Most nutritious foods to eat if you are short on money

This short guide is meant for dudes who are struggling with money, either because of living in a poor area, inflation, still living with parents or for whatever other reason.


1. Eggs
Eggs are by far the best cheap food to eat. They are meant to carry new life of an offspring, hence they contain a wide array of nutrients in abundance.
  • They are abundant in the highest quality protein - egg's protein content's absorption is the best among natural foods. Only your mother's milk beats it
  • They are abundant in saturated fat - essential for optimal hormone levels and at 9.3 kcals / gram, fats provide the most energy out of the macronutrients
  • They are abundant in cholesterol - essential for high testosterone level


  • They contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals as well, most notably biotin (vitamin B7) but others as well,
For the sake of the example, let's take 20 eggs a day (size M, average weight 58 grams). Where I live (Central Europe) this costs no more than 2.5 US$, yet see all the nutrients 1 160 grams of eggs provide:​
1 800 calories, 146 grams of protein, 123 grams of fat and you are already done for the day for half of micronutrients.​
If you are short on money, eggs should make up the base of your diet. Buy in bulk, 30 packs or go to farmer's markets where they are usually cheaper than in grocery stores.​

2. Milk
Preferably whole (3.5% fat content) milk, but if that's too expensive, go for less fatty ones. Milk was originally meant for baby cows to grow into adult cows weighing 500 kilos, it has all nutrients to satiate you. 1 liter of milk here costs no more than 0.7 US$ yet provides:

  • 31 grams of high quality protein (mix of whey and caseine)
  • 32 grams of fat for energy
  • 48 grams of simple carbohydrates in the form of lactose (milk sugar) - this amount is enough to keep you anabolic for the day yet low enough to keep you lean
  • Truckload of calcium
UHT treated milk is usually cheaper than fresh, buy in bulk to save money.​

3. Ground meat
Preferably red meat (beef, pork, lamb, goat etc.) but if that's out of your budget then white meat will do too (turkey, chicken). Red meat is better because it's fattier, providing you with more energy. What type of meat the cheapest varies a lot by region, beef is a lot more affordable in North America than in Europe, where pork among with turkey is the cheapest usually.


Ground meat is the least economical choice on this list:​

Aside from high quality protein and fat, it doesn't really offer anything. You should still eat it from time to time, but this brings us to the 4th point, eat organs instead for most of the time.​
4. Organ meats
Aside from eggs, organs meats should be a staple of your diet. You should forget the modern Western notion that animals are only consumed for their muscle meat. Don't let the rest of the 80% animal go to waste, your ancestors used to eat "nose to tail" - no part was dumped away

Liver is the best food objectively, out of all foods. Not only it has a great amount of nutrients, it's also one of the cheapest. No more than 100 grams of liver contains all of these:​
  • All the protein content of regular muscle meat
  • Lots of cholesterol
  • Zinc, iron and copper
  • Stupid amount of vitamin A and even some vitamin C
Not bad for only 0.18 US$. However, there's unfortunately a caveat to liver - you cannot eat it too frequently as it has too much vitamin A, which is a fat soluble vitamin that can build up in fatty tissue over time if consumed in excess. Throw in a small amounts of liver few times a week for lots of cheap nutrients.​
Chicken, pork, beef etc. heart is a fantastic food, since it's technically a type of muscle meat, but also an organ, which means A) it has many micronutrients on top of protein B) normies will not eat because it's not quite palatable --> dirt cheap​
100 grams of chicken hearts will cost me no more than 0.2 US$ yet provide me with this:​
Unlike liver, heart doesn't contain fat soluble vitamins so it can be eaten without limitations. Heart is essentially the blackpilled version of normie muscle meat (like chicken breasts). If you cannot afford ground meat, just substitute it with heart.​
Kidneys are perhaps the cheapest type of meat at 0.12 US$ / 100 grams:​
But unfortunately rightfully so, as no matter how well you prepare them, they will always have at least some amount of... well yes... left over. I recommend them as a resort if you are really short on money and cannot get better​
Other organs
I only made seperate paragraphs for liver, heart and kidney, because from my knowledge these are the ones that can be bought in most places, widely avaible. But as I have mentioned the "nose to tail" principle, many other organs you can get your hands on are also fantastic and usually dirt cheap because once again, normies don't eat organs.​
  • spleen

