Self-Learning And Methods That Actually Work [IMPROVERS GTFIH][PART 1]



May 19, 2020

Gather round looksmaxxers, I'm about to get a hit of dopamine dropping knowledge that I believe you all should know. First off, I want this thread to be a discussion in how we can maximize our effort and potential as a whole. I will be detailing in this OP what I know about self-learning with citations and methods that actually work from studying and experience. One of the biggest things that holds us back is our drive to succeed, we're bombarded with constant distractions, consumerism, empty knowledge, and the inability to actually conjure up the method of accomplishing the goals we want.

There is a few points of reference material that I will be laying out for you, all these points of reference stem from a book I bought 2 years ago called Make It Stick: The Science Of Successful Learning by Peter C. Brown. He is a retired management consultant and writer who basically got together a fuck ton of citations, anecdotal evidence in favor of said citations, and how you can maximize learning. In terms of genuine self-improvement, I would rate this book in the top 5 for Self-improvement next to Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss and How To Win Friends And Influence People. All 3 of these books have science (primarily neuroscience), big peer reviewed studies, and otherwise backing each one. This thread will be broken up into 3 parts alongside my nasolabial fold thread, which is going to be updated with my information and findings behind CO2 Laser treatment.

Done withholding information, without further wait, here you are.

1. Memorization Is Not Useless

Despite what people may misunderstand about school and how information retrieval works saying that testing is useless and memorization is just filling your brain with pointless facts is bullshit. Memorization and active recalling of information is one of the most valuable and strongest tools we can use to gain knowledge. It does not take long for us to see how this applies in the real world. For example, you wouldn't want a brain surgeon working on your brain that doesn't know how to stop the bleeding of a ruptured vein because they missed that class and forgot to memorize the rarity of this occurrence, right? While it doesn't happen often, if that surgeon didn't memorize the protocol of how to create a transfusion as fast as possible for blood and stop the bleeding, then you would be dead. The sentiment that memorization is useless is bluepilled bullshit they throw at you because they're afraid you might ruin their creativity if you use this knowledge, which is stupid.

2. Active Recall Is Important and Testing Is What Keeps Knowledge

When learning a new skill using memory, active recall is the mechanism which actually makes information stick. What this means is that, say you read a chapter of a book, in that book lets say you saw 3 key points. They will be in your memory for a short or long amount of time, it varies on importance and impact. Your goal is create a strategy that allows you to actively recall these 3 points of the book regardless of how it is in your memory. This is where testing comes into play. If you have a quiz ready at the end of each chapter you read, or you make an effort to test yourself at the end of a chapter, the chances of you retaining this knowledge go up exponentially and create neural pathways that connect more of your brain to each other that allows you to have greater cognitive skills. Testing is another one of the strongest tools we have to reflect on knowledge and build better learning strategies.

3. Re-reading Information Is Very Ineffective, Serotonin And Dopamine Very Important

Re reading and recycling information constantly in the form of cramming and studying is very ineffective. Once you read a passage of information, if you don't understand it, re-reading is essentially useless. This is because your brain is already aware of the information. One of the worst things you can do is believe that constantly re reading is actually effective. What's more so effective in instance is actually walking away from the information and to do something fun. When you do fun things, serotonin and dopamine release, which are both neurotransmitters that greatly play into the effect of how well you learn. What's going on is while the information may not be at the forefront of your mind, you are subconsciously creating neural pathways and connections that allow you to understand the information. Many people who takes a break from doing a difficult learning task for a few hours, days, or weeks, can often come back to it with a refined understanding and process information much better when taking another test. Serotonin and dopamine increase this by a lot. Now this doesn't mean go and rot your brains on video games and be unproductive, but you should be creating an environment around you where dopamine and serotonin are achieved in healthy ways. We'll go more into that another time.

