SARMs Guide Cutting & Bulking - High Effort

tell me ur stupid without telling me ur stupid

Physical Fitness and Attractiveness

Research has shown that most women are attracted to men who are more muscular, stronger, and leaner compared to men who are smaller, weaker, and fatter[7]. This preference can be attributed to evolutionary and social factors where a fit, healthy, and athletic body is seen as an indicator of desirable traits such as discipline, determination, patience, perseverance, and self-respect[7]. These traits can be appealing from a partner selection perspective, as they may signal the ability to provide protection and stability.

Optimal Physique According to Research

To maximize attractiveness to women, research suggests that men only need to gain about 20 to 30 pounds of muscle and reduce their body fat percentage to 8 to 12%[7]. This indicates that while women do appreciate a muscular and lean physique, there is a point of diminishing returns where additional muscle mass may not significantly increase attractiveness and could potentially be less appealing[7]. This finding suggests that the goal for men aiming to improve their physical attractiveness should be to achieve a well-balanced and proportionate physique rather than striving for extreme muscularity.

Specific Traits Women Find Attractive

Studies have also explored more specific traits that women find attractive in men. For instance, women's preferences for men's facial masculinity are stronger under certain conditions, suggesting that facial features can also play a role in attractiveness[2]. Moreover, women are typically attracted to strength, power, and muscle, which are closely tied to fitness[3]. This preference aligns with the broader


youve read nothing out of that wall of text you copied and pasted from a gymcel forum
youve read none of the studies. not even the abstract because you didnt even open them. even then you dont know how they came to that abstact or did the studies.
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You need to use the SERM all the way through the cycle. The minute the sarm begins to kick in, your natural test will tank. This can happen after only a few days. And even then the problem with serms is that, realistically speaking, they do not provide enough estrogen unless you push the SERM dose ridiculously high (which comes with alot of issues in and of itself), insufficient estrogen is very bad. Firstly estrogen is essential in muscle growth, second estrogen is neuroprotective, and is one of the main hormones that plays a role in the synthesis of serotonin (the feel-good neurochemical). So without it, be ready to be depressed and anxious all the time. Stick to using SERMs as pct like they are designed for.

So what is an actual solution to this problem then? No "test" base. (Yes I'm serious). If you are taking sarms, the sarms are replacing the natural test in your body already, so all you need to account for is the lack of estrogen. So simply, supplement with DHEA and pregnanolone. This has been done for years with guys who use nandrolone as TRT. Nanodrolone like sarms does not really convert to estradiol so supplementing with estrogen solves that issue and allows you to run nandrolone as trt instead of testosterone.

If you want my honest opinion though, stay away from sarms. They really don't build all the much muscle for the nearly equal ammount of side effects they have as compared to running low dose oral anabolics.

Enclomiphene is considered a suitable Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) to use as a test base for SARMs cycles. It is highlighted that Enclomiphene can stimulate natural LH and FSH levels without significantly lowering IGF-1, potentially leading to an increase in total testosterone levels when used with mild SARMS like Ostarine[1]. The combination of SARMs with SERMs like Enclomiphene is recommended to help maintain hormonal balance, minimize side effects related to low testosterone levels, and aid in preserving gains post-cycle[2]. While Enclomiphene is praised for its benefits, it is essential to be cautious with the dosage to avoid potential side effects and ensure optimal results during SARMs cycles[2].

Video Sources:


Don't ever disrespect my posts again @ylrven @dark-red-pill
youve read nothing out of that wall of text you copied and pasted from a gymcel forum
youve read none of the studies. not even the abstract because you didnt even open them. even then you dont know how they came to that abstact or did the studies.
Alot of people are taking a SERM during the cycle instead of taking it after the cycle. The logic behind this is that by taking it during the cycle, you can keep your testosterone levels elevated so that problems like low libido, erectile dysfunction and lethargy can be avoided. Furthermore, taking a SERM during a cycle would render a PCT useless, since your natural testosterone levels would already be elevated by the end of the cycle

But why are SERMs used by bodybuilders? To put it simply, SERMs can stimulate endogenous Testosterone production in males by blocking the hypothalamic estrogen receptor. This action tricks the brain into thinking that estrogen levels are
low, and since estrogen is primarily acquired through the aromatization of Testosterone, the hypothalamus stimulates the release of LH and FSH which boost Testosterone levels and spermatogenesis, respectively
Don't ever disrespect my posts again @ylrven @dark-red-pill
Awful info tho bro especially about the clomid for a “test base”
  • +1
Reactions: SkullDynamics and dark-red-pill
Awful info tho bro especially about the clomid for a “test base”
Prove me wrong stop spreading wrong information i cited all my sources you going off baseless claims
Honestly never creating a guide again wasted 45 mins for people to say im wrong with citations
Intermediate Bulking Cycle (SERM+SARM): Testolone (Rad 140), MK-677, Tamoxifen
View attachment 2780078
Cycle Timeline:
- Week 1-8: 10mg/day Rad140*
- Week 5-8: 20mg/day Tamoxifen (SERM)