  • tripe

  • tongue

  • Head cheese

  • brain
  • testicles

  • lungs
  • bones - to make collagen rich bone broth

    etc., whatever is avaible at your local place

Example - a cheap yet nutritious day


220 grams of protein, 2 500 calories, these should be more than enough for the majority of the populance for less than 3$​
Now prices differ in places, but in general these foods are cheap in most parts.​
Some notes about nutrients:​
  • this cheap diet will lead to an unbalanced omega 3 : 6 ratio. Fatty fish (mackerel, herring) and cod liver are the best sources of omega 3, those are more expensive usually but you should still put them into your diet whenever you can
  • vitamin K: I used Chronometer to make this and that website works shitty when it comes to vitamin K; animals foods are abundant in vitamin K2 but the website doesn't lists it usually, so don't be scared
  • magnesium: you can get the rest of the needed amount from either tap water, mineral water or dirt cheap magnesium tablets
  • manganese: I wrote about it in my nutrition guide, copied from there
    2882983 gerge

    Tl;dr the RDA for manganese is very likely set too high for reality
  • vitamin C: the less carbohydrates you consume, the less your vitamin C need. This cheap carnivore diet only has a little amount of carbs, which will not compete with ascorbic acid, read more about it in Vitamins/Water soluble vitamins/Vitamin C:

As you can see it's a short list, yet these foods cover all your nutritional needs

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  • JFL
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full cream is a mogger food for calories. if you’re from the UK try double cream. insanely dense.

gotta up them numbers too my boy. 36 a day is optimal. a dozen(12) a day is what I strive to eat though.
holy shit 12 eggs a day ... and is 1 cartoon of full cream milk enough ? From australia btw
full cream is a mogger food for calories. if you’re from the UK try double cream. insanely dense.
Unless you get it from a farm you know they add the fat back so full-fat milk is more processed than low-fat. The fat is removed when it is pasturised which is standard now so you have to go out of your way to get proper full fat milk.
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  • JFL
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Hard is fine, but the best cheese is probably gigasoft white rippened cheese (brie, camambert), but that one's is very expensive.
You can also make kefir at home, just need some kefir grains

Same with quark, but that's more complicated
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jfl you’ll just be bloated and malnourished instead so you’ll never truly be satiated. eating vegan no amount of money can get you the
same level of nutrition as meat will have.

bet it was pasteurised, store bought, jewed milk. if the milk was raw a2, from a farm, from a jersey cow you’d still be drinking milk.
Maybe, but i naturally have a low body fat % so i don't have such issues. Never have been fat a day in my life even though i eat very, large meals.

I don't think i would continue drinking milk either. The thought of it is disgusting to me. Its essentially pus and micronutrients from te mother animal. I'm not a kid. Its kind of subhuman to me as im not in a situation or time period where i need to do such things to survive.

And this is false, last time i tested my blood levels most areas were well above average. I dont know the subhuman shit poser vegans eat, but the shit over here is revolutionary. Like jackfruit phillys with a side all types of dishes filled with lemongrass shit and medicinal herbs. Its not cheap though. But my habits have changed and i regularly snack on more whole nutritious foods and changed all my junk food habits.

Understanding of food is pretty good as well. People say you cant beat a non vegan diet but perhaps they forget about fermentation like tempeh, kimchi and sauerkraut. This is what a lot of non vegs eat for superior diet but i eat it way more often as a vegan. Practically daily.
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You should research cholesterol's role in the body. It's a precursor for sex hormones, among it's other crucial roles (like making vitamin D). Dietary cholesterol doesn't increases blood cholesterol on itself

Your body makes some of it's own cholesterol regardless if you eat any foods that contain it (only animal based ones do) but more is better considering how important it is. Especially at summer, cholesterol is the strongest natural sunscreen, sun exposure turns it into vitamin D, protecting your skin in the process. Vegans fry in the sun, carnivores never burn
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  • +1
  • JFL
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How much eggs to eat in a day for a 16 year old vietnamese ?
  • JFL
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You should research cholesterol's role in the body. It's a precursor for sex hormones, among it's other crucial roles (like making vitamin D). Dietary cholesterol doesn't increases blood cholesterol.
So being low bf% with high cholestorol is good?
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You should research cholesterol's role in the body.
I have.

