MENTAL MAXING 💊 - What things to take ?



May 16, 2019
In this thread i will cover some of the infamous mental-maxing things which are used to help treating high inhibition, neuroticism, low intelligence, low NT, bad social skills and much more things which are subjective to shitty nervous system.



- liftmode
- (kratom)
- I don't know no more website :rolleyes: (sorry guys).

Things i collected notes about
- Ashwagandha
- Phenibut
- Vitamin D (Need more info)
- Kratom
- Low dose MDMA
- Cerebrolysin (Deserves special thread)
- Shrooms (Need more info)
- Aderall (Need more info)
- LSD (Need more info)
- Amphetamine (Need more info)

Ashwagandha for cortisol reduction. (Temporary)

💊 Dosage: 125mg - 5g


- Ashwagandha is a GABA agonist, so it's good for mood and good for sleep. It is also used in cortisol reduction. The medicinal herb appears to help lower levels of cortisol, a hormone produced by your adrenal glands in response to stress. More specifically, daily doses of 125 mg to 5 grams for 1–3 months have shown to lower cortisol levels by 11–32%.

Ashwagandha increases 5-HT receptor signaling.


- High-dose everyday phenibut isn't safe, it can produce terrible withdrawals. phenibut, alchol, benzos and GBL (basically anything that effects GABA) have withdrawals capable of destroying you. Starting dose should be lower, you exponentially go up. Comebacks are weird with the feeling of anhedonia. When you're going off the ashwagandha, substantially decrease the dosage until you come to a bare minimum.


- Cycle with it so you dont build tolerance. After a few weeks to a month anxiety should be pretty much eliminated, as long as you take a big enough dose. It has what I would call a reverse tolerance.

Anecdotal #01 - My stress has been through the roof lately as I got dumped by a BPD foid who proclaimed love then ghosted me. Couldn’t sleep at all, my cortisol was so high I could feel it burning on the back of my neck so I started supplementing Ashwagandha @ 300mg 3-4x per day and holy fuck it’s legit. Stress went way down, libido went up, mood went up, erections became stronger, hair became denser, sleep is better, overall outlook on life is more optimistic. Ashwagandy must be one of the few supplements that isn’t cope tbh

Anecdotal #02 - Taking 2 days of ashwagandha, (700 mg each day) I felt overall 5-10% calmer, (might be placebo) but the real crazy thing was i had my first vivid sexual dream it was so intense, not only that it woke me up at 5 am, which never happens.

Phenibut for anti-anxiety. (Temporary) (Highly subjective) (Party drug)

💊 Dosage: 500mg-2g. (Its massively person dependant). You cannot take phen daily... Once a week max.


Phenibut supposedly doesn't just get rid of anxiety like xanax but it also makes you happy because it stimulates the release of serotonin in the brain. Don’t use phenibut too often withdrawals can happen fast and are real bad. Massive comedown shit isn't for daily use.


It has a cross tolerance with alcohol and benzos though so if you don't drink allot alcohol and have a low tolerance to them, more likely your starting dose for phenibut should be lower. Light dose is 0.5-1 gram, strong dose is 2grams+, really strong 3.5 grams+. Don't use phenibut too often, though drugs that effect the GABA receptors produce the worse withdrawals of all. And don't start drinking alcohol on it if you do limit to beer and drink it slowly or your gonna blackout really quick (dont mix with alcohol)!

As said, the comedown sucks and feels weird af not like an alcohol hangover or beznzo binge comedown. No anxiety but just terrible brain fog and headache with lack of motivation. Makes it impossible to concentrate on anything.


- Phenibut will create a tolerance and it will only go away with abstained absence tolerance sky rockets (even if you dose twice a week it will be weaker each time ). Save it for going out instead of daily use as that shit builds up tolerance fast and the euphoria goes away fast too if you use it too much, it takes 30 min to 3 hours depending on your metabolism. Lyrica and gabapentin have similar effects but are way more potent. But you need a prescription for both which is super easy to get. At high doses, Lyrica feels similar to MDMA (the euphoria and empathy and it's kind of psychedelic).

Anecdotal #01 - Phenibut and Ritalin is such a good combination it’s scary

- " Absolutely insane combination, completely relaxed yet very aware. Like the beginning stages of being drunk yet full iq and focus, this must be what NT dopamine feels like. "

Anecdotal #02 - I took 750 mg phenibut and had 6 or 7 drinks last night. Went out and I was NT as fuck. Talked to tons of hot sluts. I even was putting my hands on their shoulders and stuff. I didn't even know Is was capable of being that NT. Usually when I go out with just alcohol and I awkward as fuck.

