You are a square talking about exactly what I just mentioned to @SubhumanCurrycel

Literally going through everything I listed, while calling me low IQ.

What a miserable autistic no hope fuck. It's over for you and your social skills. You'd get beaten up if you did this around a group of men. What a fucking aspie.
nigga you said some retarded shit that you made up (even though they are still true) about cognitive function and breastfeeding, he said that the difference between cows milk and humans milk is aprotein and its made for prolonged development which makes sense because cows grow in months and humans in years
Not disagreeing here.
exclusively bottle-fed, or mixed-fed during their first 6 months of life.
Pretty sure in most countries 6 months is the minimum recommended time

The breastfed group showed a greater number of above-average IQ test scores (35 vs. 23%; P = 0.479) and better SI scores (78 vs. 55%; P = 0.066) compared with the bottle-fed group. The number of girls with normal BMIs was significantly higher in the breastfed group than in the bottle-fed (68 vs. 41%; P = 0.045) or mixed-fed groups.

Only BMI differences reaches statistical significance. SI score is pretty close I would expect with a larger dataset it might show a statistically significant difference. IQ test score P = 0.479 makes me doubtful in this respect.
yeah , it was that retard curry oldcel faggot named makinithappen

You are mogged ridiculously bad.

3766767 71528252

Choose your battles more wisely next time.
nigga you said some retarded shit that you made up (even though they are still true) about cognitive function and breastfeeding, he said that the difference between cows milk and humans milk is aprotein and its made for prolonged development which makes sense because cows grow in months and humans in years

None of it was made up. None of it was retarded. You are just too autistic for nuance. People on the spectrum like to try and attempt to make things black and white. Absolute.

It's well documented. You fall onto the spectrum. The problem is with you, not me.
nigga you said some retarded shit that you made up (even though they are still true) about cognitive function and breastfeeding,

Listen to this autistm.

'You said something you made up, even though it's true'

This is when you know you are in a debate with a fucking intellectually dishonest, disingenuous fucktard. That disagrees with someone because his pfp makes him feel like a fat slob.
None of it was made up. None of it was retarded. You are just too autistic for nuance. People on the spectrum like to try and attempt to make things black and white. Absolute.

It's well documented. You fall onto the spectrum. The problem is with you, not me.
arent you the guy that is over 30 years old rotting in this forum, please just fucking stop replying @You just said something very different to you and the fuck you dont even answer my thread just come here to piss off people like an autist. i would destroy your fucking little autistic skull if i saw you nigger
Listen to this autistm.

'You said something you made up, even though it's true'

This is when you know you are in a debate with a fucking intellectually dishonest, disingenuous fucktard. That disagrees with someone because his pfp makes him feel like a fat slob.
its the contrary, you said something and i admitted it was true. and im not even debating im just defending the user because you made an autistic reply, how do i make you to not answer my threads never again? does ignoring you make that
its the contrary, you said something and i admitted it was true. and im not even debating im just defending the user because you made an autistic reply, how do i make you to not answer my threads never again? does ignoring you make that

'how do i make you to not answer my threads never again?'

Re-read that sentence and tell me you are not low IQ. The definition of inarticulate.

I realise now:


This is an attention seeking thread. The OP needed attention and/or an avenue to socialise with fellow autistic faggots on the spectrum.
i dont care about that retard please say something interesting on epigenetics now

Lol what awkward nerds LMAO

'Pls say something interesting on epigenetics now'

Who the fuck talks like that? Hahahahahaha. Try-hard social rejects.#

Mike D Nerds GIF by Beastie Boys

'He might be good looking, but at least we're white and he's curry!'
i dont care about that retard please say something interesting on epigenetics now
epigenetics is everything for facial aestethics, frame and dick size
Oh and why is that smart-ass?

Because the governments around the world decided 18 was the age that people were adults? But you need to be 21 to drink in some states in the US? And in the UK you can fuck at 16? So what's going on son? What happened? Why is it 18? Stop being a bloody consumer and pls learn that you must think for yourself in this life. Good day to you sir.

facts yo

imo the body doesnt fully mature until 25 same as the brain
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Epigenetics = cope at worst. negligble at best

Fucking brutal ngl it's over most of the HOX genes and pre set androgen receptor signalling predicts cases of midfacial prominence it is very over saar
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Lmao, meme definition of epigenetics. Thread discarded. Epigenetics ensures your liver cells grow in your liver rather than your brain. This meme oversimplified understanding of a field of genetics is just laughable.
that’s true based
Epigenetics is the study of how your environment can change the way your genetics work
Epigenetic changes occur during development phases (PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT, CHILDHOOD AND PUBERTY)
This changes can benefit or drawback your bone structure, dick, intelligence and body functions, mostly via the amount of vitamins, minerals, and toxins that enter your body.

Vitamins and Minerals: Bones and Hormones are made out of vitamins and minerals (Also counting cholesterol and proteins very importantly) Examples of vitamins that act in bone formation:
Cholesterol: It is the main compound that is used to make hormones

Calcium: It makes up bones and teeth
Vitamin D: Vitamin D regulates calium intake into the bones ensuring that enough calcium enters the bone
Vitamin K: It helps produce proteins involved in bone mineralization and also regulate calcium ensuring it isnt deposited in arteries

Vitamin A: It regulates the activity of cells that break down and rebuild bones
Toxins: Toxins (which arent talked much on this forum) are chemicals that compromise your endocrine sistem and make it worse functioning leading to lack of development, autoinmune dyseases, low dimorphism and even altering dna methylation (this toxins also shrink your dick and limit its growth)
Hormones and bone making: Hormones are substancies secreted by endocrine glands which act with a unique function in the body, the most important ones for bone development are:
IGF-1 and HGH: HGH is the hormone that signals IGF-1 production, IGF-1 is the hormone used in metabolic activities such as stimulating growth of all cell types
Testosterone: Is the hormones that develops male dimorphism such as bigger muscle and bone mass, testicles and helps regulate other hormones
5-Alpha-Reductase: It is and enzyme which is involucrated in the metabolism of steroid hormones, making them function better and turning them into a more potent substance (Testosterone - DHT) this also affects the Corpus Cavernossal tissue which contains most of the blood in the penis during an erection

THE IMPORTANCE OF NATURE-LIKE LIVING AND DIMORPHISM: As i said, testosterone, other hormones and bone making processes are made mostly out of nutrients, but other compounds like 5-Aplha-Reductase are very easily altered by toxic chemicals. This caused a phenomenom in an african tribe, where the males had normal frames due to normal testosterone levels but insanely big dicks because 5-Alpha-Reductase was untouched and they had almost no estrogen receptors. Read this thread also its very useful and easy to understand https://looksmax.org/threads/epigenetic-role-in-human-development-megathread.246842/

Conclusion: Things like dick size and bone development are made out of an ancestral lifestyle without any toxins (no coming in touch with society, no plastics, no fruits and vegetables mainly because they are loaded with this) BBC theory is very real and it has to do with Africa being such an "underdeveloped" country and black people moving out of ancestral lifestyle just 100s of years ago (some of them still even live in tribes), when white people left this lifestyle thousands of years ago
The best looksmax you could do is moving to Africa and hunting elephants with your tribe. If you are over 18 this may not benefit you talking from a bone development perspective, but if you raise your kids in this same environment they will be chad.
I will maybe polish this thread later because im on a hurry but i hope that you all understand that Environment theory isnt cope and contrary to this, it is the only looksmaxx that works. Society is becoming every generation uglier than the last and this is the ultimate cause
high iq thread, its the same for tribal india, i see 6 year olds with more bones than the fucking google ceo jfl
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