4. Doing Is Extremely Important

This one is very obvious but I figure I might as well throw it in there. If you do not actually even make the first step in any subject you are interested in participating in no matter how much stuff you read, it is pointless. In fact, even before reading a bunch of stuff about a subject, you should attempt it. Your brain is constantly looking for things to do, and with that in mind, your brain is not slowing down any time soon. By even just doing something, your brains interest increases immensly, even if you do not know what the fuck you are doing. Just do it, literally.

5. Difficulty Is Important

Your brain likes challenge. The competitive mindset is seen everywhere, but there's no bigger competitor than your brain against anything else. When studying a difficult subject like math, many people believe that the best way to learn is to dive straight into simplicity. While there's nothing wrong with this approach, people who did this took longer to learn more advanced concepts. This intertwines with testing quite a lot actually. When initially diving into a subject, presenting yourself with a level of difficulty that is far beyond your reach at the current time actually very beneficial. While you might not understand it or make far on your attempt of one of mathematics unsolved equations, even being presented the problem alone makes your brain curious and want to strive for much more. Outside of outlandish difficulty, if your brain isn't challenged to complete something, then you are far less inclined to actually complete the task of learning.

6. Constant Practice Of The Same Thing Is Ineffective, Grinding Is Bad, Multiple Practices Styles

If you are learning a skill, one of the most fundamentally flawed pieces of knowledge you've probably been fed is the practice-practice-practice notion. Let's say you are learning rudiments on a snare drum, and you wake up everyday and you practice these rudiments for 30 minutes. That is good to do, initially. Like we mentioned earlier though, this information is now in your head already though. Even after you complete the first rudiment properly. We also now know you learn best when you use active recall. If you are constantly practicing the same thing every single day, all you are doing is allowing it to constantly stay in your memory. The best way to actually refine this, is by switching up your practice and practice time. Maybe you don't do the 15 rudiments you've already learned, and instead you learn 15 new ones, and then the day after that you learn another 15, and then that next day, you go back to the original 15 you learned. You are now giving your brain time to actually create the neural pathways to reinforce knowledge, you are learning new information, and you are actively recalling these things, which is allowing you to create strong neural pathways.

This also brings us to the different styles of practicing. Spaced Practice is the application of using time to your advantage. Since we know above that letting your brain have a little fun here and there, supplementing it with dopamine and serotonin creates very strong neural pathways, allows you to solve difficult problems, then what better way than to apply the same thing to practice. Instead of learning as much as you can in one day, spread your learning out over time and know your limits. If you can read 3 chapters a day on a subject and reflect on them in a healthy way, do that. If you need to take 3 days to read a single chapter, then do that. Information processing is still very key in the learning process and speeds are variable, you do not need to read a whole book every day.

On top of spaced practice, there is also Mixed Practice. The idea is basically what we talked about when it comes to difficulty. We'll come back to the drumming example. Instead of just practicing 15 rudiments straight, switch up your practice. So perhaps you practice a song, then you practice a rudiment, then you practice accenting, then you practice paradiddles, then you practice rudiments, and then you practice accenting, then practice a song, etc. You are allowing your brain to do what we mentioned above, your giving it time to step away from each individual problem, your giving it a chance to see a new problem, you're building better neural pathways, you are creating serotonin, you are creating dopamine, you are creating all of these things by creating difficulty. Sure you won't be as effective as first, but as we've already now learned above, when you revisit these practices within a week, and create these spaces, you will notice vast improvements.

Which brings us to varied practice. I like the drum example, so we'll keep using it. So when you practice these rudiments, one of the best ways to refine the practice is constantly adjust and switch up your playing. So lets say you're practicing your rudiments at 30 BPM, that's good. Now do it at 120BPM, you might fuck up, that's okay. Then go to 50BPM, then go to 80BPM, then to 20BPM, then to 70BPM, then to 140BPM. Switch up your practice, constantly. If you haven't caught on by now, these things are all intertwined. I don't know if I even need to explain why this practice is effective, at this point you should understand, active recall, your brain walking away, serotonin, dopamine, difficulty, different styles of practicing. It's all so fucking important. It works.