Anecdotal #03 - Never got phenibut to work until I tried liftmodes Phenibut Faa powdered version. Not sure its because I took it subligually(under the toungue) or because the hcl version which I took in capsule form does not digest well in my stomach. Its legit a fuck though, wish it did not have tolerance, makes you NT as fuck. HCL has to be taken on an empty stomach and you should take it with caffeine preferably.

Anecdotal #04 - Phenibut is legit af. I've been using it for a long time 1-2times/week no side effects or anything. Feel relaxed and more willing to socialize, clearer thoughts, better concentration, music sounds better, life seems brighter, sleep like a baby; life changer tbh. Kratom is legit as well but you need to know how to dose it properly and experiment with different strains; similar effects to phenibut but pheni is superior. I rotate between kratom/pheni on weeks where I constantly need to be NT 2 days pheni 2-3 kratom, that's 5 out 7 days of the week being NT. Lol @ not using this stuff

Anecdotal #05 - I was on three grams of phenibut, plus about 60mg of Ritalin. Had the best time of my life. Just waves of euphoria hitting me, and my body slightly buzzing and tingling. I had absolutely zero social anxiety, and became extremely laid back. 10/10 for socialanxietycels and highinhibcels.

Anecdotal #06 - I have recently started using phenibut when going out on the weekends. When I use it I feel like a god and have great success pulling girls. I took it on a Friday and every girl I talked to was smiling, flirting, I had a hot blonde approach me and start making out with me. Ended up pulling another girl back that night. It felt like I had to decide which girl I wanted to bang. Every night I take phenibut this same thing happens. It’s so weird it’s like my SMV doubles instantly and I’m in an amazing mood.

The next night I went out and didn’t take phenibut. Even worse I started crashing from the phenibut I took the night before and felt like complete shit. I was about to make out with a girl but then I didn’t know what to say and the interaction was over. I didn’t have the killer instinct and coolness I had the night before. My mood only got worse and worse and it felt like I was invisible to women when just the night before every girl at the club was talking to me.

Kratom (Highly subjective) (SSRI substitute)

💊 Dosage: 3g-10g


Consumed as tea or beverage, kratom acts on the opioid receptors. Kratom can seriously help anxiety, depression, addiction, motivation, sleep, etc. Kratom is versatile herb, even moreso than Cannabis, pro-social effects and hardcore gym workouts, reduce pain, anxiety, depression. It increases motivation, focus, and energy.


There will be a period of trial and error to figure what types and amounts work best for you. Kratom can produce a 'sense of well-being' but doesn't give any long lasting intense euphoria. This is what makes Kratom far safer than all other "opiates" that are addicting and subject to overdose. If you take too much Kratom, you will feel woozy, sleepy and at worst - feel like throwing up.

For simplicity, we separate the different varieties of Kratom into 3 categories.


- Fast Kratom (usually from Thailand or Maeng Da strains) is largely for energy, physical labor and pro-social behavior. It is ideal for going to the gym or going to social events.

- Slow Kratom (usually Kratom from Bali/Horned strains) is largely used for achieving a sense of well-being, anti-anxiety or pain relief.

- Moderate Kratom (usually Kratom from Indonesia/Malaysia/Vietnam) is somewhere in the middle with all these effects... Kratom "Location" Effects?

The only way to learn and improve your Kratom IQ is to try the different types, in different amounts, in different situations.
While that seems like a pain Start with smaller amounts (3-5 grams), wait 30 minutes and only take more if you don't feel anything.

Good Kratom vs. Bad Kratom

The last thing I want to mention is - There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the quality between different Kratom vendors.

- Your experience will almost reflect the quality of leaf you have.

A lot of people try Kratom from a random inexpensive headshop, end up disappointed and completely dismiss the leaf.

JUST LISTEN TO ME ON THIS, Get quality Kratom or no Kratom at all.

