Easy way to make money at home

Deleted member 4671

Deleted member 4671

mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Jan 8, 2020
>Pornographic artist/developer
Porn artists and porn game developers can make serious money through both commissions and Patreon. The more depraved/niche you're willing to do (gay, furry, scat etc.), the better the pay is. Porn games can also make a lot more money than just doing porn art.

>Boosting people, competitive vidya
I've done this when I was a GM Overwatch player, but I don't play that game anymore. With enough skill and time put in, you could sustain yourself completely with this. Hard part is getting a reputation at the beginning, you need to be patient. Should be smooth sailing from there, as long as major changes to the game don't fuck you up.

>Game cheat developer
Subscription private cheats. You can read and learn a lot about cheat development on forums like UnknownCheats. It's really not that hard; if you know C or C++, you're ready to get started. Cheat development is fun, too. Alternatively, use your undetected private cheat for boosting people more reliably.

>The Amazon affiliate program
This is a little complicated to explain here. It involves creating websites and SEO. You'll want to read this, it actually has some good information, explained better than I ever could: "1278 In 2016 I made $316,154.15 via the Amazon Affiliate program. AMA!"

Just write content on shit you know about, then slap ads on the site. Doesn't pay much unless you get lucky.

>T-shirt designs
Make a bunch of t-shirt designs normalfags would want to buy, put them all up for sale online. Not a lot of money to be made here (couple hundred a month if you're lucky), but completely passive.

There are online-only sites that pay you pretty decently for language translation. May be hard to get into.

>Teach English to Asian kids online
Don't need serious qualifications, just need to be good at English.

>Write other people's essays/papers
Surprisingly, this is legal. Don't know much else about it but I have heard you can make good money.

>Pretend to be a girl online
Obviously there is only so far you can go with this. As for how to exploit it for money, there are hundreds of different potential ways, use your imagination. You could probably even just… ask for money.

>Bug bounties
If you're a programmer, feeling confident and need money fast.

>Fan websites/wikis
As soon as a new game or other media series is announced, register and set up a fansite/wiki. Attract traffic and grow it and either put lots of ads on it, or possibly sell the site/domain. Very hit-or-miss, but read it worked for some people.

>Create and sell random stock sound effects
Need a good audio setup, and need to be creative. Make random sounds for whatever use, license them. Definitely not a primary source of income, can be fun and generate passive income.

>Create and sell game assets on a game engine store
Like the above but more specific. Devs are lazy and will buy code snippets, shaders, models and sounds. Unity and Unreal have stores you can sell your assets on. A good way to use this method without leaving your house is to generate realistic models by 360'ing household objects and then decreasing the polycount. Note: you need certain software (and possibly equipment?) to do that, but otherwise it's low effort. You could also scan stuff from your front/back yard if you dare to go outside.

>Garry's Mod/multiplayer gaming stuff
Back when I played Garry's Mod people were making good money by selling scripts on a site called scriptfodder. It's basic Lua stuff, unbelivably easy. Often DarkRP-related. I think scriptfodder has been replaced by "gmodstore" now. That's not all you can do with Garry's Mod though. You can personally help people set up, run, or customize their servers (I've done this, works for other games too). You can also run your own server. You'll want something to stand out like exclusive content. People will donate for ranks/abilities/items, and little kids will ask to use their Mom's credit cards so they can have a power trip on your server. Semi-passive, but you need to check up on your admins.

>Publish a highly controversial book or game
Write an extremely offensive/misleading/controversial book. Don't pour your heart and soul into it obviously, since this is a real hit-or-miss strategy. Publish it, then post about it on sites like reddit where people get triggered easily. Do absolutely everything in your power to make sure it gets attention. Use social media bots, pay people to talk about it if you must. Remember: all publicity is good publicity. This kind of strategy also works with heavily controversial games, but is harder and riskier for more potential payoff. Try to get the anti-SJW crowd interested in your game.