7. Facts Are The Seeds and Concept Is The Flower

One of the best ways of understanding that we actually learned something of value is through the vision of Conceptualization. If we have a garden, facts are the seeds for the garden and concepts are the flowers that come from the seeds. When learning a difficult skill, you would be able to also know that knowledge is quite transferable among the concept. For example, lets use games. If we know in games the concept of Mechanics, then we are able to understand that every game has a different mechanic amongst playing it. This concept applies to everywhere. Mechanics that exist in DOTA are comparable to League, but if you take these 2 games and the concept, you can apply the same understanding of abstraction from DOTA to Counter Strike, Counter Strike to Puzzle Games, etc. Conceptualization is very important, abstract thinking is the measurement we can use to know that our learning is effective, and allows us to discern information we know is true for information we know is false, and the translation of it across multiple mediums.

For now that's all. Tl;dr for your ADHD Low IQers Maniacs:

learn to memorize shit it's extremely valuable, actively recalling is what makes you actually smart and not a fucking idiot, don't re read stuff you already know the shit you stupid faggot just test yourself or walk away and trip on dopamine and serotonin, if you are gonna learn how to paint actually paint just don't sit around and read like a faggot, challenge yourself and dive head first into difficult things, ACTUALLY READ PART 6. THERE IS NO TLDR, you'll know you actually learned stuff if you understand the concept that is presented after.
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Dude you should post this in success, but good thread keep going
first to not read

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Dude you should post this in success, but good thread keep going
Might have a mod move it, was hoping there would be more discussion here. @Nosecel, if this thread should be moved to success, go ahead and do it.
What do you think about Anki? it can take care of memorization, spaced repetition and interleaving at the same time. The only problem I see with it is that there is no good way of using it to get better at problem solving skills like math or programming.

Have you read Ultralearning by Scott Young? if so what do you think about it?
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What do you think about Anki? it can take care of memorization, spaced repetition and interleaving at the same time. The only problem I see with it is that there is no good way of using it to get better at problem solving skills like math or programming.
Anki is a great program. Flash cards are a great learning tool, in fact in the book they talk about using them. The only problem I find with Anki is finding stuff the revolves around your subject. It could help with math and programming for a few things, algorithmic understanding, possibly formulaic understanding, or expression information when it comes to programming. Even just making your own flash cards allows you to practice active recall, which is still the biggest tool we can use for learning information.
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Are there any insane techniques or things you have come across to compete with sciencefags and autists? I was thinking about things like deliberate practice but TBH that that word is so misused on the internet that it has almost become a meme. I read to book Peak and the author invented the terminology and even he says that you can't use deliberate practice when you are self learning. To effectively use DP you HAVE to be instructed my someone.

I have also read threads on hackernews where people use red light on their brains to maintain focus for far longer.

And one final thing would be using the best resources possible. Learning from a great resource for 10 hours is better than learning from a terrible one for 50. Any good recs for computer science/web dev?
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Dn rd but thanks greycel.
I've read the book and I loved it. If some fags have some trouble understanding the techniques then refer to @Chadelite 's thread:
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I'll take a look
i have too much free time these days
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Are there any insane techniques or things you have come across to compete with sciencefags and autists? I was thinking about things like deliberate practice but TBH that that word is so misused on the internet that it has almost become a meme. I read to book Peak and the author invented the terminology and even he says that you can't use deliberate practice when you are self learning. To effectively use DP you HAVE to be instructed my someone.

I have also read threads on hackernews where people use red light on their brains to maintain focus for far longer.