Again, Happy Hippo is my store, but there's a reason that we have made well over 50,000 sales and 50% of the sales are Happy returning customers

Anecdotal #01 - First Ive taken 2.5g and it just made me sleepy then I took another 2.5g and it again made me sleepy but slightly more euphoric

Todayyyyyy. I took around 12g total. It was nuts,insanse euphoria,happiness,motivation,I was nodding my head the whole time literally fighting to stay awake. My mom literally asked me why I was soo sad because on the outside I looked depressed af but on the inside I was feeling amazing. Then I went out with 2 foids and 2 guys and I was feeling dizzy and I had this urge to puke (so I did). I came home few hours ago and I puked my guts out again. I am not sure if dizziness and puking is connected to kratom but I absolutely loved it Tl;dr amazing euphoria but it made me super sleepy + dizzy and I puked

Anecdotal #02 - I have used Kratom 5 or 6 times every day for the past 6+ years.

I credit Kratom for helping me to accomplish just about everything I've achieved in the past 6 years. Social life, gym workouts, motivation.. etc

Ancedotal #03 - Kratom will reduce your social anxiety, so you can think more clearly out in public and in places where you're forced to be around people. When you're alone, it helps you feel comfortable, and almost gives the feeling that someone is there with you. It's weird, but helps to fill that void (partially), so long as you're interacting with people online or working toward a goal. This brings me to my next point. Kratom is dopaminergic, but does not sedate you like traditional opiates, which results in a clear headed, comfortable, motivated, and energized mindset. It makes chores and errands much easier to get through. It's not good for using as a sedative at all, it will keep you up if you take it before bed (it does for me anyway).

Anecdotal #04 - im surprised i could never imagine something legal would feel this good, took 2 teaspoons red strain (about 9 grams). those people online were right that it feels like a opiate, i feel euphoric both physically and emotionally . i feel that sensation of peace warmth joy love and harmony that opiates give. listening to music right now feeling amazing, this warm and comforting feeling is moving all the way thru my body from head to toes. i read about kratom a lot and this is first time i tried i can really understand why those guys on reddit got addicted to it...its soo good.

Anecdotal #05 - i took kratom before work today suddenly workcelling feels super easy and bearable. i can workcel without suffering now, i even feel happy workcelling cuz im high on kratom. i also become super sociable and made some new work friends, i litteraly even feel comfortable talking to girls at work now that im high on kratom, when i was sober i would never talk to girls at work

Low dose MDMA (Temporary) (For partying)

💊 Dosage: ?

MDMA, the kingpin of social drugs, but only low dose because high dose is counter-productive.

Cycling: ?

Anecdotal #01 - I recently took 150mg of mdma which is a low dose for me and I only ended up speaking to one girl that night, once I start talking to someone I wont stop but I still struggle to approach women on mdma

I think it's because I already feel content so cant motivate myself to approach

With alcohol I have such a desire for sex that I always force myself to approach

I've taken MDMA 15-20 times in social settings and only kissed 4 girls while on it

Anytime I drink alcohol in a club I always kiss 1-3 girls per night

Obviously kissing is nothing to brag about but every now and then it will escalate into the girl sleeping with you

I did manage to sleep with one girl while on mdma and it was possibly the highlight of my life


Steve stack:

- Neuroplasticity: 25-100mg fluvoxamine before bed daily. 1000mcg semank or selank on workout days. 5ml cerebrolysin 1x/week

- Stimulation: 50mg modafinil or 5mg adderall as needed, 100-300mg alpha GPC upon commencing cognitive taking tasks. redose 3-4 hours later.

Leo's stack:

- Acetylcholine

1) 1000mg CDP choline orally with a meal daily.

2) 5-20mg donapezil upon rising daily.

3) 100-300mg alpha GPC upon commencing cognitive taking tasks. redose 3-4 hours later.

- Dopamine

1) 1000mg L-Tyrosine upon rising

2) 5mg adderall upon commencing cognitive tasks. Max 5x per week

STACK #1 - Daily consumption

- Cerebrolysin 10ml daily or every 2nd day for cognitive enhancement.

- Vitamin D3 (More than 10,000 IU's of Vit D).

- Kratom? taking daily 3-10g of x strain

STACK #2 - For working (Derek stack)

- Consume choline (raw eggs) choline increase dopamine receptor density.

- 1000mg of L-tyrosine upon rising.

- 100-300mg alpha GPC upon commencing cognitive taking tasks. redose 3-4 hours later.

- 5mg adderall upon commencing cognitive tasks. Max 5x per week

Can be replaced with amphetamine

STACK #3 - For social exposure

- Ashwaganda 250mg-1g for anti anxiety.
- You can combine MDMA, alcohol to get low inhib as fuck

STACK #4 - For partying

- Low dose MDMA, 150mg

STACK #5 - Dopamine repair (after withdrawals).

