
  • JFL
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Reactions: j05, zyMOGenic, vaninskybird and 8 others
Bookmarked will read this evening, Thanks for the tag Mirin the high quality thread :love:.
  • Love it
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Reactions: HarrierDuBois and Niklaus Mikaelson
Won't fix niggas phenotypes 😿😿😿
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: sumduck, Deleted member 23564, justinzayn and 1 other person
That's pretty cool, I'll bookmark this thread and come back to it after lefort 3.
  • JFL
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Reactions: EverythingMaxxer, malicieusss, StrangerDanger and 10 others
tldr over for my 6 teeth smile
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: j05, disheartenedcel, malicieusss and 12 others
There's the same exact guide on r/swipehelper
Ppl are still stuck at 1 match per week
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: BugeyeBigNoseCurry, Deleted member 1851, Niklaus Mikaelson and 1 other person
Tinder is cope
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • Hmm...
Reactions: 444, BoneDensity, BugeyeBigNoseCurry and 1 other person
Engage FAST with your Tinder matches.

Send your first message fast to the woman you matched!
This is lot more important than the attention it gets

No matter what, just write her something upon matching, don't let your ego take you hostage and make you wait her to make a move. It ruins your ELO a lot
  • +1
  • Woah
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 22123, Yerico7, Deleted member 15370 and 9 others

step 1
  • JFL
  • +1
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Reactions: j05, TheBrownOne, Anchor_Ship and 29 others
I’ll read properly later but you’re bang on about the combination of genetics/presentation of your looks

I’d go as far as to say it’s 50/50 in terms of your success on dating apps

Also a little bit of cheeky morphing and height frauding never hurt anyone teehehee
Thank you! And most definetly!

Got a dopamine rush from chad tagging me
You're welcome ;)

Bookmarked will read this evening, Thanks for the tag Mirin the high quality thread :love:.
No worries, a lot of info missing, but so far the basics are down which is what most people will find useful i assume. Stuff like leaving out your height if under 6ft, location, how to take the pictures if you don't have friends, texting and all that will come later

Won't fix niggas phenotypes 😿😿😿
Sadly this ain't no magical pheono changer but will definitely help your odds of getting matches
  • +1
Reactions: litaz, Loki and Nims
There's the same exact guide on r/swipehelper
Ppl are still stuck at 1 match per week
They aren't following it properly or still take shit pictures and so forth then
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Loki and the BULL
Just be good looking and take good pictures LOL
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: disheartenedcel, Deleted member 23154, Anchor_Ship and 2 others
Dnrd. Ngl, as a 4/10 I already know it's pretty much game over for me especially in the West despite the fact I'm white with blue eyes and blonde hair

The last thing Im gonna do is waste time on Tinder lmfao, just to get rejected and belittled. I remember doing that on Omegle... I don't want to go into details not do I reckon I would need to
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: zyMOGenic, FrameMogger, Deleted member 23154 and 3 others
Thank you! And most definetly!

You're welcome ;)

No worries, a lot of info missing, but so far the basics are down which is what most people will find useful i assume. Stuff like lying about your height if under 6ft, location, how to take the pictures if you don't have friends, texting and all that will come later

Sadly this ain't no magical pheono changer but will definitely help your odds of getting matches
Fixed this for you
  • JFL
Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson
If you want to learn how to make a Tinder profile

that gets more matches than you know what to do with, look no further.

Here you will learn my techniques for developing a Tinder profile that gets you plenty of matches and women to message you first.

Whether you are on Tinder for dating or hoping to hookup

It all starts with one thing: getting more matches.

You probably think this sounds too good to be true or why the hell would I trust this random guy with my online dating profile?

So id like to share my profile and some of my statistics from Tinder Insight:

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1# Tinder Statistics Are Against You

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What are we up against?
I know you’re hungry for the techniques.
But first, we need to cover what you’re up against.
It’s no secret that men have a much harder time with Tinder dating than women do.

But a quick look at the numbers behind this phenomenon is pretty staggering…
It’s much worse than you think.
On Tinder, the statistics heavily favor woman.

  • Women get 20X more matches than men.
  • 59% percent of women like less than 10% of the male profiles.
  • Only 9% of men are that selective.
  • 33% of men reported “casually liking most profiles.”
  • 0% of women report “casually liking most profiles.”
  • That’s worth saying again, women don’t casually swipe right.
  • 93% of women only like profiles that they’re attracted to.

But It Gets Even Worse​

80% of men on Tinder are competing for the bottom 22% of female Tinder users.
It shows that the top 10% of men get 58% of all matches.
So what does this mean?

It means that you need to put yourself in the top 10% of men.
Chances are if you’re reading this article you’re not in that coveted 10%.

this is why you need all the help you can get and require the techniques all of which you’re going to learn in this guide.

Getting In The Top 10%​

you’re probably thinking:

  • I’m not attractive enough to be in the top 10%.
  • I’m overweight.
  • I have acne.
  • My hair is thinning.
You probably don’t look like chico, Maher or Gandhi.

… and you know what?
That’s okay.
It turns out that getting into that top 10% isn’t purely about your genetics.
It’s all about your presentation.
So when asking that age-old question about whether looks matter on Tinder…

2# Do Looks Matter On Tinder?

If you think the answer is “yes” you’d be right.

But there is a major caveat.

The concept of “looks” actually includes two completely distinct categories.

  • Genetics.
  • Presentation.
Both of these affect how you ‘look.’

But one plays a much more important role.

Genetics is what you’re born with.
  • Bone structure.
  • Skin condition/type (to some extent).
  • Your height.

These are factors that are out of your control.

On Tinder, they act as a bonus.

Making everything a little easier.

On the other hand…

Presentation is a visual representation of your choices.

Presentation represents your…

  • Attitude.
  • Experience.
  • Intelligence.
  • Competence.
  • Trustworthiness.
  • Confidence.
  • Personality.
  • Ambition.

Why Presentation Matters​

Your genetics might be enough for a quick hookup in a club.

But you’re going to need more than that to get

— and keep if that's your goal —

the highest quality women you can get on tinder.

How can you actually show your ambition, intelligence, experience and personality?

Especially in a photo?

The reality is: it’s easy.

The choices you make are reflected in your “looks.”