And one final thing would be using the best resources possible. Learning from a great resource for 10 hours is better than learning from a terrible one for 50. Any good recs for computer science/web dev?
My findings personally have come align with most science and autist. I also read Peak, and he is absolutely right, to a degree. A mentor is going to have better knowledge than you at most times, so of course they are going to know how to drag out the qualities that will make a certain thing better. Deliberate practice is used to draw out subjectivity/complexity in a technique. So for example, repetition of playing a riff on a guitar. The knowledge and memory of playing the guitar are just a faucet of playing the guitar. If you learn the riff to Smoke On The Water, then that's great, but what is overlooked is the way that the original riff is played. The riff is more than just the knowledge of playing it, because there is a tonal quality, strumming technique, tune, speed, and everything that comes into factor. It's what seperates someone who knows how to play guitar, and a guitar player. So he is right, but only to that degree of it.

From personal research, I'm currently trying to figure out the best ways to route discipline. I'm on the course of doing 24 hour fasting, interweaving sleep patterns, removing sugar and carbs a lot more, nootropical usage of nicotine and caffeine, and setting up a better dopamine/serotonin reward system. I've noticed my discipline has gotten easier to control as a result. Self-learning is the first step, if you can teach yourself just one subject, you can teach yourself multiple subjects. Self-control is the next, it's been very difficult and I've only recently began really looking how to self-discipline. I've been watching Alex Becker's youtube channel, and reading NCBI journals on disciplinary findings. Dopamine fasting is also my biggest interest of self-development.

As far as comp sci/web dev, I highly recommend freecodecamp. I used to do web dev and their program initially wasn't very good, but for web dev, they have stepped up greatly to plate. While their primary focus is in JavaScript, they have expanded to other platforms and uses. I recommend them for WebDev. As far as compsci goes, I'm not sure what would be the best route for gathering information outside of schooling. I would imagine potentially a udemy course. I should mention throughout all of this, I've found that the best way I've gathered and learned information is knowledge of the direct result I'm doing. The faster I know a solution, the better I learn, I've often found seeing solutions to a problem, and replicating them have generated better success in active recalling and memory retention overall. I'll look into some journals for the next part of my post to see If I can support my personal finding with science.
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I've read the book and I loved it. If some fags have some trouble understanding the techniques then refer to @Chadelite 's thread:
Was unaware this thread existed, but I've seen that guys youtube, I 100% agree with the information he puts forth. All science backed and cited, even from personal experiences with learning.
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Great book and great thread op!
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Lol another study thread to keep open forever to procrastinate reading it
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Reactions: Danish_Retard, Cain, Deleted member 1973 and 3 others
Fucking genius. This deserves to be in Best of Best.

Highly valuable thread to anyone Inter in improving themselves and life, making money, and of course looksmaxing.

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Fucking autocorrect
Read the whole thread. Thanks bro. I prefer this type of thread above all else! Will look into the book or audiobook if they have one!

Do you have any specific advice for those with ADHD? I get so distracted so easy and my mind is ful if thoughts, I prefer more stimulating activities than sitting down and reading, very hard. If I get the momentum going it’s easier I guess but eliminating distraction is very hard and I still haven’t figured out what environment/schedule works best for me.
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Read the whole thread. Thanks bro. I prefer this type of thread above all else! Will look into the book or audiobook if they have one!