- Uridine (upregulates dopamine by both preventing excessive dopamine levels and by repairing/restoring neuronal dopamine functionality), CDP-Choline (increase in dopamine receptor density), or Forskolin (causes the brain to be sensitized to dopamine by increasing its availability to be absorbed) to name a few.

If you want to get NT like @prettyboislime , low inhib like @realklay11 , or high IQ like our asian bro @thecel , then perhaps you may want to try some of these things. They won't magically change your mental state, but they will certainly help in the process of reaching homeostasis with your desired goal, whether it's inhibition, social skills or pretty much anything nerve-related. Thx for reading (y)
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: chaddyboi66, DatNibba11, JL~ and 15 others
having a good lifestyle is enough
  • JFL
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: Descargue96, CristianT, DarkLooks and 4 others
Good thread
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
Ashwaganda causes kidney failures
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15827, Deleted member 14781, ROTTING and 2 others
Take a listen to few wise words from low inhib god himself 🙏

  • JFL
Reactions: zeshama, Deleted member 14392, ROTTING and 1 other person
Be very careful with Kratom and Phenibut mentalcels… I know someone who had substance abuse issues that died from seizures related to Kratom. He went to rehab multiple times. Obviously you can go to rehab for abuse of damn near anything, but if you suspect you could be a substance abuser, your issues are not going to be solved by the latest and greatest drug. You need other kinds of help.

Caffeine 100mg + L-Theanine 200mg is enough for me to stay productive and focused at work. Makes me feel a lot more social as well.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member, Deleted member 32529, reputation and 5 others
Leo's stack
Just nitpicking here but Leo and Longevity doesn't recommend Alpha-GPC so I don't know why you call it Leo Stack. Or maybe you meant this fucker?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: reputation and Chintuck22
#1 cognitionmax: not wasting your addy focus on creating threads like these
  • Woah
Reactions: Chintuck22
nofap unironically helps mentally, dunno if its the act of masturbation or porn or a combination of it though
  • +1
Reactions: falcon1, TheMewingBBC, Deleted member 15827 and 9 others
nofap unironically helps mentally, dunno if its the act of masturbation or porn or a combination of it though
ik right? ugh semen retention blows all of these out of the water. also porn abstinence is a good one
  • +1
Reactions: falcon1
ADHD meds can help mental maxx. Strattera, Adderall are the best.
And ever since I have been taking MK-677, my sleep is better / deeper and I feel my head is clearer also.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 15827, AscendingHero, TrestIsBest and 1 other person
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
nd ever since I have been taking MK-677, my sleep is better / deeper and I feel my head is clearer also.
Nice! But not really a good long term supp huh?
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
Nice! But not really a good long term supp huh?
As for MK-677 you usually take it for a 20-week cycle, after that take a break for 5 weeks.
which Kratom did u buy from the site exactly
In this thread i will cover some of the infamous mental-maxing things which are used to help treating high inhibition, neuroticism, low intelligence, low NT, bad social skills and much more things which are subjective to shitty nervous system.



- liftmode
- (kratom)
- I don't know no more website :rolleyes: (sorry guys).

Things i collected notes about
- Ashwagandha
- Phenibut
- Vitamin D (Need more info)
- Kratom
- Low dose MDMA
- Cerebrolysin (Deserves special thread)
- Shrooms (Need more info)
- Aderall (Need more info)
- LSD (Need more info)
- Amphetamine (Need more info)

Ashwagandha for cortisol reduction. (Temporary)

💊 Dosage: 125mg - 5g


- Ashwagandha is a GABA agonist, so it's good for mood and good for sleep. It is also used in cortisol reduction. The medicinal herb appears to help lower levels of cortisol, a hormone produced by your adrenal glands in response to stress. More specifically, daily doses of 125 mg to 5 grams for 1–3 months have shown to lower cortisol levels by 11–32%.

Ashwagandha increases 5-HT receptor signaling.


- High-dose everyday phenibut isn't safe, it can produce terrible withdrawals. phenibut, alchol, benzos and GBL (basically anything that effects GABA) have withdrawals capable of destroying you. Starting dose should be lower, you exponentially go up. Comebacks are weird with the feeling of anhedonia. When you're going off the ashwagandha, substantially decrease the dosage until you come to a bare minimum.


- Cycle with it so you dont build tolerance. After a few weeks to a month anxiety should be pretty much eliminated, as long as you take a big enough dose. It has what I would call a reverse tolerance.