It's a precursor for sex hormones, among it's other crucial roles (like making vitamin D)
Agreed. However, your claim was about eggs' high cholesterol content resulting in high testosterone levels.

Your body makes some of it's own cholesterol regardless if you eat any foods that contain it

but more is better considering how important it is. Especially at summer, cholesterol is the strongest natural sunscreen, sun exposure turns it into vitamin D, protecting your skin in the process. Vegans fry in the sun, carnivores never burn
  • +1
Reactions: Lmao and Moggie
@Prettyboy Thoughts on black coffee / tea, dark chocolate (bought some 95% my taste buds are fried, I don't mind the taste) and honey?
Tea and coffee are zero carb, they don't interfere with your diet, basically.
Honey is like a better version of sugar, it's supposedly very healthy, but it's not food you should eat while trying to lose weight. Also bad beekeepers fraud honey by feeding bees sugar syrup, beware.
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1 liter of milk here costs no more than 0.7 US$
damn. meanwhile 1 liter of milk costs 2$ in Romania. Yet the average salary is 350$ - 400$, one of the poorest countries
  • So Sad
Reactions: Lmao and Prettyboy
Excellent thread. Diet is one of the most important additions to one's repertoire. It can improve skin, hair, bone density, muscle mass, mental stability and capacity to be and remain consistent with anything. Making excellent and nutritious foods available to people is extremely important. I will be purchasing organ meat from my local butcher shop soon.

I think knowing how to cook is arguably the second most important "softmax" through indirect means. Not knowing how to cook tends to discourage people from eating healthily. By that same logic however one could argue getting a job is more important. Im going to assume that the raw desire to be optimal is required to appreciate a post like this. Thanks for sharing.
  • +1
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Tea and coffee are zero carb, they don't interfere with your diet, basically.
Honey is like a better version of sugar, it's supposedly very healthy, but it's not food you should it while trying to lose weight. Also bad beekeepers fraud honey by feeding bees sugar syrup, beware.
I am 64kg at 6 foot actually trying to gain slowly, managed to gain 7kg without increasing my waist circumference, was able to buy 28 x 32 jeans the other day :feelsahh:
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good thread man also shellfish like frozen shrimps or canned oysters are very cheap for the rare nutritious they provide, liver and oyster atleast once a week and plenty of eggs mog every supplement
@Prettyboy Thoughts on black coffee / tea, dark chocolate (bought some 95% my taste buds are fried, I don't mind the taste) and honey?
Tea and coffee stains your teeth the most, my dentist told me when I visited her for laser teeth whitening.

Caffeine is also stimulant drug that plants developed as a chemical defense against animals:

I too use it sometimes for it's effects but it's an anti nutrient, we have to keep in mind

Dark chocolate; eat if if you like it's taste. It's high in fat, low in carbs and even has protein. Personally I like milk chocolate more so when I want to eat some I just do it then go back to my usual diet, I don't make it a big deal

Honey is mostly just sugar with some other nutrients. Again, if you like it's taste, consume it in moderation
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  • +1
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How is it there? Thinking of leaving NZ in a few years time.
It's pretty good here a lot of multicultrialism and not much crime except for eshay's and some gangster's around south west sydney. Food is awesome and life is more vibrant. (
  • +1
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Tea and coffee stains your teeth the most, my dentist told me when I visited her for laser teeth whitening. Caffeine is also stimulant drug that plants developed as a chemical defense against animals:
I too use it sometimes for it's effects but it's an anti nutrient, we have to keep in mind