>Exploit outrage-hungry gamers and reactionaries through YouTube
Gamers and reactionaries are just *starving* for outrage. Politics in muh games. Manufacture misleading "SJWS ARE OFFENDED AT X!!!" videos for your own monetary gain. Misrepresent a few tweets by nobodies as snowflakes everywhere throwing a fit. One example is the "SJWS TRIGGERED OVER DOOM 2016!" thing that blew up. Ramble on and repeat yourself for 10 minutes about how either the SJWs are being owned by X game, or X game is shoving politics, the devs are SJWs etc. saying absolutely nothing of real substance. Daily low-effort videos. Ad money + make a Patreon.

>Exploit textual content and memes through YouTube
You ever seen those channels that read out AskReddit threads and memes using TTS? They're garbage but get so many views and so much money, it's disgusting. And they can be 99.9% automated. You can even run multiple channels at the same time for extra cash. Write scripts to create video out of other content. Maximizing automation here is an untapped goldmine, imo. Lots of people are still doing part of the process manually. YouTube says "monetizing automated content is not good, guys!," but does not actually give a shit since automated channels bring in a lot of money.

>TIP: Relocate to a cheaper country or area since you don't have a salary
You can get by on *very* little in, say, Bulgaria. Or live like a king there on a below-average US salary. Great idea if you're already an EU citizen, not so much if you're a US citizen like me.

Feel free to add more ideas if you have any.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4570, Deleted member 5912, Hector and 12 others
Ty op
  • +1
Reactions: slayer69 and Deleted member 4671
Very interesting.
  • JFL
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Call me back when you can monetize LDAR
  • +1
Reactions: zeroshame and Deleted member 4671
>The Amazon affiliate program
This is a little complicated to explain here. It involves creating websites and SEO. You'll want to read this, it actually has some good information, explained better than I ever could: "1278 In 2016 I made $316,154.15 via the Amazon Affiliate program. AMA!"

Just write content on shit you know about, then slap ads on the site. Doesn't pay much unless you get lucky.

These two remind me of the now defunct IM (Internet Marketing) from the 2000s. Might still be doable with some tweaking though. It has morphed over the years. If you've seen those $1,000+ courses that teach you how to make affiliate money online... well they evolved from IM. If you want, you can try signing up at Clickbank, Neverblue, and Commission Junction to get an idea/get started. But it doesn't work for everyone. The problem with these things is that the author (or the owner of the product) is also selling the product. There's no discount or benefit if people buy it through you. But using the same ideas, you could do it with your own product. I never got around to experimenting with the latter idea. Takes a lot of commitment and by that time, I started getting bogged down by work and other life stuff.

>Write other people's essays/papers
Surprisingly, this is legal. Don't know much else about it but I have heard you can make good money.

This one reminds me of ghostwriting books. You can sign up on Fiverr or something similar and ghostwrite for people - fiction and nonfiction.

>Create and sell random stock sound effects
Need a good audio setup, and need to be creative. Make random sounds for whatever use, license them. Definitely not a primary source of income, can be fun and generate passive income.

This one reminds me of voice overs. If you have a really nice chad voice, you can do voice overs for Amazon books. It's a growing market right now actually. Lots of women writing erotic books (go figure) and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind to have a chad voice to do the voice over instead of the generic Amazon options.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4671
I think the only legit method is getting hired by a software development company. I see adds for Java dev positions all the time. Then you could maybe negotiate working from home.
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Reactions: Deleted member 7560
>Pornographic artist/developer
Porn artists and porn game developers can make serious money through both commissions and Patreon. The more depraved/niche you're willing to do (gay, furry, scat etc.), the better the pay is. Porn games can also make a lot more money than just doing porn art.

>Boosting people, competitive vidya
I've done this when I was a GM Overwatch player, but I don't play that game anymore. With enough skill and time put in, you could sustain yourself completely with this. Hard part is getting a reputation at the beginning, you need to be patient. Should be smooth sailing from there, as long as major changes to the game don't fuck you up.