Here are some examples:
  • Being overweight is a choice. It reflects your lack of willpower.
  • Being fit is a choice. It reflects your determination.
  • Wearing well fitting clothes is a choice. It reflects your social awareness.
Every choice that you make in how you display yourself is a reflection of you.

This is not shallow.

This is presenting the qualities, choices, and experiences that make you who you are.

Getting into that top 10% is simple.

Here’s the big secret:

It’s not about being in the top 10% most genetically attractive.

It’s about having one of the top 10% best presented Tinder profiles.

I really want to stress this.

Looks matter.

But it’s about the presentation of the features you have.

And not so much about the features themselves.

3# What pictures to use?
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What You DON'T Want In Your Profile Photo.​

For starters, your profile photo should never be:

  • A selfie.
  • A poor quality photo (Bad lighting, taken with flash, or at night.)
  • A group photo (Save that for photo 2 or 3.)
  • A photo where your face is unclear (sunglasses = bad.)
  • A photo where you’re far away from the camera.

So What Should Your Profile Photo Be?​

The brain doesn’t like to be confused, so the most attractive profile photo is:

  • A clean headshot, preferably showing the upper third of your body.
  • A high-quality photo, with some clear contrast between you and the background.
  • A photo of you alone.
  • A photo without distracting “noise” in the background.
  • A photo where your face is clearly shown (NO SUNGLASSES!)

The “Hop The Fence” Principal - technique 1​

Close your eyes.

It’s summer.

You’re in your back yard, your friends are over, and the grille is going.

(Impossible burgers, of course.)

Music is playing, and you even have a pool to cool off in.

Pretty nice, right?

Meanwhile, your neighbor a few houses down has a similar set up.

You really don’t hang out with your neighbor, but he seems fine.

Now, let me ask you a question:

Under what circumstances would you abandon all your friends and hop the fence to join his BBQ?

If you and him already have the same set up…

Why would you leave the comfort of your own house to join his party?

It’d have to be something big:

  • Maybe a ton of people showed up, and their party looks way more fun.
  • Maybe it turns out he’s a stand up comedian and his jokes are so funny you need to head over.
  • Or maybe everyone at his party is going to accompany him back to his boat for an afterparty.
Whatever it is, it’s got to be amazing, right?

Tinder is no different.

When a girl looks at your profile, you need to convince her to “jump the fence” to come join you.

Her “yard” is already full of her close friends, family, and even some dudes she casually sleeps with.

(Awkward, right?)

So why would she leave the comfort of her own world to join yours?

The answer is you need to have something that she doesn’t have.

Something that is so compelling she will “jump ship” and come join you.

If a woman is interested in you, she will do anything to hang out.

She will skip homework, ditch classes, take off work, and bail on her family if you’re worth while.

When a girl, or even a guy, looks at your profile they should say to themselves:

Wow, he looks awesome to hang out with.

If you want matches on Tinder, you can not be boring!

That’s what the “hop the fence” principal is about.

The image should look way more fun than what someone looking could be doing that day.

You want to bring them on a journey…

Lets use my first pic as an example:
View attachment 1933603

For example:
it's probably evening, a girl opens up tinder, shes sitting comfortably in her bed and watching Netflix while scrolling tinder or whatever,
this doesn't sound too bad right?

That's what you're probably competing against, have to BEAT whatever she's doing at that exact moment.
A date scenario, which looks to be fun as he's smiling, approachable and there's probably food included doesn't sound for that particular girl then. hence you get a right swipe

How To Get Images This Good.​

When a girl looks at your profile this is what happens:

She instantly decides within a fraction of a second whether she’s going to swipe right or left on you.

And she makes that decision almost exclusively on your profile picture.

I want to stress this.

Her choice is:

  • Instantaneous.
  • Unconscious.
You have maybe 0.1 second to ‘convince’ her you’re worth talking to.

Don’t get me wrong.

Your supplemental photos and your bio are important.

Since she can preview your other photos before swiping right.

But that doesn’t minimize the importance of the first.

You’re communicating your values and how you view yourself by the choice of your first photo.

So there’s little need to keep looking if she’s decided you suck.

We know this intuitively.

And yet the overwhelming majority of guys use random pictures from Facebook.

Or terrible bathroom selfies as their profile photos.




4# Your Tinder bio:
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ill start by showing you an example
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it's short, hard to find anything that can be seen as a red flag and includes a call to action.
as a bonus, I caught a trending topic at the time (Bridgerton season 2 came out) so managed to get a lot of traction from that

nothing less, nothing more.
5# Tinder ELO & Premium
Your beauty is for sure important while dating. But a good photo is not about that! Spending time shooting the perfect picture can really skyrocket your results alone. Then swiping will get more pleasant.

Your general attractiveness depends on your behavior. The algorithm knows it!

The better Tinder user you are, the more likely to be shown you are.

A lot of people think that Tinder ranks its users by their looks, but this is not the case. In fact, there are three main factors in a person's attractiveness: profile pictures; behavior on the app (swiping right to like someone and left to pass); and interactions with others through messages or matches.

A lot of little details are favored by the app: how often do you use it? How long? How fast and often do you engage with your matches?

It is easy. There are 2 main things you need to do. First, show Tinder that you are a person of high value and success. Second, behave like a person of high value and model the behavior of other people on Tinder.

You can improve your profile by editing your photos and adding a bio. This is the key to better online dating results and improving your score! Think about quality. A bad photo can really impact your ratings.

Many people don't take enough pictures of themselves, or they think it's useless to spend time on that.

But this can help you stand out among other men on the app!

Second point: be a model user.

Respect yourself and behave like a high-value individual.

Your usage of the app will impact your ELO a lot!. What would a high-value person do? Swipe only on the girls you REALLY like.

If you swipe right fiercely on all the girls that are shown to you, you will quickly be perceived as a non-selective person. And will therefore be shown anyone, or mainly similar users, that may not be so attractive.

Engage FAST with your Tinder matches.

Send your first message fast to the woman you matched!

It is not in Tinder's interest to let matches expire so they are motivated for both parties to keep the conversation going.

This means that if you engage with people on tinder, it will increase your ELO score. If a person doesn't interact at all with anyone on tinder, their ELO rank decreases and this can lead them to get booted off of the app completely or have limited access to other users.