Anecdotal #01 - My stress has been through the roof lately as I got dumped by a BPD foid who proclaimed love then ghosted me. Couldn’t sleep at all, my cortisol was so high I could feel it burning on the back of my neck so I started supplementing Ashwagandha @ 300mg 3-4x per day and holy fuck it’s legit. Stress went way down, libido went up, mood went up, erections became stronger, hair became denser, sleep is better, overall outlook on life is more optimistic. Ashwagandy must be one of the few supplements that isn’t cope tbh

Anecdotal #02 - Taking 2 days of ashwagandha, (700 mg each day) I felt overall 5-10% calmer, (might be placebo) but the real crazy thing was i had my first vivid sexual dream it was so intense, not only that it woke me up at 5 am, which never happens.

Phenibut for anti-anxiety. (Temporary) (Highly subjective) (Party drug)

💊 Dosage: 500mg-2g. (Its massively person dependant). You cannot take phen daily... Once a week max.


Phenibut supposedly doesn't just get rid of anxiety like xanax but it also makes you happy because it stimulates the release of serotonin in the brain. Don’t use phenibut too often withdrawals can happen fast and are real bad. Massive comedown shit isn't for daily use.


It has a cross tolerance with alcohol and benzos though so if you don't drink allot alcohol and have a low tolerance to them, more likely your starting dose for phenibut should be lower. Light dose is 0.5-1 gram, strong dose is 2grams+, really strong 3.5 grams+. Don't use phenibut too often, though drugs that effect the GABA receptors produce the worse withdrawals of all. And don't start drinking alcohol on it if you do limit to beer and drink it slowly or your gonna blackout really quick (dont mix with alcohol)!

As said, the comedown sucks and feels weird af not like an alcohol hangover or beznzo binge comedown. No anxiety but just terrible brain fog and headache with lack of motivation. Makes it impossible to concentrate on anything.


- Phenibut will create a tolerance and it will only go away with abstained absence tolerance sky rockets (even if you dose twice a week it will be weaker each time ). Save it for going out instead of daily use as that shit builds up tolerance fast and the euphoria goes away fast too if you use it too much, it takes 30 min to 3 hours depending on your metabolism. Lyrica and gabapentin have similar effects but are way more potent. But you need a prescription for both which is super easy to get. At high doses, Lyrica feels similar to MDMA (the euphoria and empathy and it's kind of psychedelic).

Anecdotal #01 - Phenibut and Ritalin is such a good combination it’s scary

- " Absolutely insane combination, completely relaxed yet very aware. Like the beginning stages of being drunk yet full iq and focus, this must be what NT dopamine feels like. "

Anecdotal #02 - I took 750 mg phenibut and had 6 or 7 drinks last night. Went out and I was NT as fuck. Talked to tons of hot sluts. I even was putting my hands on their shoulders and stuff. I didn't even know Is was capable of being that NT. Usually when I go out with just alcohol and I awkward as fuck.

Anecdotal #03 - Never got phenibut to work until I tried liftmodes Phenibut Faa powdered version. Not sure its because I took it subligually(under the toungue) or because the hcl version which I took in capsule form does not digest well in my stomach. Its legit a fuck though, wish it did not have tolerance, makes you NT as fuck. HCL has to be taken on an empty stomach and you should take it with caffeine preferably.

Anecdotal #04 - Phenibut is legit af. I've been using it for a long time 1-2times/week no side effects or anything. Feel relaxed and more willing to socialize, clearer thoughts, better concentration, music sounds better, life seems brighter, sleep like a baby; life changer tbh. Kratom is legit as well but you need to know how to dose it properly and experiment with different strains; similar effects to phenibut but pheni is superior. I rotate between kratom/pheni on weeks where I constantly need to be NT 2 days pheni 2-3 kratom, that's 5 out 7 days of the week being NT. Lol @ not using this stuff

Anecdotal #05 - I was on three grams of phenibut, plus about 60mg of Ritalin. Had the best time of my life. Just waves of euphoria hitting me, and my body slightly buzzing and tingling. I had absolutely zero social anxiety, and became extremely laid back. 10/10 for socialanxietycels and highinhibcels.

Anecdotal #06 - I have recently started using phenibut when going out on the weekends. When I use it I feel like a god and have great success pulling girls. I took it on a Friday and every girl I talked to was smiling, flirting, I had a hot blonde approach me and start making out with me. Ended up pulling another girl back that night. It felt like I had to decide which girl I wanted to bang. Every night I take phenibut this same thing happens. It’s so weird it’s like my SMV doubles instantly and I’m in an amazing mood.