>Game cheat developer
Subscription private cheats. You can read and learn a lot about cheat development on forums like UnknownCheats. It's really not that hard; if you know C or C++, you're ready to get started. Cheat development is fun, too. Alternatively, use your undetected private cheat for boosting people more reliably.

>The Amazon affiliate program
This is a little complicated to explain here. It involves creating websites and SEO. You'll want to read this, it actually has some good information, explained better than I ever could: "1278 In 2016 I made $316,154.15 via the Amazon Affiliate program. AMA!"

Just write content on shit you know about, then slap ads on the site. Doesn't pay much unless you get lucky.

>T-shirt designs
Make a bunch of t-shirt designs normalfags would want to buy, put them all up for sale online. Not a lot of money to be made here (couple hundred a month if you're lucky), but completely passive.

There are online-only sites that pay you pretty decently for language translation. May be hard to get into.

>Teach English to Asian kids online
Don't need serious qualifications, just need to be good at English.

>Write other people's essays/papers
Surprisingly, this is legal. Don't know much else about it but I have heard you can make good money.

>Pretend to be a girl online
Obviously there is only so far you can go with this. As for how to exploit it for money, there are hundreds of different potential ways, use your imagination. You could probably even just… ask for money.

>Bug bounties
If you're a programmer, feeling confident and need money fast.

>Fan websites/wikis
As soon as a new game or other media series is announced, register and set up a fansite/wiki. Attract traffic and grow it and either put lots of ads on it, or possibly sell the site/domain. Very hit-or-miss, but read it worked for some people.

>Create and sell random stock sound effects
Need a good audio setup, and need to be creative. Make random sounds for whatever use, license them. Definitely not a primary source of income, can be fun and generate passive income.

>Create and sell game assets on a game engine store
Like the above but more specific. Devs are lazy and will buy code snippets, shaders, models and sounds. Unity and Unreal have stores you can sell your assets on. A good way to use this method without leaving your house is to generate realistic models by 360'ing household objects and then decreasing the polycount. Note: you need certain software (and possibly equipment?) to do that, but otherwise it's low effort. You could also scan stuff from your front/back yard if you dare to go outside.

>Garry's Mod/multiplayer gaming stuff
Back when I played Garry's Mod people were making good money by selling scripts on a site called scriptfodder. It's basic Lua stuff, unbelivably easy. Often DarkRP-related. I think scriptfodder has been replaced by "gmodstore" now. That's not all you can do with Garry's Mod though. You can personally help people set up, run, or customize their servers (I've done this, works for other games too). You can also run your own server. You'll want something to stand out like exclusive content. People will donate for ranks/abilities/items, and little kids will ask to use their Mom's credit cards so they can have a power trip on your server. Semi-passive, but you need to check up on your admins.

>Publish a highly controversial book or game
Write an extremely offensive/misleading/controversial book. Don't pour your heart and soul into it obviously, since this is a real hit-or-miss strategy. Publish it, then post about it on sites like reddit where people get triggered easily. Do absolutely everything in your power to make sure it gets attention. Use social media bots, pay people to talk about it if you must. Remember: all publicity is good publicity. This kind of strategy also works with heavily controversial games, but is harder and riskier for more potential payoff. Try to get the anti-SJW crowd interested in your game.

>Exploit outrage-hungry gamers and reactionaries through YouTube
Gamers and reactionaries are just *starving* for outrage. Politics in muh games. Manufacture misleading "SJWS ARE OFFENDED AT X!!!" videos for your own monetary gain. Misrepresent a few tweets by nobodies as snowflakes everywhere throwing a fit. One example is the "SJWS TRIGGERED OVER DOOM 2016!" thing that blew up. Ramble on and repeat yourself for 10 minutes about how either the SJWs are being owned by X game, or X game is shoving politics, the devs are SJWs etc. saying absolutely nothing of real substance. Daily low-effort videos. Ad money + make a Patreon.