Is Tinder premium worth it?​

A good way to improve your rank is to pay in the app. You will be shown more and get bonus exposure. But you should not do this if you have had no results before!

It joins what I just described, paying makes you a better user from Tinder's perspective. It could be Tinder plus, Tinder gold, or Tinder Platinum (The best choice).

But I insist. Build a strong profile, and strong habits, with quality photos before!

You can get a lot of quality matches before spending a single dime.

6# What to do once you have created your account:
Once you have read the tinder guide and are ready to make your account follow these steps:
- Wait until Sunday evening to create your account
- Insert your pre-prepared data - bio, photos, interest and so forth
- Make sure you get your profile verified ASAP
- Start swiping selectively and spend as much time as you can on tinder throughout the week
- Once you get 99+ likes get tinder premium for optimal ELO
-Keep you profile as active as possible as inactivity heavily effects ELO
7# Texting/converting matches - in progress

This thread will continue to be updated once I have more time on my hands and is far from done, but posted as people can use what is already written to improve their OLD experience in the meantime - also let me know if there's stuff missing and ill add it to my guide

@currylightskin @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Xangsane @Nims @Ken @John124 @Hoso @Gargamel @Biggdink @bkr2906 @xxxxxxxxxxxxxx @Corleone @the BULL @Makeyousit @DoctorLooksmax @aBetterMii @justshower @SubSigma @EasternRightWinger15 @krisal @Amnesia @Danish_Retard @TRUE_CEL @StreegeReturn @Prettyboy @fogdart @Adonis @Anstrum95
Xangsane tier thread
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should iI test presentation theory with a well dressed ugly guy
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high IQ thread from my favourite org user

Now that we have gotten the small talk out of the way , a few pointers

  • 93% of women only like profiles that they’re attracted to. - I have said this before , just cuz a woman right swiped you ,doesn't mean she finds you sexually attractive.If every woman only swiped on guys she was attracted to , there would be no flakes
2. @Leo69 said you bought platinum the moment you made your profile , and you applied boost immediately , but you suggest waiting a week before getting platinum ?

3.Bio is cope , but don't leave it blank or she'll think you're a bot/catfish

4.women like shirtless - but only if you have a good physique

5.no matter how good you "present" yourself , at the end of the day,you're capped by your looks (but I get why OP would have a hard time understanding this , since he's a chad)

mirin the effort for the huge writeup
Last edited:
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The “Hop The Fence” Principal - technique 1​

Close your eyes.

It’s summer.

You’re in your back yard, your friends are over, and the grille is going.

(Impossible burgers, of course.)

Music is playing, and you even have a pool to cool off in.

Pretty nice, right?

Meanwhile, your neighbor a few houses down has a similar set up.

You really don’t hang out with your neighbor, but he seems fine.

Now, let me ask you a question:

Under what circumstances would you abandon all your friends and hop the fence to join his BBQ?

If you and him already have the same set up…

Why would you leave the comfort of your own house to join his party?

It’d have to be something big:

  • Maybe a ton of people showed up, and their party looks way more fun.
  • Maybe it turns out he’s a stand up comedian and his jokes are so funny you need to head over.
  • Or maybe everyone at his party is going to accompany him back to his boat for an afterparty.
Whatever it is, it’s got to be amazing, right?

Tinder is no different.

When a girl looks at your profile, you need to convince her to “jump the fence” to come join you.

Her “yard” is already full of her close friends, family, and even some dudes she casually sleeps with.

(Awkward, right?)

So why would she leave the comfort of her own world to join yours?

The answer is you need to have something that she doesn’t have.

Something that is so compelling she will “jump ship” and come join you.

If a woman is interested in you, she will do anything to hang out.

She will skip homework, ditch classes, take off work, and bail on her family if you’re worth while.

When a girl, or even a guy, looks at your profile they should say to themselves:

Wow, he looks awesome to hang out with.

If you want matches on Tinder, you can not be boring!

That’s what the “hop the fence” principal is about.

The image should look way more fun than what someone looking could be doing that day.

You want to bring them on a journey…

Lets use my first pic as an example:
Tinder phone

For example:
it's probably evening, a girl opens up tinder, shes sitting comfortably in her bed and watching Netflix while scrolling tinder or whatever,
this doesn't sound too bad right?

That's what you're probably competing against, have to BEAT whatever she's doing at that exact moment.
A date scenario, which looks to be fun as he's smiling, approachable and there's probably food included doesn't sound for that particular girl then. hence you get a right swipe
Read every word, very good thread. Especially this part, this is imo the best and most important part of the thread, everyone should internalize this, not only for Tinder/OLD but for dating/friendships/contacts in general.
  • +1
Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson
Good thread man, appreciate the effort, read every single word.

How did you get people to take those pictures for you? And why is your face censored too lol
  • +1
Reactions: zelkxd, Loki and Niklaus Mikaelson
Good thread man, appreciate the effort, read every single word.

How did you get people to take those pictures for you? And why is your face censored too lol
Found the pictures online JFL, and because if people share it or people lurking, trying to minimize my face outside of the forum just in case. If you guys would like the uncensored version you can always DM me
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Found the pictures online JFL, and because if people share it or people lurking, trying to minimize my face outside of the forum just in case. If you guys would like the uncensored version you can always DM me
Its okay, i have seen your chad face before hahaha


Was it a friend that took those pictures? Family? Would be great if you could elaborate on this topic because i am sure many of us dont know how to actually get those pictures taken.
  • +1
Reactions: litaz, Loki and Niklaus Mikaelson
high IQ thread from my favourite org user

Now that we have gotten the small talk out of the way , a few pointers

  • 93% of women only like profiles that they’re attracted to. - I have said this before , just cuz a woman right swiped you ,doesn't mean she finds you sexually attractive.If every woman only swiped on guys she was attracted to , there would be no flakes
Very true quite possibly higher than that but hard to document, i took it from a study done which can't always be accurate
2. @Leo69 said you bought platinum the moment you made your profile , and you applied boost immediately , but you suggest waiting a week before getting platinum ?
That's what I did, but i wouldn't recommend everyone to pay for premium (i had gold at first btw) if they don't have success with their profile they made, this allows them to have a small time period where they can test if they are actually getting results from their picture stack and so forth. I'll probably add a "what to do" section for users already experienced with tinder that know they are already HTN+ as well