- Week 1-12: MK677
can i use arimidex instead of taxomifen? if so how much?
I know Anavar isn’t a SARM but it’s worth mentioning for cutting, all around it’s better than all of the sarms for cutting, very minimal suppression, almost guaranteed to have no side effects, good strength gains, insane hardness and can drop BF% easily
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Carv
Informative thread however AAS still takes the cake
  • +1
Reactions: dark-red-pill
@NorwoodAscender @coispet Anything i can improve?
@NorwoodAscender @coispet Anything i can improve?
i’m doing a similar one starting in a week but instead of rad i’m doing lgd
Alot of people are taking a SERM during the cycle instead of taking it after the cycle. The logic behind this is that by taking it during the cycle, you can keep your testosterone levels elevated so that problems like low libido, erectile dysfunction and lethargy can be avoided. Furthermore, taking a SERM during a cycle would render a PCT useless, since your natural testosterone levels would already be elevated by the end of the cycle

But why are SERMs used by bodybuilders? To put it simply, SERMs can stimulate endogenous Testosterone production in males by blocking the hypothalamic estrogen receptor. This action tricks the brain into thinking that estrogen levels are
low, and since estrogen is primarily acquired through the aromatization of Testosterone, the hypothalamus stimulates the release of LH and FSH which boost Testosterone levels and spermatogenesis, respectively
Serms can stimulate endogenous production ONLY if there isn't exogenous hormones binding the the receptor already. I'm speaking for my own experience as well as the experience of many others. Enclomiphene, clomid, tamoxifen, are not strong enough to counteract the binding of sarms. And even if they were that does not solve the problem with having a lack of estrogen. (Which in all honestly is the only thing that matters on sarm cycles anyway) if you already have a hormone binding to the AR you don't need really need test. What you do need however is something that binds to the ER. It's funny how everyone always worries about natural test production while on sarms, but don't actually look at the thing that matters which is estrogen.
  • +1
Reactions: LVZZO
why the fuck would u use SARMs= chinese rat piss you retarded faggots, jesus fucking christ
  • +1
Reactions: twilight
why the fuck would u use SARMs= chinese rat piss you retarded faggots, jesus fucking christ
they srsly think bioidentical hormones are more dangerous than literal rat piss made in a underground ccp bunker :feelstastyman:
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker
they srsly think bioidentical hormones are more dangerous than literal rat piss made in a underground ccp bunker :feelstastyman:
zoomers are literally all high inhib fags, it seems like
Bake Off Giggle GIF by PBS
planning to do the intermediate bulking cycle for summer
this is the most shit thread ever kys OP
SARMs Guide:

Introduction to SARMs

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, or SARMs, are compounds designed to target androgen receptors primarily in muscle and bone tissues. Originally developed to address conditions like muscle wasting, SARMs have gained popularity in fitness for their potential muscle growth benefits, providing an avenue for substantial muscle development.

Understanding SERMs and Their Role in Mitigating Testosterone Suppression

To counter the testosterone suppression caused by SARMs, individuals often incorporate Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) into their post-cycle therapy (PCT). This protocol aims to restore the body's natural hormone balance by stimulating the production of LH and FSH, crucial for testosterone production. SERMs, such as Enclomiphene and Tamoxifen, act as estrogen in specific tissues while blocking its negative feedback on the hypothalamus, facilitating the release of LH and FSH. This helps kickstart natural testosterone production, minimizing the risk of side effects associated with low testosterone levels.

Best SERMs in the Market

- Enclomiphene (Androxal)
- T
amoxifen (Nolvadex)

Important Note:

When using SARMs, incorporating a SERM is crucial to prevent Testosterone Suppression and alleviate associated symptoms.

Beginner Bulking Stack:
View attachment 2780077
Ligandrol (LGD-4033)- Week 1-8: 5mg/day

PCT (Optional): Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)

- Week 9-12: 20mg/day


This beginner-friendly bulking cycle is effective with optional PCT. Tamoxifen can be taken from weeks 4 to 8 as a SARM+SERM combination, minimizing hormonal imbalances and preserving gained muscle mass. Users may experience gains of up to 8lbs.

Intermediate Bulking Cycle (SERM+SARM): Testolone (Rad 140), MK-677, Tamoxifen
View attachment 2780078
Cycle Timeline:
- Week 1-8: 10mg/day Rad140*
- Week 5-8: 20mg/day Tamoxifen (SERM)

- Week 1-12: MK677


This cycle introduces a more potent SARM and Ibutamoren, enhancing the effects of Testolone. Adjusting Testolone dosage may require the addition of Tamoxifen to offset testosterone suppression. Expect gains of up to 15lbs, with 8-10lbs being muscle.