Dark chocolate; eat if if you like it's taste. It's high in fat, low in carbs and even has protein. Personally I like milk chocolate more so when I want to eat some I just do it then go back to my usual diet, I don't make it a big deal

Honey is mostly just sugar with some other nutrients. Again, if you like it's taste, consume it in moderation
how much eggs a day to eat ?
Dark chocolate; eat if if you like it's taste. It's high in fat, low in carbs and even has protein. Personally I like milk chocolate more so when I want to eat some I just do it then go back to my usual diet, I don't make it a big deal
I was wondering as it is high in folate, are there benefits to increasing folate intake?
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This short guide is meant for dudes who are struggling with money, either because of living in a poor area, inflation, still living with parents or for whatever other reason.


1. Eggs
Eggs are by far the best cheap food to eat. They are meant to carry new life of an offspring, hence they contain a wide array of nutrients in abundance.
  • They are abundant in the highest quality protein - egg's protein content's absorption is the best among natural foods. Only your mother's milk beats it
  • They are abundant in saturated fat - essential for optimal hormone levels and at 9.3 kcals / gram, fats provide the most energy out of the macronutrients
  • They are abundant in cholesterol - essential for high testosterone level


  • They contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals as well, most notably biotin (vitamin B7) but others as well,
For the sake of the example, let's take 20 eggs a day (size M, average weight 58 grams). Where I live (Central Europe) this costs no more than 2.5 US$, yet see all the nutrients 1 160 grams of eggs provide:​
1 800 calories, 146 grams of protein, 123 grams of fat and you are already done for the day for half of micronutrients.​
If you are short on money, eggs should make up the base of your diet. Buy in bulk, 30 packs or go to farmer's markets where they are usually cheaper than in grocery stores.​

2. Milk
Preferably whole (3.5% fat content) milk, but if that's too expensive, go for less fatty ones. Milk was originally meant for baby cows to grow into adult cows weighing 500 kilos, it has all nutrients to satiate you. 1 liter of milk here costs no more than 0.7 US$ yet provides:

  • 31 grams of high quality protein (mix of whey and caseine)
  • 32 grams of fat for energy
  • 48 grams of simple carbohydrates in the form of lactose (milk sugar) - this amount is enough to keep you anabolic for the day yet low enough to keep you lean
  • Truckload of calcium
UHT treated milk is usually cheaper than fresh, buy in bulk to save money.​

3. Ground meat
Preferably red meat (beef, pork, lamb, goat etc.) but if that's out of your budget then white meat will do too (turkey, chicken). Red meat is better because it's fattier, providing you with more energy. What type of meat the cheapest varies a lot by region, beef is a lot more affordable in North America than in Europe, where pork among with turkey is the cheapest usually.


Ground meat is the least economical choice on this list:​

Aside from high quality protein and fat, it doesn't really offer anything. You should still eat it from time to time, but this brings us to the 4th point, eat organs instead for most of the time.​
4. Organ meats
Aside from eggs, organs meats should be a staple of your diet. You should forget the modern Western notion that animals are only consumed for their muscle meat. Don't let the rest of the 80% animal go to waste, your ancestors used to eat "nose to tail" - no part was dumped away

Liver is the best food objectively, out of all foods. Not only it has a great amount of nutrients, it's also one of the cheapest. No more than 100 grams of liver contains all of these:​
  • All the protein content of regular muscle meat
  • Lots of cholesterol
  • Zinc, iron and copper
  • Stupid amount of vitamin A and even some vitamin C
Not bad for only 0.18 US$. However, there's unfortunately a caveat to liver - you cannot eat it too frequently as it has too much vitamin A, which is a fat soluble vitamin that can build up in fatty tissue over time if consumed in excess. Throw in a small amounts of liver few times a week for lots of cheap nutrients.​
Chicken, pork, beef etc. heart is a fantastic food, since it's technically a type of muscle meat, but also an organ, which means A) it has many micronutrients on top of protein B) normies will not eat because it's not quite palatable --> dirt cheap​
100 grams of chicken hearts will cost me no more than 0.2 US$ yet provide me with this:​
Unlike liver, heart doesn't contain fat soluble vitamins so it can be eaten without limitations. Heart is essentially the blackpilled version of normie muscle meat (like chicken breasts). If you cannot afford ground meat, just substitute it with heart.​
Kidneys are perhaps the cheapest type of meat at 0.12 US$ / 100 grams:​
But unfortunately rightfully so, as no matter how well you prepare them, they will always have at least some amount of... well yes... left over. I recommend them as a resort if you are really short on money and cannot get better​
Other organs
I only made seperate paragraphs for liver, heart and kidney, because from my knowledge these are the ones that can be bought in most places, widely avaible. But as I have mentioned the "nose to tail" principle, many other organs you can get your hands on are also fantastic and usually dirt cheap because once again, normies don't eat organs.​
  • spleen