The next night I went out and didn’t take phenibut. Even worse I started crashing from the phenibut I took the night before and felt like complete shit. I was about to make out with a girl but then I didn’t know what to say and the interaction was over. I didn’t have the killer instinct and coolness I had the night before. My mood only got worse and worse and it felt like I was invisible to women when just the night before every girl at the club was talking to me.

Kratom (Highly subjective) (SSRI substitute)

💊 Dosage: 3g-10g


Consumed as tea or beverage, kratom acts on the opioid receptors. Kratom can seriously help anxiety, depression, addiction, motivation, sleep, etc. Kratom is versatile herb, even moreso than Cannabis, pro-social effects and hardcore gym workouts, reduce pain, anxiety, depression. It increases motivation, focus, and energy.


There will be a period of trial and error to figure what types and amounts work best for you. Kratom can produce a 'sense of well-being' but doesn't give any long lasting intense euphoria. This is what makes Kratom far safer than all other "opiates" that are addicting and subject to overdose. If you take too much Kratom, you will feel woozy, sleepy and at worst - feel like throwing up.

For simplicity, we separate the different varieties of Kratom into 3 categories.


- Fast Kratom (usually from Thailand or Maeng Da strains) is largely for energy, physical labor and pro-social behavior. It is ideal for going to the gym or going to social events.

- Slow Kratom (usually Kratom from Bali/Horned strains) is largely used for achieving a sense of well-being, anti-anxiety or pain relief.

- Moderate Kratom (usually Kratom from Indonesia/Malaysia/Vietnam) is somewhere in the middle with all these effects... Kratom "Location" Effects?

The only way to learn and improve your Kratom IQ is to try the different types, in different amounts, in different situations.
While that seems like a pain Start with smaller amounts (3-5 grams), wait 30 minutes and only take more if you don't feel anything.

Good Kratom vs. Bad Kratom

The last thing I want to mention is - There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the quality between different Kratom vendors.

- Your experience will almost reflect the quality of leaf you have.

A lot of people try Kratom from a random inexpensive headshop, end up disappointed and completely dismiss the leaf.

JUST LISTEN TO ME ON THIS, Get quality Kratom or no Kratom at all.

Again, Happy Hippo is my store, but there's a reason that we have made well over 50,000 sales and 50% of the sales are Happy returning customers

Anecdotal #01 - First Ive taken 2.5g and it just made me sleepy then I took another 2.5g and it again made me sleepy but slightly more euphoric

Todayyyyyy. I took around 12g total. It was nuts,insanse euphoria,happiness,motivation,I was nodding my head the whole time literally fighting to stay awake. My mom literally asked me why I was soo sad because on the outside I looked depressed af but on the inside I was feeling amazing. Then I went out with 2 foids and 2 guys and I was feeling dizzy and I had this urge to puke (so I did). I came home few hours ago and I puked my guts out again. I am not sure if dizziness and puking is connected to kratom but I absolutely loved it Tl;dr amazing euphoria but it made me super sleepy + dizzy and I puked

Anecdotal #02 - I have used Kratom 5 or 6 times every day for the past 6+ years.

I credit Kratom for helping me to accomplish just about everything I've achieved in the past 6 years. Social life, gym workouts, motivation.. etc

Ancedotal #03 - Kratom will reduce your social anxiety, so you can think more clearly out in public and in places where you're forced to be around people. When you're alone, it helps you feel comfortable, and almost gives the feeling that someone is there with you. It's weird, but helps to fill that void (partially), so long as you're interacting with people online or working toward a goal. This brings me to my next point. Kratom is dopaminergic, but does not sedate you like traditional opiates, which results in a clear headed, comfortable, motivated, and energized mindset. It makes chores and errands much easier to get through. It's not good for using as a sedative at all, it will keep you up if you take it before bed (it does for me anyway).

Anecdotal #04 - im surprised i could never imagine something legal would feel this good, took 2 teaspoons red strain (about 9 grams). those people online were right that it feels like a opiate, i feel euphoric both physically and emotionally . i feel that sensation of peace warmth joy love and harmony that opiates give. listening to music right now feeling amazing, this warm and comforting feeling is moving all the way thru my body from head to toes. i read about kratom a lot and this is first time i tried i can really understand why those guys on reddit got addicted to it...its soo good.