3.Bio is cope , but don't leave it blank or she'll think you're a catfish
Also why I didn't cover it much, some things help, but it's mostly about avoiding red flags. So very small amount of text and just a call for action like (also need someone to watch "mention random tv show" with). This allows them to text you first about that specific thing and you can then proceed to just mention a specific date that you're free - will cover it in depth as well

4.women like shirtless - but only if you have a good physique
Only in appropriate context, otherwise you'll end up looking like a douche bag and can lead to a left swipe. Safest bet is having well fitting clothing showing off your gains without risking looking like a D-bag

5.no matter how good you "present" yourself , at the end of the day,you're capped by your looks (but I get why OP would have a hard time understanding this , since he's a chad)
There's a difference between how you present yourself and your looks cap, but to some extent true. but you can't deny that there's so many guys that look very good, but take shit pictures, don't care about tinder ELO and so forth, this will mean that a regular guy can get higher Elo and come on top in the presentation part
mirin the effort for the huge writeup
Thank you!
  • +1
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step 1 : be chad
  • +1
  • So Sad
  • JFL
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Its okay, i have seen your chad face before hahaha

View attachment 1933733

Was it a friend that took those pictures? Family? Would be great if you could elaborate on this topic because i am sure many of us dont know how to actually get those pictures taken.
It was taken by my ex girlfriend on an iPhone, but I will elaborate on how and where to take such pictures alone and so forth as well
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:feelsthink::feelsthink:🤔 lots of words but I summarized ur post :oops:

step1 have a handsome face

step 2 have a handsome face

step 3 buy hollywood smile teeth with blinding white colour

step 4 hire a photographer to take the most angle frauded pic and take like 500 of those

step 5 have a handsome face

step 6 don't be unattractive

step 7 smile :forcedsmile: in pictures with unskippable step of step 3

step 8 just pay to win for discovery, tinder gold, platinum, diamond, buy boosts for days, and boost urself for a week straight,

step 9 start a "special military operation" in Ukraine

  • JFL
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:feelsthink::feelsthink:🤔 lots of words but I summarized ur post :oops:

step1 have a handsome face

step 2 have a handsome face

step 3 buy hollywood smile teeth with blinding white colour

step 4 hire a photographer to take the most angle frauded pic and take like 500 of those

step 5 have a handsome face

step 6 don't be unattractive

step 7 smile :forcedsmile: in pictures with unskippable step of step 3

step 8 just pay to win for discovery, tinder gold, platinum, diamond, buy boosts for days, and boost urself for a week straight,

step 9 start a "special military operation" in Ukraine

The last part is also very important, tinder Elo ain't no joke
  • JFL
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As I already came to these conclusions independently I can say it does not work for MTN and below. I do get matches, couple hundred, but it's meaningless when you are still in the bottom percentiles of their inbox and they don't ever reply.

I get more success posting shirtless photos and actively trying to sound like an abusive douche bag. I get few matches but they usually have mental illness and daddy issues and so on so I actually sometimes get to fuck them.
  • Hmm...
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Here you will learn my techniques for developing a Tinder profile that gets you plenty of matches and women to message you first.
The technique is called “being good looking”
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  • JFL
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Only in appropriate context, otherwise you'll end up looking like a douche bag and can lead to a left swipe. Safest bet is having well fitting clothing showing off your gains without risking looking like a D-bag
Most NT pic would be something on the beach/surfing/yacht ideally not completely shirtless, but wearing a shirt which is just not buttoned up and so you can see your chest muscle and abs well.

There's a difference between how you present yourself and your looks cap, but to some extent true. but you can't deny that there's so many guys that look very good, but take shit pictures, don't care about tinder ELO and so forth, this will mean that a regular guy can get higher Elo and come on top in the presentation part
You should get a girlfriend's Tinder account and try swiping on men tbh. Most of them have very good pictures, hardly anyone who looks good has bad mirror selfies. Only average/ugly people have bad pictures. Those who use selfies, like me, know how to use light, good winkles, know that there are gimbals, know about image editing and use faceapp to create better angularity on selfies. To sum up what a good picture is, you should look inviting and gl at the same time, thats it. You must be MTN + gymmaxxed or HTN + average body that tinder can work for you, lets be honest.

Everyone should have done this once, or create a catfish as a woman and swipe at men to get to know your competition and maybe sabotage your competition's confidence a bit :lul:
  • +1
Reactions: zyMOGenic, thereallegend and Niklaus Mikaelson
true about presentation. I tested my picks on photofeeler and on some of them i was rated 80-90% while on others 40-50. diffirence ussuly was very subtle - like autistic expression/unnatural squinting and ext. I thought its cope becuse the face is literally the same but match rate was definetely much bigger on the ones where i dont look like tryhard autist.

also tip of advice- if you are introvert who literally prefer to sit home 99% like me and you dont have interesting picks, you can find in insta a guy with your complexion and just steal a few photos of him doing some cool stuff.

Like i did - first 2 photos my selfie. 3rd photo (guy doing headstand pushup on the park - face cant be seen) and last photo preparing to jump with a parachute - only back and shoulders can be seen.

had huge success.
  • +1
  • JFL
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As I already came to these conclusions independently I can say it does not work for MTN and below. I do get matches, couple hundred, but it's meaningless when you are still in the bottom percentiles of their inbox and they don't ever reply.

I get more success posting shirtless photos and actively trying to sound like an abusive douche bag. I get few matches but they usually have mental illness and daddy issues and so on so I actually sometimes get to fuck them.
This is not some magical spell that makes you chad indeed, but I've done so many tinder profile reviews on Reddit (around 400+) also amongst my friends helping them remake their profiles using the things I wrote and they have gotten quite impressive results thanking me for my help and they were mostly sitting in the MTN range. So I definitely does work for a good handful of people from personal experience
  • +1
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Very good thread ngl. Although it goes without saying that looks are the most important thing, a good profile goes a really long way. Good thing is most men will have shit profiles while looking shit so competition remains shit which is good.
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Most NT pic would be something on the beach/surfing/yacht ideally not completely shirtless, but wearing a shirt which is just not buttoned up and so you can see your chest muscle and abs well.