>Exploit textual content and memes through YouTube
You ever seen those channels that read out AskReddit threads and memes using TTS? They're garbage but get so many views and so much money, it's disgusting. And they can be 99.9% automated. You can even run multiple channels at the same time for extra cash. Write scripts to create video out of other content. Maximizing automation here is an untapped goldmine, imo. Lots of people are still doing part of the process manually. YouTube says "monetizing automated content is not good, guys!," but does not actually give a shit since automated channels bring in a lot of money.

>TIP: Relocate to a cheaper country or area since you don't have a salary
You can get by on *very* little in, say, Bulgaria. Or live like a king there on a below-average US salary. Great idea if you're already an EU citizen, not so much if you're a US citizen like me.

Feel free to add more ideas if you have any.
i legit got an offer to teach English online the other day but they made me take a course to get licensed and it costs like $500 fuck outta here
  • JFL
Reactions: Gonthar
>Pretend to be a girl online
Obviously there is only so far you can go with this. As for how to exploit it for money, there are hundreds of different potential ways, use your imagination. You could probably even just… ask for money.

That's the one I'm going with. I wanna milk all simps' money. It's a potential goldmine
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4671
>Pornographic artist/developer
Porn artists and porn game developers can make serious money through both commissions and Patreon. The more depraved/niche you're willing to do (gay, furry, scat etc.), the better the pay is. Porn games can also make a lot more money than just doing porn art.

>Boosting people, competitive vidya
I've done this when I was a GM Overwatch player, but I don't play that game anymore. With enough skill and time put in, you could sustain yourself completely with this. Hard part is getting a reputation at the beginning, you need to be patient. Should be smooth sailing from there, as long as major changes to the game don't fuck you up.

>Game cheat developer
Subscription private cheats. You can read and learn a lot about cheat development on forums like UnknownCheats. It's really not that hard; if you know C or C++, you're ready to get started. Cheat development is fun, too. Alternatively, use your undetected private cheat for boosting people more reliably.

>The Amazon affiliate program
This is a little complicated to explain here. It involves creating websites and SEO. You'll want to read this, it actually has some good information, explained better than I ever could: "1278 In 2016 I made $316,154.15 via the Amazon Affiliate program. AMA!"

Just write content on shit you know about, then slap ads on the site. Doesn't pay much unless you get lucky.

>T-shirt designs
Make a bunch of t-shirt designs normalfags would want to buy, put them all up for sale online. Not a lot of money to be made here (couple hundred a month if you're lucky), but completely passive.

There are online-only sites that pay you pretty decently for language translation. May be hard to get into.

>Teach English to Asian kids online
Don't need serious qualifications, just need to be good at English.

>Write other people's essays/papers
Surprisingly, this is legal. Don't know much else about it but I have heard you can make good money.

>Pretend to be a girl online
Obviously there is only so far you can go with this. As for how to exploit it for money, there are hundreds of different potential ways, use your imagination. You could probably even just… ask for money.

>Bug bounties
If you're a programmer, feeling confident and need money fast.

>Fan websites/wikis
As soon as a new game or other media series is announced, register and set up a fansite/wiki. Attract traffic and grow it and either put lots of ads on it, or possibly sell the site/domain. Very hit-or-miss, but read it worked for some people.

>Create and sell random stock sound effects
Need a good audio setup, and need to be creative. Make random sounds for whatever use, license them. Definitely not a primary source of income, can be fun and generate passive income.

>Create and sell game assets on a game engine store
Like the above but more specific. Devs are lazy and will buy code snippets, shaders, models and sounds. Unity and Unreal have stores you can sell your assets on. A good way to use this method without leaving your house is to generate realistic models by 360'ing household objects and then decreasing the polycount. Note: you need certain software (and possibly equipment?) to do that, but otherwise it's low effort. You could also scan stuff from your front/back yard if you dare to go outside.