Anecdotal #05 - i took kratom before work today suddenly workcelling feels super easy and bearable. i can workcel without suffering now, i even feel happy workcelling cuz im high on kratom. i also become super sociable and made some new work friends, i litteraly even feel comfortable talking to girls at work now that im high on kratom, when i was sober i would never talk to girls at work

Low dose MDMA (Temporary) (For partying)

💊 Dosage: ?

MDMA, the kingpin of social drugs, but only low dose because high dose is counter-productive.

Cycling: ?

Anecdotal #01 - I recently took 150mg of mdma which is a low dose for me and I only ended up speaking to one girl that night, once I start talking to someone I wont stop but I still struggle to approach women on mdma

I think it's because I already feel content so cant motivate myself to approach

With alcohol I have such a desire for sex that I always force myself to approach

I've taken MDMA 15-20 times in social settings and only kissed 4 girls while on it

Anytime I drink alcohol in a club I always kiss 1-3 girls per night

Obviously kissing is nothing to brag about but every now and then it will escalate into the girl sleeping with you

I did manage to sleep with one girl while on mdma and it was possibly the highlight of my life


Steve stack:

- Neuroplasticity: 25-100mg fluvoxamine before bed daily. 1000mcg semank or selank on workout days. 5ml cerebrolysin 1x/week

- Stimulation: 50mg modafinil or 5mg adderall as needed, 100-300mg alpha GPC upon commencing cognitive taking tasks. redose 3-4 hours later.

Leo's stack:

- Acetylcholine

1) 1000mg CDP choline orally with a meal daily.

2) 5-20mg donapezil upon rising daily.

3) 100-300mg alpha GPC upon commencing cognitive taking tasks. redose 3-4 hours later.

- Dopamine

1) 1000mg L-Tyrosine upon rising

2) 5mg adderall upon commencing cognitive tasks. Max 5x per week

STACK #1 - Daily consumption

- Cerebrolysin 10ml daily or every 2nd day for cognitive enhancement.

- Vitamin D3 (More than 10,000 IU's of Vit D).

- Kratom? taking daily 3-10g of x strain

STACK #2 - For working (Derek stack)

- Consume choline (raw eggs) choline increase dopamine receptor density.

- 1000mg of L-tyrosine upon rising.

- 100-300mg alpha GPC upon commencing cognitive taking tasks. redose 3-4 hours later.

- 5mg adderall upon commencing cognitive tasks. Max 5x per week

Can be replaced with amphetamine

STACK #3 - For social exposure

- Ashwaganda 250mg-1g for anti anxiety.
- You can combine MDMA, alcohol to get low inhib as fuck

STACK #4 - For partying

- Low dose MDMA, 150mg

STACK #5 - Dopamine repair (after withdrawals).

- Uridine (upregulates dopamine by both preventing excessive dopamine levels and by repairing/restoring neuronal dopamine functionality), CDP-Choline (increase in dopamine receptor density), or Forskolin (causes the brain to be sensitized to dopamine by increasing its availability to be absorbed) to name a few.

If you want to get NT like @prettyboislime , low inhib like @realklay11 , or high IQ like our asian bro @thecel , then perhaps you may want to try some of these things. They won't magically change your mental state, but they will certainly help in the process of reaching homeostasis with your desired goal, whether it's inhibition, social skills or pretty much anything nerve-related. Thx for reading (y)
Kratom is now illegal where I live, used to use it back in 2014- I would've used it daily till today with diff strains etc.
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
1. Not being ugly
2. Good brain genetics
3. Unfollowing Balkanpig's threads
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14781 and Chintuck22
Lmfao, it’s called Cabergoline. Only Christ can cure of Utter Horrors and Shame and Horror in your very soul. But we have a fallen flesh atm so when it comes to neuroticism and all that we need drugs atm. Yes we are in fallen world atm. 2030 He returns.
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Ivan Fyodorovich and Deleted member 3828
Choline, DMAE, sulbutiamine, phenylpiracetam, IDRA-21, PRL-8-53, noopept.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: TheMewingBBC and Deleted member 13787
Don't use lsd, it is not a proper healing psych. Shrooms are like the grentle touch of mother nature, lsd is a brain shredding disaster. You will feel the after effects of lsd for months and months.

That being said, cold showers will get rid of your depression. It will get rid of anxiety and anxious twitching. These are scientific facts. You gotta do cold showers.
  • +1
Reactions: falcon1 and SplendidChap
Don't use lsd, it is not a proper healing psych. Shrooms are like the grentle touch of mother nature, lsd is a brain shredding disaster. You will feel the after effects of lsd for months and months.