Advanced Bulking Cycle (SERM+SARM) - High Toxicity Warning
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- Week 1-4: LGD-3303 10mg/day
- Week 5-8: LGD-3303 15mg/day
- Week 1-8: YK-11 5mg/day
- Week 1-7: Enclomiphene 25mg EOD

- Week 8-10: 12.5mg EOD


A highly suppressive cycle, incorporating Enclomiphene or 4-Andro and a 4-week PCT is recommended. Expect gains of up to 12lbs of lean muscle.

Beginner Cutting Cycle (Optional PCT):
View attachment 2780087
- Week 1-8: Ostarine 20mg/day
- Week 9-12: Tamoxifen 20mg/day (if experiencing suppression symptoms


An effective cutting cycle for beginners with optional PCT. Tamoxifen can be used as a SARM+SERM combination. Users may experience fat loss and muscle preservation without significant side effects.

Intermediate Cutting Cycle (SERM+SARM):
View attachment 2780082
- Week 1-8: Testolone10mg/day
- Week 5-7: Tamoxifen 20mg/day
- Week 8: Tamoxifen 10mg/day


This intermediate cutting cycle uses Testolone with a steady dose throughout. Incorporating Tamoxifen during the second half helps counter suppression, enabling muscle preservation during a calorie deficit.

Advanced Cutting Cycle (SERM+SARM): S-23
View attachment 2780083
- Week 1-8: S-23 20mg/day (increase to 30mg/day if well-tolerated on week 5)
- Week 1-11: Enclomiphene 25mg EOD
- Week 12: Enclomiphene 12.5mg EOD

This is what im running so far im on week 3 no sides right now

An enhanced version of the intermediate cycle, featuring S-23 for increased strength and muscle mass during fat loss. Expect a dry, veiny appearance. Use a powerful SERM like Enclomiphene to counter testicular shutdown.

This guide does not constitute medical advice. SARMs are not approved for human consumption.

Important Reminder:
Effective use of SARMs requires meticulous meal tracking and consistent daily nutrition. Food is crucial for growth.
If you aren't gonna do this then don't start waste of time

Why should you get SARMs instead of Test?

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are often considered a safer alternative to anabolic-androgenic steroids for several reasons:

1. Targeted Action: SARMs are designed to selectively target androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, which minimizes their impact on other organs and reduces the risk of side effects associated with steroids[1][2].

2. Fewer Side Effects: Clinical studies and anecdotal evidence from users suggest that SARMs have fewer overall side effects compared to steroids. They are associated with less risk for serious long-term side effects and are generally better tolerated[2].

3. Non-Suppressive: Unlike steroids, SARMs do not typically suppress natural testosterone production to the same extent, which is important for maintaining hormonal balance and reducing the risk of adverse effects on other organs[3].

4. Legal Status: SARMs can be legally sold as research chemicals, although it is illegal to sell and buy them packaged in capsules for human consumption or labeled as dietary supplements. Steroids, on the other hand, are generally illegal to use without a prescription for conditions like hypogonadism[3][5].

5. Clinical Data: The latest clinical data indicates that SARMs are significantly safer than anabolic steroids, with better long-term research subject outcomes[2].

However, it's important to note that SARMs are not without risks. They have been found to reduce endogenous testosterone, affect cholesterol levels, and alter liver function. The long-term effects of SARMs on the body remain largely unknown, and more clinical studies are needed to fully understand their pharmacokinetic profiles and potential adverse effects[1][3].

Additionally, the market for SARMs is not well-regulated, and products marketed as containing SARMs may not contain them, or they may contain other unapproved drugs. This poses significant safety concerns[1].

In summary, while SARMs are considered to have a safer profile than steroids, they are still associated with potential risks, and their use should be approached with caution. It's also worth noting that both SARMs and steroids are banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency for use in sports[1][5].


Trusted Companies
Companies to Avoid
- PureRawz (USA)
- BehemothLabz (USA)

they only offer SARMs, MK-677, Cardarine, Nootropics, and RU-58841.

Their catalog is not massive but they offer the essentials and some very rare chemicals like LGD 3303, Enclomiphene, CJC and FRAG 176-191. All of their products are independently HPLC tested by a third party and very high quality. Besides that, they’re also very fairly priced.

They have the largest catalog of products, including everything from SARMs to PCT, Peptides, and other research chemicals, even male enhancement drugs. Their products are independently HPLC tested by a third party and very high quality.

MR.SARM is one of the very few legitimate Australian domestic sources. Their competitors simply don’t have the same variety or reputation. If you live in Australia or New Zealand, this has to be your go-to source.

Amino Asylum is a US-based vendor for SARMs, Aminos, Peptides, and other chemicals. Their peptide sprays, injectable SARMs, and wide selection of SERMs among other things are products you won’t find anywhere else.

DXBSupps is an Australian source that carries Peptides and SARMs, so they have a decent offering that is hard to find in other Australian companies.
why is behemothlabz an avoid?

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