  • tripe

  • tongue

  • Head cheese

  • brain
  • testicles

  • lungs

    etc., whatever is avaible at your local place

Example - a cheap yet nutritious day

220 grams of protein, 2 500 calories, these should be more than enough for the majority of the populance for less than 3$​
Now prices differ in places, but in general these foods are cheap in most parts.​
Some notes about nutrients:​
  • this cheap diet will lead to an unbalanced omega 3 : 6 ratio. Fatty fish (mackerel, herring) and cod liver are the best sources of omega 3, those are more expensive usually but you should still put them into your diet whenever you can
  • vitamin K: I used Chronometer to make this and that website works shitty when it comes to vitamin K; animals foods are abundant in vitamin K2 but the website doesn't lists it usually, so don't be scared
  • magnesium: you can get the rest of the needed amount from either tap water, mineral water or dirt cheap magnesium tablets
  • manganese: I wrote about it in my nutrition guide, copied from there
    View attachment 1800817
    Tl;dr the RDA for manganese is very likely set too high for reality
  • vitamin C: the less carbohydrates you consume, the less your vitamin C need. This cheap carnivore diet only has a little amount of carbs, which will not compete with ascorbic acid, read more about it in Vitamins/Water soluble vitamins/Vitamin C:

As you can see it's a short list, yet these foods cover all your nutritional needs

No vegetables?
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E7870F2E 3927 4506 AC3F 5D60C7B30472

8D8C5E64 7585 47A2 99D0 99522D4C11FB
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  • JFL
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I was wondering as it is high in folate, are there benefits to increasing folate intake?

Folate does have it's role but organ meats already contain it abundantly
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Eating eggs rn :Comfy:

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Do you season any of the organ meats you eat?
Do you season any of the organ meats you eat?
Personally, not a fan of seasoning, it's kind of a clutch in a way, good food just tastes good on its own. Like read that thread that eviscerates Indian cuisine.
You need to wash liver, slice it if it's cow/pig and soak it in milk to remove the bitterness.
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Personally, not a fan of seasoning, it's kind of a clutch in a way, good food just tastes good on its own. Like read that thread that eviscerates Indian cuisine.
You need to wash liver, slice it if it's cow/pig and soak it in milk to remove the bitterness.
Eat it with the milk?

I’ll buy some soon I’ve always read about it but I’ve never tried liver specifically

My mom used to force feed me chicken hearts as a kid and it tasted decent but my little dumbass stopped eating it cause of the texture
  • So Sad
Reactions: Lmao
Excellent thread. Diet is one of the most important additions to one's repertoire. It can improve skin, hair, bone density, muscle mass, mental stability and capacity to be and remain consistent with anything. Making excellent and nutritious foods available to people is extremely important. I will be purchasing organ meat from my local butcher shop soon.

I think knowing how to cook is arguably the second most important "softmax" through indirect means. Not knowing how to cook tends to discourage people from eating healthily. By that same logic however one could argue getting a job is more important. Im going to assume that the raw desire to be optimal is required to appreciate a post like this. Thanks for sharing.
You are what you eat.