Do you have any specific advice for those with ADHD? I get so distracted so easy and my mind is ful if thoughts, I prefer more stimulating activities than sitting down and reading, very hard. If I get the momentum going it’s easier I guess but eliminating distraction is very hard and I still haven’t figured out what environment/schedule works best for me.
No recommendations off top of my head for ADHD, perhaps look into abusing your access to scripts, people shit on Adderall for all the wrong reasons, improves brain performance measured at least about 15%, which is actually an insane increase in mental speed, and probably the best we can obtain. In my opinion, reading is over rated to a degree. There's lots of knowledge that isn't accessible that you can find from reading, but for general information stuff, I watch youtube videos at 1.5x speed. You also might have a different learning style than how some people do. Some people will spend 15 minutes learning something, then go fuck off for 2 hours, and come back, maybe do 30 minutes. Your brain does shit tons of learning off dopamine and serotonin, so digesting information in small portions and getting huge hits of dopamine might be your method. I was planning on updating this in a week, I'll look up some studies for you to reference off of.
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No recommendations off top of my head for ADHD, perhaps look into abusing your access to scripts, people shit on Adderall for all the wrong reasons, improves brain performance measured at least about 15%, which is actually an insane increase in mental speed, and probably the best we can obtain. In my opinion, reading is over rated to a degree. There's lots of knowledge that isn't accessible that you can find from reading, but for general information stuff, I watch youtube videos at 1.5x speed. You also might have a different learning style than how some people do. Some people will spend 15 minutes learning something, then go fuck off for 2 hours, and come back, maybe do 30 minutes. Your brain does shit tons of learning off dopamine and serotonin, so digesting information in small portions and getting huge hits of dopamine might be your method. I was planning on updating this in a week, I'll look up some studies for you to reference off of.

Good listing of a few select nootropics and some that you may have never heard about. Also a chan discussion on brain improvement.

You got any advice for lateral thinking and creativity?
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No recommendations off top of my head for ADHD, perhaps look into abusing your access to scripts, people shit on Adderall for all the wrong reasons, improves brain performance measured at least about 15%, which is actually an insane increase in mental speed, and probably the best we can obtain. In my opinion, reading is over rated to a degree. There's lots of knowledge that isn't accessible that you can find from reading, but for general information stuff, I watch youtube videos at 1.5x speed. You also might have a different learning style than how some people do. Some people will spend 15 minutes learning something, then go fuck off for 2 hours, and come back, maybe do 30 minutes. Your brain does shit tons of learning off dopamine and serotonin, so digesting information in small portions and getting huge hits of dopamine might be your method. I was planning on updating this in a week, I'll look up some studies for you to reference off of.
Thanks bro! I tried the drug route, terrible long term strategy imo. Sticking to coffee and sometimes energy drinks, will eventually moderate that habit and then turn to lesser degrees of additive crutches like tea ect.

Interest is a HUGE component to learning which would fall under dopamine but with ADHD it’s almost essential and also our super power. I’m better focused than anyone when I ca tune into my hyperfocus, but again, I don’t know how to do that selectively for things that immediately seem like chores yet.
Do you know any information on actually growing your skull and brain size, and neurogenesis for increasing brain capacity?

From what I’ve read and learned, HGH can increase brain size aswell as skull, raise BDNF, and improve memory learning and concentration pretty drastically within let’s say a year of use.
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Do you know any information on actually growing your skull and brain size, and neurogenesis for increasing brain capacity?

From what I’ve read and learned, HGH can increase brain size aswell as skull, raise BDNF, and improve memory learning and concentration pretty drastically within let’s say a year of use.
Do you know any information on actually growing your skull and brain size, and neurogenesis for increasing brain capacity?

From what I’ve read and learned, HGH can increase brain size aswell as skull, raise BDNF, and improve memory learning and concentration pretty drastically within let’s say a year of use.
The 5HT serotonin receptors, limbic system and PGC1alpha pathway might interest you
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The 5HT serotonin receptors, limbic system and PGC1alpha pathway might interest you
That has to do with psychedelics like shrooms correct? Already been knowing of that for increasing neurogenesis.

Do you have any more specific useful practical information on this?

Good listing of a few select nootropics and some that you may have never heard about. Also a chan discussion on brain improvement.