You should get a girlfriend's Tinder account and try swiping on men tbh. Most of them have very good pictures, hardly anyone who looks good has bad mirror selfies. Only average/ugly people have bad pictures. Those who use selfies, like me, know how to use light, good winkles, know that there are gimbals, know about image editing and use faceapp to create better angularity on selfies. To sum up what a good picture is, you should look inviting and gl at the same time, thats it. You must be MTN + gymmaxxed or HTN + average body that tinder can work for you, lets be honest.

Everyone should have done this once, or create a catfish as a woman and swipe at men to get to know your competition and maybe sabotage your competition's confidence a bit :lul:
Somewhat true, i have seen plenty of women's tinder as well as their tinder insights, that's because girls don't have any problems getting decent Elo unlike guys (seeing the top % of profiles), ive seen plenty of good looking guys that sent me their profiles doing horribly, those are the guys you will be beating, also the guys that could benefit the most from a guide like this
  • +1
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Very true quite possibly higher than that but hard to document, i took it from a study done which can't always be accurate

That's what I did, but i wouldn't recommend everyone to pay for premium (i had gold at first btw) if they don't have success with their profile they made, this allows them to have a small time period where they can test if they are actually getting results from their picture stack and so forth. I'll probably add a "what to do" section for users already experienced with tinder that know they are already HTN+ as well

Also why I didn't cover it much, some things help, but it's mostly about avoiding red flags. So very small amount of text and just a call for action like (also need someone to watch "mention random tv show" with). This allows them to text you first about that specific thing and you can then proceed to just mention a specific date that you're free - will cover it in depth as well

Only in appropriate context, otherwise you'll end up looking like a douche bag and can lead to a left swipe. Safest bet is having well fitting clothing showing off your gains without risking looking like a D-bag

There's a difference between how you present yourself and your looks cap, but to some extent true. but you can't deny that there's so many guys that look very good, but take shit pictures, don't care about tinder ELO and so forth, this will mean that a regular guy can get higher Elo and come on top in the presentation part

Thank you!
Even when I had douchey gymcel shirtless pics they still Halod me tbh

But now I have outdoor NT ones and it’s way better tbh
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If you want to learn how to make a Tinder profile

that gets more matches than you know what to do with, look no further.

Here you will learn my techniques for developing a Tinder profile that gets you plenty of matches and women to message you first.

Whether you are on Tinder for dating or hoping to hookup

It all starts with one thing: getting more matches.

You probably think this sounds too good to be true or why the hell would I trust this random guy with my online dating profile?

So id like to share my profile and some of my statistics from Tinder Insight:

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1# Tinder Statistics Are Against You

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What are we up against?
I know you’re hungry for the techniques.
But first, we need to cover what you’re up against.
It’s no secret that men have a much harder time with Tinder dating than women do.

But a quick look at the numbers behind this phenomenon is pretty staggering…
It’s much worse than you think.
On Tinder, the statistics heavily favor woman.

  • Women get 20X more matches than men.
  • 59% percent of women like less than 10% of the male profiles.
  • Only 9% of men are that selective.
  • 33% of men reported “casually liking most profiles.”
  • 0% of women report “casually liking most profiles.”
  • That’s worth saying again, women don’t casually swipe right.
  • 93% of women only like profiles that they’re attracted to.

But It Gets Even Worse​

80% of men on Tinder are competing for the bottom 22% of female Tinder users.
It shows that the top 10% of men get 58% of all matches.
So what does this mean?

It means that you need to put yourself in the top 10% of men.
Chances are if you’re reading this article you’re not in that coveted 10%.

this is why you need all the help you can get and require the techniques all of which you’re going to learn in this guide.

Getting In The Top 10%​

you’re probably thinking:

  • I’m not attractive enough to be in the top 10%.
  • I’m overweight.
  • I have acne.
  • My hair is thinning.
You probably don’t look like chico, Maher or Gandhi.

… and you know what?
That’s okay.
It turns out that getting into that top 10% isn’t purely about your genetics.
It’s all about your presentation.
So when asking that age-old question about whether looks matter on Tinder…

2# Do Looks Matter On Tinder?

If you think the answer is “yes” you’d be right.

But there is a major caveat.

The concept of “looks” actually includes two completely distinct categories.

  • Genetics.
  • Presentation.
Both of these affect how you ‘look.’

But one plays a much more important role.

Genetics is what you’re born with.
  • Bone structure.
  • Skin condition/type (to some extent).
  • Your height.

These are factors that are out of your control.

On Tinder, they act as a bonus.

Making everything a little easier.

On the other hand…

Presentation is a visual representation of your choices.

Presentation represents your…

  • Attitude.
  • Experience.
  • Intelligence.
  • Competence.
  • Trustworthiness.
  • Confidence.
  • Personality.
  • Ambition.

Why Presentation Matters​

Your genetics might be enough for a quick hookup in a club.

But you’re going to need more than that to get

— and keep if that's your goal —

the highest quality women you can get on tinder.

How can you actually show your ambition, intelligence, experience and personality?

Especially in a photo?

The reality is: it’s easy.

The choices you make are reflected in your “looks.”

Here are some examples:
  • Being overweight is a choice. It reflects your lack of willpower.
  • Being fit is a choice. It reflects your determination.
  • Wearing well fitting clothes is a choice. It reflects your social awareness.
Every choice that you make in how you display yourself is a reflection of you.

This is not shallow.

This is presenting the qualities, choices, and experiences that make you who you are.

Getting into that top 10% is simple.

Here’s the big secret:

It’s not about being in the top 10% most genetically attractive.

It’s about having one of the top 10% best presented Tinder profiles.

I really want to stress this.

Looks matter.

But it’s about the presentation of the features you have.

And not so much about the features themselves.

3# What pictures to use?
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What You DON'T Want In Your Profile Photo.​

For starters, your profile photo should never be:

  • A selfie.
  • A poor quality photo (Bad lighting, taken with flash, or at night.)
  • A group photo (Save that for photo 2 or 3.)
  • A photo where your face is unclear (sunglasses = bad.)
  • A photo where you’re far away from the camera.

So What Should Your Profile Photo Be?​

The brain doesn’t like to be confused, so the most attractive profile photo is:

  • A clean headshot, preferably showing the upper third of your body.
  • A high-quality photo, with some clear contrast between you and the background.
  • A photo of you alone.
  • A photo without distracting “noise” in the background.
  • A photo where your face is clearly shown (NO SUNGLASSES!)