Plus food is super important from a phsychological perspective, if you can cook well you can make tasty foods, which is probably the easiest source of dopamine there is

Personally, not a fan of seasoning, it's kind of a clutch in a way, good food just tastes good on its own. Like read that thread that eviscerates Indian cuisine.
You need to wash liver, slice it if it's cow/pig and soak it in milk to remove the bitterness.
He could also make homemade liver pâté. Lots of people who don’t like liver’s natural flavour enjoy it in a well seasoned pâté
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Eat it with the milk?
No, just let it soak for an hour, then drain the milk. When I really want to fatmaxx I melt a piece of butter on a pan, then after I drain the milk I put the liver in sour cream and cook it in sour cream. :Comfy:
  • +1
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im not a big fan of the different variation of the keto diet people generally need carbohydrates i myself tried it and i could not get a solid shit out
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Is estrogen in milk a problem or is over consuming milk not a problem?
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im not a big fan of the different variation of the keto diet people generally need carbohydrates i myself tried it and i could not get a solid shit out
This actually isn't keto just low carb. You won't be in ketosis with a liter of milk (milk has sugar, in the form of lactose).
@Prettyboy, do u drink on weekends at all?
Saturated fats after a point and heart disease is correlated. Carb consumption is correlated to lower SHGB and higher test levels. Meat shouldn't be demonized but neither carbs. It would be good to see your hormonal panel: cortisol, prolactin, test, free test, SHGB, FSH, LH and estradiol.
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  • +1
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I ain't eating organs:no:.

YUCK! :LOL::sick::kys:
  • Ugh..
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Don't drink milk, you'll break out
  • +1
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  • +1
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Is estrogen in milk a problem or is over consuming milk not a problem?
Estrogen in milk is a vegan meme, dont fall for it
0C3AE440 62A6 4DEE BD90 9DB8C00AD1DC

@Prettyboy, do u drink on weekends at all?
I try to evade it whenever it’s possible but yes I drink when it’s socially excepted. I avoid beer and go for the least taxing , low carb friendly drinks like whiskey
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Grocery store: fruit, cottage cheese, lean chicken, microwavable grilled fish, liquid egg whites, protein shake, Wholemeal bread/bagels for carbs
This short guide is meant for dudes who are struggling with money, either because of living in a poor area, inflation, still living with parents or for whatever other reason.


1. Eggs
Eggs are by far the best cheap food to eat. They are meant to carry new life of an offspring, hence they contain a wide array of nutrients in abundance.
  • They are abundant in the highest quality protein - egg's protein content's absorption is the best among natural foods. Only your mother's milk beats it
  • They are abundant in saturated fat - essential for optimal hormone levels and at 9.3 kcals / gram, fats provide the most energy out of the macronutrients
  • They are abundant in cholesterol - essential for high testosterone level


  • They contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals as well, most notably biotin (vitamin B7) but others as well,
For the sake of the example, let's take 20 eggs a day (size M, average weight 58 grams). Where I live (Central Europe) this costs no more than 2.5 US$, yet see all the nutrients 1 160 grams of eggs provide:​
1 800 calories, 146 grams of protein, 123 grams of fat and you are already done for the day for half of micronutrients.​
If you are short on money, eggs should make up the base of your diet. Buy in bulk, 30 packs or go to farmer's markets where they are usually cheaper than in grocery stores.​

2. Milk
Preferably whole (3.5% fat content) milk, but if that's too expensive, go for less fatty ones. Milk was originally meant for baby cows to grow into adult cows weighing 500 kilos, it has all nutrients to satiate you. 1 liter of milk here costs no more than 0.7 US$ yet provides:

  • 31 grams of high quality protein (mix of whey and caseine)
  • 32 grams of fat for energy
  • 48 grams of simple carbohydrates in the form of lactose (milk sugar) - this amount is enough to keep you anabolic for the day yet low enough to keep you lean
  • Truckload of calcium
UHT treated milk is usually cheaper than fresh, buy in bulk to save money.​

3. Ground meat
Preferably red meat (beef, pork, lamb, goat etc.) but if that's out of your budget then white meat will do too (turkey, chicken). Red meat is better because it's fattier, providing you with more energy. What type of meat the cheapest varies a lot by region, beef is a lot more affordable in North America than in Europe, where pork among with turkey is the cheapest usually.