That being said, cold showers will get rid of your depression. It will get rid of anxiety and anxious twitching. These are scientific facts. You gotta do cold showers.
Lol cold showers jfl
Be careful with Phenibut, one time i took a very high dose before a slay and couldn't get it up, never happened to me before.
Lol cold showers jfl
its scientific backed to create neurotransmitters and reduce stress as well as fat. You have no fucking clue what ur talking about pee boy
its scientific backed to create neurotransmitters and reduce stress as well as fat. You have no fucking clue what ur talking about pee boy
Why you gotta insult me old man yes my peepee goes into your hot daughters they love meh xD you like me
Fucking your hot daughters they love a boy like me
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
its scientific backed to create neurotransmitters and reduce stress as well as fat. You have no fucking clue what ur talking about pee boy
There big bare white tits on display
its scientific backed to create neurotransmitters and reduce stress as well as fat. You have no fucking clue what ur talking about pee boy
Dude why you gotta be mean man lol you have decent posts and information but why the hate I don’t get it
I've took phenibut for a long time but only like once every two weeks It's good for stressful situations if you want to be more confident like first dates or job interviews. Adderal is good but the side effects aren't worth it, maybe look into modafinil that shit works.
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas
I've took phenibut for a long time but only like once every two weeks It's good for stressful situations if you want to be more confident like first dates or job interviews. Adderal is good but the side effects aren't worth it, maybe look into modafinil that shit works.
Adderall is superior. phenibut is satanic.
its scientific backed to create neurotransmitters and reduce stress as well as fat. You have no fucking clue what ur talking about pee boy
awww the old man reported me for destroying him verbally I'm still fucking your hot daughters bud my dick was in their pussies :)
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
its scientific backed to create neurotransmitters and reduce stress as well as fat. You have no fucking clue what ur talking about pee boy
Aww u mad no one falls for ur cold shower nonsense old man 🤣🤣🤣🤣👎
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
Just become a drug addict theory
  • JFL
Reactions: ymb, zeshama, Deleted member 21863 and 1 other person
  • JFL
shrooms 0.25g every third day are a good nootropic. + activate neurogenesis+ increased neuroplasticity. Full dive above 3g+ also can be beneficial but you really must be aware of the bad trip.

Out of all medical drugs, Lexapro is the best- good sex drive+ happy faggy mood + completely turn off inhibitions.

phenibut is a baby drug- always cage when people get any reaction from it. Better to use its analogue- baclofen- 5x-10x stronger. 40mg with Adderall- god mode activated.

for some reason, I noticed that I become very focused and very calm after consuming an energetic monster free sugar drink.
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
dont take ashwghanda look up leo and longetivity he made a video about it causing random liver failure and they needed liver transplants and shit dangerous asf specially if its kids taking it and shit dont want no kids dieng due to ashwaghanda t boost and shit
I'm pretty sure ashwaganda may be dangerous to sympathetic nervous system, not liver

Can you link me Leo's video though ?
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview
Decent threat.
Can you elaborate a bit about what Kratom is?

My opinion on MDMA/ecstasy (I have done tons of research, sources include David Nutt and trust me bro):
Don't take it more often than once a month (max. twice) then you won't build much of a tolerance - never take it twice a week or sth! Also don't take it in times where you need to be highly focused & motivated.
The first time I took it I started slow and only took half a pill. In the course of the evening I took 2 more halves - I probably took more than what I needed. You should also start slow because not all pills have the same dosage of MDMA in it. Also hydrate yourself enough. When taking MDMA you also don't really need alkohol - you will just feel more down the next day and pay unnecessary money.

The only problem with ecstasy really is that I can be laced. If you can you should test your pills to see if they are. I heard that in the Netherlands as well as the UK there are institutions where you can anonymously test them without being criminalized. There are also test kits but tbh no idea how it works - will probably get one before summer when I plan on taking it again.

If you don't take more than 100 pills a lifetime and only take it once a month or so then ecstasy is harmless and has no longterm effect on your body or psyche, other than remembering some really great nights.
  • +1
Reactions: thisend
In terms of Supplements, every guy should be taking these as a bare minimum:

- Vitamin D3 + K2
- Fish oil
- Zinc
- Magnesium

These will optimise hormones, brain function and magnesium helps to relax you.
  • +1
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