The “Hop The Fence” Principal - technique 1​

Close your eyes.

It’s summer.

You’re in your back yard, your friends are over, and the grille is going.

(Impossible burgers, of course.)

Music is playing, and you even have a pool to cool off in.

Pretty nice, right?

Meanwhile, your neighbor a few houses down has a similar set up.

You really don’t hang out with your neighbor, but he seems fine.

Now, let me ask you a question:

Under what circumstances would you abandon all your friends and hop the fence to join his BBQ?

If you and him already have the same set up…

Why would you leave the comfort of your own house to join his party?

It’d have to be something big:

  • Maybe a ton of people showed up, and their party looks way more fun.
  • Maybe it turns out he’s a stand up comedian and his jokes are so funny you need to head over.
  • Or maybe everyone at his party is going to accompany him back to his boat for an afterparty.
Whatever it is, it’s got to be amazing, right?

Tinder is no different.

When a girl looks at your profile, you need to convince her to “jump the fence” to come join you.

Her “yard” is already full of her close friends, family, and even some dudes she casually sleeps with.

(Awkward, right?)

So why would she leave the comfort of her own world to join yours?

The answer is you need to have something that she doesn’t have.

Something that is so compelling she will “jump ship” and come join you.

If a woman is interested in you, she will do anything to hang out.

She will skip homework, ditch classes, take off work, and bail on her family if you’re worth while.

When a girl, or even a guy, looks at your profile they should say to themselves:

Wow, he looks awesome to hang out with.

If you want matches on Tinder, you can not be boring!

That’s what the “hop the fence” principal is about.

The image should look way more fun than what someone looking could be doing that day.

You want to bring them on a journey…

Lets use my first pic as an example:
View attachment 1933603

For example:
it's probably evening, a girl opens up tinder, shes sitting comfortably in her bed and watching Netflix while scrolling tinder or whatever,
this doesn't sound too bad right?

That's what you're probably competing against, have to BEAT whatever she's doing at that exact moment.
A date scenario, which looks to be fun as he's smiling, approachable and there's probably food included doesn't sound for that particular girl then. hence you get a right swipe

How To Get Images This Good.​

When a girl looks at your profile this is what happens:

She instantly decides within a fraction of a second whether she’s going to swipe right or left on you.

And she makes that decision almost exclusively on your profile picture.

I want to stress this.

Her choice is:

  • Instantaneous.
  • Unconscious.
You have maybe 0.1 second to ‘convince’ her you’re worth talking to.

Don’t get me wrong.

Your supplemental photos and your bio are important.

Since she can preview your other photos before swiping right.

But that doesn’t minimize the importance of the first.

You’re communicating your values and how you view yourself by the choice of your first photo.

So there’s little need to keep looking if she’s decided you suck.

We know this intuitively.

And yet the overwhelming majority of guys use random pictures from Facebook.

Or terrible bathroom selfies as their profile photos.




4# Your Tinder bio:
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ill start by showing you an example
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it's short, hard to find anything that can be seen as a red flag and includes a call to action.
as a bonus, I caught a trending topic at the time (Bridgerton season 2 came out) so managed to get a lot of traction from that

nothing less, nothing more.
5# Tinder ELO & Premium
Your beauty is for sure important while dating. But a good photo is not about that! Spending time shooting the perfect picture can really skyrocket your results alone. Then swiping will get more pleasant.

Your general attractiveness depends on your behavior. The algorithm knows it!

The better Tinder user you are, the more likely to be shown you are.

A lot of people think that Tinder ranks its users by their looks, but this is not the case. In fact, there are three main factors in a person's attractiveness: profile pictures; behavior on the app (swiping right to like someone and left to pass); and interactions with others through messages or matches.

A lot of little details are favored by the app: how often do you use it? How long? How fast and often do you engage with your matches?

It is easy. There are 2 main things you need to do. First, show Tinder that you are a person of high value and success. Second, behave like a person of high value and model the behavior of other people on Tinder.

You can improve your profile by editing your photos and adding a bio. This is the key to better online dating results and improving your score! Think about quality. A bad photo can really impact your ratings.

Many people don't take enough pictures of themselves, or they think it's useless to spend time on that.

But this can help you stand out among other men on the app!

Second point: be a model user.

Respect yourself and behave like a high-value individual.

Your usage of the app will impact your ELO a lot!. What would a high-value person do? Swipe only on the girls you REALLY like.

If you swipe right fiercely on all the girls that are shown to you, you will quickly be perceived as a non-selective person. And will therefore be shown anyone, or mainly similar users, that may not be so attractive.

Engage FAST with your Tinder matches.

Send your first message fast to the woman you matched!

It is not in Tinder's interest to let matches expire so they are motivated for both parties to keep the conversation going.

This means that if you engage with people on tinder, it will increase your ELO score. If a person doesn't interact at all with anyone on tinder, their ELO rank decreases and this can lead them to get booted off of the app completely or have limited access to other users.

Is Tinder premium worth it?​

A good way to improve your rank is to pay in the app. You will be shown more and get bonus exposure. But you should not do this if you have had no results before!

It joins what I just described, paying makes you a better user from Tinder's perspective. It could be Tinder plus, Tinder gold, or Tinder Platinum (The best choice).

But I insist. Build a strong profile, and strong habits, with quality photos before!

You can get a lot of quality matches before spending a single dime.