You got any advice for lateral thinking and creativity?
Lateral and creative thinking has a lot to do with emotional state, but neurotransmitters are still the biggest factor. You have 3 big neuromodulators that play into this, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Other self-producing chemicals obviously matter when it comes to neuromodulation, but these by far are the biggest ways of increasing creative growth. Which supports an idea we see in 2 different ways, people that have a difficult time creating a dopamine systems in the first place, and people that have a healthy method of obtaining dopamine and serotonin. Both parties are similar in the sense that, when dopamine is produced effectively and when serotonin is also produced in a healthy manner, we are able to think a lot more creatively. The difference between them is the emotional state. A person who is depressed and has a difficult time creating dopamine, will still create something or think creatively when those moments do arrive. The same goes for a person who is happy and healthy. It does not apply to people who are overproducing and overstimulating theirselves with dopamine and serotonin. Which means it's crucial to develop healthy methods of obtaining dopamine that don't involve you going too overboard, especially based on emotional states of happiness. This is why meditation is so effective, because you're effectively removing the dopamine hit intensity, or you're reducing the impact of the hit, which allows you to actually take a step back to use the effectiveness of the neurotransmitter. I have noticed that when I am induldging far too much, my creative thinking goes way down, but the ideas that I do think about are much more grandiose, but if I'm doing much more calculated and well regulated dopamine creation, I have a better capacity to think creatively too solve my problems and focus on execution of them. Studies support this as well, primarily this most recent one from 2019, and another one done from 2017 on phasic dopamine.

I am still trying to figure out the most effective way to create this reward system in order to maintain and boost productivity. I will say use of nootropics has helped, but indulgence has been the biggest thing I've needed to fend off. I've basically removed all games from my life as I don't see a purpose in playing them anymore, that's already yielded a pretty good improvement.
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Do you know any information on actually growing your skull and brain size, and neurogenesis for increasing brain capacity?

From what I’ve read and learned, HGH can increase brain size aswell as skull, raise BDNF, and improve memory learning and concentration pretty drastically within let’s say a year of use.
Need to do more research. Probably won't include this information til 3rd/4th updates on this stuff.
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3rd/4th updates?
Doing information gathering. I was planning on updating this thread semi regularly, next things I was planning on adding were nootropic studies, effective sleeping, high intensity training, and brain games
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Doing information gathering. I was planning on updating this thread semi regularly, next things I was planning on adding were nootropic studies, effective sleeping, high intensity training, and brain games
You have to ask a mod to edit the thread. It locks a couple hours later.

You should really make separate threads for that, too much information giving at once is overwhelming and counterproductive.
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Great, I've been wanting to know how to learn motor skills more effectively. Anyone got any more info on this?
Lateral and creative thinking has a lot to do with emotional state, but neurotransmitters are still the biggest factor. You have 3 big neuromodulators that play into this, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Other self-producing chemicals obviously matter when it comes to neuromodulation, but these by far are the biggest ways of increasing creative growth. Which supports an idea we see in 2 different ways, people that have a difficult time creating a dopamine systems in the first place, and people that have a healthy method of obtaining dopamine and serotonin. Both parties are similar in the sense that, when dopamine is produced effectively and when serotonin is also produced in a healthy manner, we are able to think a lot more creatively. The difference between them is the emotional state. A person who is depressed and has a difficult time creating dopamine, will still create something or think creatively when those moments do arrive. The same goes for a person who is happy and healthy. It does not apply to people who are overproducing and overstimulating theirselves with dopamine and serotonin. Which means it's crucial to develop healthy methods of obtaining dopamine that don't involve you going too overboard, especially based on emotional states of happiness. This is why meditation is so effective, because you're effectively removing the dopamine hit intensity, or you're reducing the impact of the hit, which allows you to actually take a step back to use the effectiveness of the neurotransmitter. I have noticed that when I am induldging far too much, my creative thinking goes way down, but the ideas that I do think about are much more grandiose, but if I'm doing much more calculated and well regulated dopamine creation, I have a better capacity to think creatively too solve my problems and focus on execution of them. Studies support this as well, primarily this most recent one from 2019, and another one done from 2017 on phasic dopamine.