>Garry's Mod/multiplayer gaming stuff
Back when I played Garry's Mod people were making good money by selling scripts on a site called scriptfodder. It's basic Lua stuff, unbelivably easy. Often DarkRP-related. I think scriptfodder has been replaced by "gmodstore" now. That's not all you can do with Garry's Mod though. You can personally help people set up, run, or customize their servers (I've done this, works for other games too). You can also run your own server. You'll want something to stand out like exclusive content. People will donate for ranks/abilities/items, and little kids will ask to use their Mom's credit cards so they can have a power trip on your server. Semi-passive, but you need to check up on your admins.

>Publish a highly controversial book or game
Write an extremely offensive/misleading/controversial book. Don't pour your heart and soul into it obviously, since this is a real hit-or-miss strategy. Publish it, then post about it on sites like reddit where people get triggered easily. Do absolutely everything in your power to make sure it gets attention. Use social media bots, pay people to talk about it if you must. Remember: all publicity is good publicity. This kind of strategy also works with heavily controversial games, but is harder and riskier for more potential payoff. Try to get the anti-SJW crowd interested in your game.

>Exploit outrage-hungry gamers and reactionaries through YouTube
Gamers and reactionaries are just *starving* for outrage. Politics in muh games. Manufacture misleading "SJWS ARE OFFENDED AT X!!!" videos for your own monetary gain. Misrepresent a few tweets by nobodies as snowflakes everywhere throwing a fit. One example is the "SJWS TRIGGERED OVER DOOM 2016!" thing that blew up. Ramble on and repeat yourself for 10 minutes about how either the SJWs are being owned by X game, or X game is shoving politics, the devs are SJWs etc. saying absolutely nothing of real substance. Daily low-effort videos. Ad money + make a Patreon.

>Exploit textual content and memes through YouTube
You ever seen those channels that read out AskReddit threads and memes using TTS? They're garbage but get so many views and so much money, it's disgusting. And they can be 99.9% automated. You can even run multiple channels at the same time for extra cash. Write scripts to create video out of other content. Maximizing automation here is an untapped goldmine, imo. Lots of people are still doing part of the process manually. YouTube says "monetizing automated content is not good, guys!," but does not actually give a shit since automated channels bring in a lot of money.

>TIP: Relocate to a cheaper country or area since you don't have a salary
You can get by on *very* little in, say, Bulgaria. Or live like a king there on a below-average US salary. Great idea if you're already an EU citizen, not so much if you're a US citizen like me.

Feel free to add more ideas if you have any.
The blogs use Adsense, it used to be profitable up until 2016 then they banned some "cheat codes" that would force people click on the add so profits were drastically reduced. You do be needing a good content actually, unless youre gl jfl.
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Reactions: Deleted member 4671
Programmer >>>>>>>>all
If you're a programmer you have the biggest amount of options and they are usually the best.
Also the knowledge you accumulate can be translated to similar things which means = more money.
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I tried to do furry commissions tbh
ok thanks I screenshotted it, now delete please
These two remind me of the now defunct IM (Internet Marketing) from the 2000s. Might still be doable with some tweaking though. It has morphed over the years. If you've seen those $1,000+ courses that teach you how to make affiliate money online... well they evolved from IM. If you want, you can try signing up at Clickbank, Neverblue, and Commission Junction to get an idea/get started. But it doesn't work for everyone. The problem with these things is that the author (or the owner of the product) is also selling the product. There's no discount or benefit if people buy it through you. But using the same ideas, you could do it with your own product. I never got around to experimenting with the latter idea. Takes a lot of commitment and by that time, I started getting bogged down by work and other life stuff.

This one reminds me of ghostwriting books. You can sign up on Fiverr or something similar and ghostwrite for people - fiction and nonfiction.

This one reminds me of voice overs. If you have a really nice chad voice, you can do voice overs for Amazon books. It's a growing market right now actually. Lots of women writing erotic books (go figure) and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind to have a chad voice to do the voice over instead of the generic Amazon options.
Reminds me

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