6# What to do once you have created your account:
Once you have read the tinder guide and are ready to make your account follow these steps:
- Wait until Sunday evening to create your account
- Insert your pre-prepared data - bio, photos, interest and so forth
- Make sure you get your profile verified ASAP
- Start swiping selectively and spend as much time as you can on tinder throughout the week
- Once you get 99+ likes get tinder premium for optimal ELO
-Keep you profile as active as possible as inactivity heavily effects ELO
7# Texting/converting matches - in progress

This thread will continue to be updated once I have more time on my hands and is far from done, but posted as people can use what is already written to improve their OLD experience in the meantime - also let me know if there's stuff missing and ill add it to my guide

@currylightskin @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Xangsane @Nims @Ken @John124 @Hoso @Gargamel @Biggdink @bkr2906 @xxxxxxxxxxxxxx @Corleone @the BULL @Makeyousit @DoctorLooksmax @aBetterMii @justshower @SubSigma @EasternRightWinger15 @krisal @Amnesia @Danish_Retard @TRUE_CEL @StreegeReturn @Prettyboy @fogdart @Adonis @Anstrum95
Good boy, you go up in my esteem
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:feelsthink::feelsthink:🤔 lots of words but I summarized ur post :oops:

step1 have a handsome face

step 2 have a handsome face

step 3 buy hollywood smile teeth with blinding white colour

step 4 hire a photographer to take the most angle frauded pic and take like 500 of those

step 5 have a handsome face

step 6 don't be unattractive

step 7 smile :forcedsmile: in pictures with unskippable step of step 3

step 8 just pay to win for discovery, tinder gold, platinum, diamond, buy boosts for days, and boost urself for a week straight,

step 9 start a "special military operation" in Ukraine

ajjajajajajaj i love u man
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i do tinder since a few weeks, somehow good, but i remember when i used my ex gf pics on an fake tinder account... i never got that blackpilled. they get written ALL THE TIME
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If you want to learn how to make a Tinder profile

that gets more matches than you know what to do with, look no further.

Here you will learn my techniques for developing a Tinder profile that gets you plenty of matches and women to message you first.

Whether you are on Tinder for dating or hoping to hookup

It all starts with one thing: getting more matches.

You probably think this sounds too good to be true or why the hell would I trust this random guy with my online dating profile?

So id like to share my profile and some of my statistics from Tinder Insight:

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1# Tinder Statistics Are Against You

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What are we up against?
I know you’re hungry for the techniques.
But first, we need to cover what you’re up against.
It’s no secret that men have a much harder time with Tinder dating than women do.

But a quick look at the numbers behind this phenomenon is pretty staggering…
It’s much worse than you think.
On Tinder, the statistics heavily favor woman.

  • Women get 20X more matches than men.
  • 59% percent of women like less than 10% of the male profiles.
  • Only 9% of men are that selective.
  • 33% of men reported “casually liking most profiles.”
  • 0% of women report “casually liking most profiles.”
  • That’s worth saying again, women don’t casually swipe right.
  • 93% of women only like profiles that they’re attracted to.

But It Gets Even Worse​

80% of men on Tinder are competing for the bottom 22% of female Tinder users.
It shows that the top 10% of men get 58% of all matches.
So what does this mean?

It means that you need to put yourself in the top 10% of men.
Chances are if you’re reading this article you’re not in that coveted 10%.

this is why you need all the help you can get and require the techniques all of which you’re going to learn in this guide.

Getting In The Top 10%​

you’re probably thinking:

  • I’m not attractive enough to be in the top 10%.
  • I’m overweight.
  • I have acne.
  • My hair is thinning.
You probably don’t look like chico, Maher or Gandhi.

… and you know what?
That’s okay.
It turns out that getting into that top 10% isn’t purely about your genetics.
It’s all about your presentation.
So when asking that age-old question about whether looks matter on Tinder…

2# Do Looks Matter On Tinder?

If you think the answer is “yes” you’d be right.

But there is a major caveat.

The concept of “looks” actually includes two completely distinct categories.

  • Genetics.
  • Presentation.
Both of these affect how you ‘look.’

But one plays a much more important role.

Genetics is what you’re born with.
  • Bone structure.
  • Skin condition/type (to some extent).
  • Your height.

These are factors that are out of your control.

On Tinder, they act as a bonus.

Making everything a little easier.

On the other hand…

Presentation is a visual representation of your choices.

Presentation represents your…

  • Attitude.
  • Experience.
  • Intelligence.
  • Competence.
  • Trustworthiness.
  • Confidence.
  • Personality.
  • Ambition.

Why Presentation Matters​

Your genetics might be enough for a quick hookup in a club.

But you’re going to need more than that to get

— and keep if that's your goal —

the highest quality women you can get on tinder.

How can you actually show your ambition, intelligence, experience and personality?

Especially in a photo?

The reality is: it’s easy.

The choices you make are reflected in your “looks.”

Here are some examples:
  • Being overweight is a choice. It reflects your lack of willpower.
  • Being fit is a choice. It reflects your determination.
  • Wearing well fitting clothes is a choice. It reflects your social awareness.
Every choice that you make in how you display yourself is a reflection of you.

This is not shallow.

This is presenting the qualities, choices, and experiences that make you who you are.

Getting into that top 10% is simple.

Here’s the big secret:

It’s not about being in the top 10% most genetically attractive.

It’s about having one of the top 10% best presented Tinder profiles.

I really want to stress this.

Looks matter.

But it’s about the presentation of the features you have.

And not so much about the features themselves.

3# What pictures to use?
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What You DON'T Want In Your Profile Photo.​

For starters, your profile photo should never be:

  • A selfie.
  • A poor quality photo (Bad lighting, taken with flash, or at night.)
  • A group photo (Save that for photo 2 or 3.)
  • A photo where your face is unclear (sunglasses = bad.)
  • A photo where you’re far away from the camera.

So What Should Your Profile Photo Be?​

The brain doesn’t like to be confused, so the most attractive profile photo is:

  • A clean headshot, preferably showing the upper third of your body.
  • A high-quality photo, with some clear contrast between you and the background.
  • A photo of you alone.
  • A photo without distracting “noise” in the background.
  • A photo where your face is clearly shown (NO SUNGLASSES!)

The “Hop The Fence” Principal - technique 1​

Close your eyes.

It’s summer.

You’re in your back yard, your friends are over, and the grille is going.

(Impossible burgers, of course.)

Music is playing, and you even have a pool to cool off in.

Pretty nice, right?

Meanwhile, your neighbor a few houses down has a similar set up.

You really don’t hang out with your neighbor, but he seems fine.

Now, let me ask you a question:

Under what circumstances would you abandon all your friends and hop the fence to join his BBQ?

If you and him already have the same set up…

Why would you leave the comfort of your own house to join his party?

It’d have to be something big:

  • Maybe a ton of people showed up, and their party looks way more fun.
  • Maybe it turns out he’s a stand up comedian and his jokes are so funny you need to head over.
  • Or maybe everyone at his party is going to accompany him back to his boat for an afterparty.
Whatever it is, it’s got to be amazing, right?

Tinder is no different.