I am still trying to figure out the most effective way to create this reward system in order to maintain and boost productivity. I will say use of nootropics has helped, but indulgence has been the biggest thing I've needed to fend off. I've basically removed all games from my life as I don't see a purpose in playing them anymore, that's already yielded a pretty good improvement.
Have you used any nootropics that can upregulate dopamine? Uridine (upregulates dopamine by both preventing excessive dopamine levels and by repairing/restoring neuronal dopamine functionality), CDP-Choline (increase in dopamine receptor density), or Forskolin (causes the brain to be sensitized to dopamine by increasing its availability to be absorbed) to name a few.
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How to study if you have ADHD/ADD?
good studymax / moneymax content
excellent thread, do you guys know any specific tip for learning math?
Have you used any nootropics that can upregulate dopamine? Uridine (upregulates dopamine by both preventing excessive dopamine levels and by repairing/restoring neuronal dopamine functionality), CDP-Choline (increase in dopamine receptor density), or Forskolin (causes the brain to be sensitized to dopamine by increasing its availability to be absorbed) to name a few.
I am about to order specifically Uridine and Choline because they work hand in hand together according to research. I am interested in developing more of my own personal research towards supplements, my personal knowledge base isn't that big outside of nicotine, caffeine, and adderall.
Great, I've been wanting to know how to learn motor skills more effectively. Anyone got any more info on this?
What specifically are you trying to learn when it comes to motor skills? If you are just trying to increase learning effectiveness, just doing the things I mentioned above will help, but finding information about motor skill ability is difficult. The only research I've been able to find generally suggest a form of fitness will compliment not only learning, but muscle memory, but I have also stumbled upon contradictory evidence that suggest learning capabilities for motor skills does not differ great enough from a sedentary lifestyle person, to physically active. Which suggest again, the best learning that we can generate comes from our neuromodulating systems and creating healthy ways to obtain neurotransmitters for learning, and their improvement, rather than our physical improvement.
excellent thread, do you guys know any specific tip for learning math?

Idk what level you're talking about but there's a book called 'a mind for numbers' that helped me study maths at uni
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OP what are your thoughts on

- transcranial direct current simulation
- noopept
- N-back and other "brain games" etc

Also what kind of meditation do you do?
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goddd ur such a fucking nerd
I read to the end of 6 and stopped
N-back and other "brain games" etc
Dual N back is a qualified meme irc. No significant research that it improves fluid intelligence. More and more it is becoming apparent that neurogenic nootropics + deliberate practice of any kind is the way to go. Even IQ tests can be gamed because if you do enough of them there are definite patterns.

IMO emotions here are super and they have quite a significant effect on how your brain might work on things. I would be willing to bet that if some guy made a promise with his mother who died that he would learn programming would learn it faster than someone who just wants to learn it for fun. This much is obvious ofc, but what is not obvious is how to game this system. IMO people shit on 'motivation' too much but it definitely plays a part, its just that we have not figured out the neurochemical analog of how to simulate that. One possible avenue is gamification. I love gaining levels in runescape even though essentially what I am doing is just clicking pixels.
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Dual N back is a qualified meme irc. No significant research that it improves fluid intelligence. More and more it is becoming apparent that neurogenic nootropics + deliberate practice of any kind is the way to go. Even IQ tests can be gamed because if you do enough of them there are definite patterns.

IMO emotions here are super and they have quite a significant effect on how your brain might work on things. I would be willing to bet that if some guy made a promise with his mother who died that he would learn programming would learn it faster than someone who just wants to learn it for fun. This much is obvious ofc, but what is not obvious is how to game this system. IMO people shit on 'motivation' too much but it definitely plays a part, its just that we have not figured out the neurochemical analog of how to simulate that. One possible avenue is gamification. I love gaining levels in runescape even though essentially what I am doing is just clicking pixels.

High IQ post

I completely agree on the motivation and emotional angle. It's crucial for learning.

What is your nootropic stack?

Just optimise every facet of your brain and mind theory I guess
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@Stranix @tommyice

You guys might like this

The polish guy who basically invented the first spaced repetition software back in the 90s and has been researching and writing about learning ever since. Theres some interesting stuff in his writings.
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