Ground meat is the least economical choice on this list:​

Aside from high quality protein and fat, it doesn't really offer anything. You should still eat it from time to time, but this brings us to the 4th point, eat organs instead for most of the time.​
4. Organ meats
Aside from eggs, organs meats should be a staple of your diet. You should forget the modern Western notion that animals are only consumed for their muscle meat. Don't let the rest of the 80% animal go to waste, your ancestors used to eat "nose to tail" - no part was dumped away

Liver is the best food objectively, out of all foods. Not only it has a great amount of nutrients, it's also one of the cheapest. No more than 100 grams of liver contains all of these:​
  • All the protein content of regular muscle meat
  • Lots of cholesterol
  • Zinc, iron and copper
  • Stupid amount of vitamin A and even some vitamin C
Not bad for only 0.18 US$. However, there's unfortunately a caveat to liver - you cannot eat it too frequently as it has too much vitamin A, which is a fat soluble vitamin that can build up in fatty tissue over time if consumed in excess. Throw in a small amounts of liver few times a week for lots of cheap nutrients.​
Chicken, pork, beef etc. heart is a fantastic food, since it's technically a type of muscle meat, but also an organ, which means A) it has many micronutrients on top of protein B) normies will not eat because it's not quite palatable --> dirt cheap​
100 grams of chicken hearts will cost me no more than 0.2 US$ yet provide me with this:​
Unlike liver, heart doesn't contain fat soluble vitamins so it can be eaten without limitations. Heart is essentially the blackpilled version of normie muscle meat (like chicken breasts). If you cannot afford ground meat, just substitute it with heart.​
Kidneys are perhaps the cheapest type of meat at 0.12 US$ / 100 grams:​
But unfortunately rightfully so, as no matter how well you prepare them, they will always have at least some amount of... well yes... left over. I recommend them as a resort if you are really short on money and cannot get better​
Other organs
I only made seperate paragraphs for liver, heart and kidney, because from my knowledge these are the ones that can be bought in most places, widely avaible. But as I have mentioned the "nose to tail" principle, many other organs you can get your hands on are also fantastic and usually dirt cheap because once again, normies don't eat organs.​
  • spleen

  • tripe

  • tongue

  • Head cheese

  • brain
  • testicles

  • lungs
  • bones - to make collagen rich bone broth

    etc., whatever is avaible at your local place

Example - a cheap yet nutritious day

220 grams of protein, 2 500 calories, these should be more than enough for the majority of the populance for less than 3$​
Now prices differ in places, but in general these foods are cheap in most parts.​
Some notes about nutrients:​
  • this cheap diet will lead to an unbalanced omega 3 : 6 ratio. Fatty fish (mackerel, herring) and cod liver are the best sources of omega 3, those are more expensive usually but you should still put them into your diet whenever you can
  • vitamin K: I used Chronometer to make this and that website works shitty when it comes to vitamin K; animals foods are abundant in vitamin K2 but the website doesn't lists it usually, so don't be scared
  • magnesium: you can get the rest of the needed amount from either tap water, mineral water or dirt cheap magnesium tablets
  • manganese: I wrote about it in my nutrition guide, copied from there
    View attachment 1800817
    Tl;dr the RDA for manganese is very likely set too high for reality
  • vitamin C: the less carbohydrates you consume, the less your vitamin C need. This cheap carnivore diet only has a little amount of carbs, which will not compete with ascorbic acid, read more about it in Vitamins/Water soluble vitamins/Vitamin C:

As you can see it's a short list, yet these foods cover all your nutritional needs

No carbs? I think a simple OJ is one of the best foods you can buy for cheap nutrition. Low carb diets suppress T btw.
Estrogen in milk is a vegan meme, dont fall for it
View attachment 1801262

I try to evade it whenever it’s possible but yes I drink when it’s socially excepted. I avoid beer and go for the least taxing , low carb friendly drinks like whiskey
same shit here dude, sucks cause i do love beer lol
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