When a girl looks at your profile, you need to convince her to “jump the fence” to come join you.

Her “yard” is already full of her close friends, family, and even some dudes she casually sleeps with.

(Awkward, right?)

So why would she leave the comfort of her own world to join yours?

The answer is you need to have something that she doesn’t have.

Something that is so compelling she will “jump ship” and come join you.

If a woman is interested in you, she will do anything to hang out.

She will skip homework, ditch classes, take off work, and bail on her family if you’re worth while.

When a girl, or even a guy, looks at your profile they should say to themselves:

Wow, he looks awesome to hang out with.

If you want matches on Tinder, you can not be boring!

That’s what the “hop the fence” principal is about.

The image should look way more fun than what someone looking could be doing that day.

You want to bring them on a journey…

Lets use my first pic as an example:
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For example:
it's probably evening, a girl opens up tinder, shes sitting comfortably in her bed and watching Netflix while scrolling tinder or whatever,
this doesn't sound too bad right?

That's what you're probably competing against, have to BEAT whatever she's doing at that exact moment.
A date scenario, which looks to be fun as he's smiling, approachable and there's probably food included doesn't sound for that particular girl then. hence you get a right swipe

How To Get Images This Good.​

When a girl looks at your profile this is what happens:

She instantly decides within a fraction of a second whether she’s going to swipe right or left on you.

And she makes that decision almost exclusively on your profile picture.

I want to stress this.

Her choice is:

  • Instantaneous.
  • Unconscious.
You have maybe 0.1 second to ‘convince’ her you’re worth talking to.

Don’t get me wrong.

Your supplemental photos and your bio are important.

Since she can preview your other photos before swiping right.

But that doesn’t minimize the importance of the first.

You’re communicating your values and how you view yourself by the choice of your first photo.

So there’s little need to keep looking if she’s decided you suck.

We know this intuitively.

And yet the overwhelming majority of guys use random pictures from Facebook.

Or terrible bathroom selfies as their profile photos.




4# Your Tinder bio:
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ill start by showing you an example
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it's short, hard to find anything that can be seen as a red flag and includes a call to action.
as a bonus, I caught a trending topic at the time (Bridgerton season 2 came out) so managed to get a lot of traction from that

nothing less, nothing more.
5# Tinder ELO & Premium
Your beauty is for sure important while dating. But a good photo is not about that! Spending time shooting the perfect picture can really skyrocket your results alone. Then swiping will get more pleasant.

Your general attractiveness depends on your behavior. The algorithm knows it!

The better Tinder user you are, the more likely to be shown you are.

A lot of people think that Tinder ranks its users by their looks, but this is not the case. In fact, there are three main factors in a person's attractiveness: profile pictures; behavior on the app (swiping right to like someone and left to pass); and interactions with others through messages or matches.

A lot of little details are favored by the app: how often do you use it? How long? How fast and often do you engage with your matches?

It is easy. There are 2 main things you need to do. First, show Tinder that you are a person of high value and success. Second, behave like a person of high value and model the behavior of other people on Tinder.

You can improve your profile by editing your photos and adding a bio. This is the key to better online dating results and improving your score! Think about quality. A bad photo can really impact your ratings.

Many people don't take enough pictures of themselves, or they think it's useless to spend time on that.

But this can help you stand out among other men on the app!

Second point: be a model user.

Respect yourself and behave like a high-value individual.

Your usage of the app will impact your ELO a lot!. What would a high-value person do? Swipe only on the girls you REALLY like.

If you swipe right fiercely on all the girls that are shown to you, you will quickly be perceived as a non-selective person. And will therefore be shown anyone, or mainly similar users, that may not be so attractive.

Engage FAST with your Tinder matches.

Send your first message fast to the woman you matched!

It is not in Tinder's interest to let matches expire so they are motivated for both parties to keep the conversation going.

This means that if you engage with people on tinder, it will increase your ELO score. If a person doesn't interact at all with anyone on tinder, their ELO rank decreases and this can lead them to get booted off of the app completely or have limited access to other users.

Is Tinder premium worth it?​

A good way to improve your rank is to pay in the app. You will be shown more and get bonus exposure. But you should not do this if you have had no results before!

It joins what I just described, paying makes you a better user from Tinder's perspective. It could be Tinder plus, Tinder gold, or Tinder Platinum (The best choice).

But I insist. Build a strong profile, and strong habits, with quality photos before!

You can get a lot of quality matches before spending a single dime.

6# What to do once you have created your account:
Once you have read the tinder guide and are ready to make your account follow these steps:
- Wait until Sunday evening to create your account
- Insert your pre-prepared data - bio, photos, interest and so forth
- Make sure you get your profile verified ASAP
- Start swiping selectively and spend as much time as you can on tinder throughout the week
- Once you get 99+ likes get tinder premium for optimal ELO
-Keep you profile as active as possible as inactivity heavily effects ELO
7# Texting/converting matches - in progress

This thread will continue to be updated once I have more time on my hands and is far from done, but posted as people can use what is already written to improve their OLD experience in the meantime - also let me know if there's stuff missing and ill add it to my guide

@currylightskin @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Xangsane @Nims @Ken @John124 @Hoso @Gargamel @Biggdink @bkr2906 @xxxxxxxxxxxxxx @Corleone @the BULL @Makeyousit @DoctorLooksmax @aBetterMii @justshower @SubSigma @EasternRightWinger15 @krisal @Amnesia @Danish_Retard @TRUE_CEL @StreegeReturn @Prettyboy @fogdart @Adonis @Anstrum95
Gonna break up with my GF and try this. Banger thread.
  • JFL
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Mostly water tbh
  • +1
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Mostly water tbh
Yeah, but some people still have absolutely no idea what to do on a tinder profile so had to include the basics, the Elo thing is gonna be elaborated on as well as time creation and a section for already experienced & good looking tinder users
  • +1
Reactions: Loki and makeme183
Yeah, but some people still have absolutely no idea what to do on a tinder profile so had to include the basics, the Elo thing is gonna be elaborated on as well as time creation and a section for already experienced & good looking tinder users
I recently have 2 professional photoshoots (even though no photoshoots for my NW5) to at least say know that I tried and coped before saying it's truly over.

Do you mind if I DM some of my pics to you so that you can build my pics in order?
  • +1
  • Woah
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