Assadists, Tankies, Pro-Russia Propaganda, and the Axis of 'Resistance' in Syria



Sunni Unity
Oct 23, 2023
Assadists, Tankies, Pro-Russia Propaganda, and the Axis of 'Resistance' have been disseminating fallacious narratives to justify Iran and its proxies' imperialist actions in Syria. They often accuse the opposition of being “Wahabbis” and proxies of 'Israel/West/Gulf Countries,' portraying this narrative so anything they do as justifiable ( for backing Assad and slaughtering muslims) and everything the opposition says as untrustworthy.
In this thread, I will address these points and debunk them. While these notions are already widely believed in Syria and the Arab World, I still see many people who naively fall for the propaganda spread by these Assadists, conspiracy theories, and Axis of 'Resistance'.

Why did Iran and its proxies get involved in Syria? Was it truly to defeat Daesh, or was it for their own interests, like any other imperialists out there? Iran's Axis of 'Resistance' tends to justify their involvement by claiming they were in Syria to combat ISIS and Salafi 'Radicals.' However, it was exposed by the Defense Minister of Syria that Iran was involved in the battles of Syria since 2011. FSA wasn't that big during the early days of the conflict (2011). 'I met Qassem Soleimani in 2011, and the first battle we planned and carried out was in Homs, Baba Amr.'

At that time, there was no presence of ISIS, Al Nusra, Ahrar Al Sham, etc. In fact, a pro-Iran agency called 'Fars Agency' mentioned details of the involvement of the Iranian police in suppressing the Syrian demonstrations in 2011. The report states that before the outbreak of the civil war in Syria, Iranian military and police forces provided assistance to the Syrian police to suppress the 'street rebellion,' as reported by the agency." Street Rebellion, no mention of Islamists.


Pilgrim’s Tale
The Axis of 'Resistance' often justifies its involvement by citing instances of kidnapped Iranians, using such incidents to rally support for military actions. For instance, they beat the drums of war when a group of 'pilgrims' were kidnapped by rebel forces. However, a report by Digarban, revealed that at least seven Revolutionary Guards commanders were among the released prisoners. The report disclosed, 'Abedin Khoram, the current commander of the Revolutionary Guards' division in Orumieh, is among those who were released and have returned to Iran.'This revelation highlights that many individuals connected to the elite force, whether current or former members, were involved in these incidents. Some of their identities inadvertently surfaced when their faces were revealed during welcoming ceremonies held in their hometowns or in reports on local news websites. And Of Course, Iranian officials have refused to publish a comprehensive list of those who were kidnapped." The “Pilgrims” end up being exchanged more than more than 2,100 prisoners.

Some of the massacres were committed in Syria; Iran-backed Shia Terror militias were involved in some of these.

Deir Baalbah massacre in Homs (April 2012): “On these days, the Deir Baalbeh massacre took place in Homs More than 230 civilians were killed in this massacre, including 23 children and 22 women, and they killed this number in only 7 days, through field executions.”

Al-Malikiyah massacre in Azaz, Aleppo (February 2013): it included the execution of the residents of the village (children, women, elderly and young men)

96 deaths including 5 children & 3 womenAl-Qubeir massacre (50+ people were killed, including children)

- Bayda and Baniyas massacre (between 300 and 450 people were killed)

Tell Shughayb massacre in Aleppo (March 2016): 6 young men were killed & their bodies were burned

Rasm Al-Nafl massacre in Aleppo (June 2013): 191 civilians killed including 21 women & 27 children. bodies found buried in wells

Mr. Hasan Aboud, who is one of the village residents:“I managed to escape about two hours later along with my daughter and wife, and I saw armed men wearing black outfits with yellow headbands. It seemed to me that they were affiliates of Hezbollah. They killed a 90-year-old woman that was sitting in her house by herself, and then destroyed the house with her dead body inside. There was another house where a number of families took shelter. There were about 56 or 57 individuals. They asked them to enter the rooms, inside the house, and then they bomb the house, as everyone inside died.”

Al Nabk massacre in Damascus (December 2013): 399 civilians were killed including 94 children & 94 women

Darayya massacres between 2012-2016: 817 civilians were killed including 67 children & 98 women

Attached Youtube link shows one of place where the massacre took place and the locals are interviewed about it.






In 2016, Shia militias in Aleppo, Syria, upload a video of themselves dragging the body of a Sunni man and making sectarian statements, referring to him as an Umayyad, the son of Aisha (ra).

Hezbollah fighter in Syria, 2014: “We stomped on their corpses, burnt the shit out of them, and we will continue to burn the *** out of them…till the last Sunni dog alive on the Earth.”

Kill them wherever you find them, just because they are Sunnis.” A Shiite generalist is lecturing against a group of Iran backed Shia miltias to kill the Sunnis.

Dehumanization of a Syrian refugee Sunni by Hezbollah in Lebanon, Old video which is from 2011/2012… I wonder if they’re gonna use the Nusra/ISIS excuse for this one…

Assad Troops / Iran backed Miltias destroying the graves and insulting/cursing the Sahabbas

After Sunnis liberated Bayadha 2012 from Hezbollah/Assad troops, a militant comes across Shia Flags, Posters, Books, and etc in a town that has no Shias.

Cursing of Abu Bakr RA, Umar RA, Uthman RA, Muawiyah RA in Ummayad Mosque (I think) located at Syria

Leader of Iraqi Shia Terror group Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba saying Aleppo is Shia despite the fact that Aleppo always has been majority Sunni.

Ethnic displacement Of Sunnis

A report by the Middle East Insitute which which was given to the ICC (International Criminal Court) which Identify signs of eliberate destruction or confiscation of assets, and the forced relocation of Sunni residents in certain areas of Syria since March 2011

Martin Chulov (who won the Orwell prize for journalism in 2015) wrote this article highlighting about how in the border of Syria/Lebanon - New communities are settling in areas where Sunnis have fled or been forced out

Article talking about how the Syrian opposition accused Iran of attempting to change demographics near Damascus by swapping Sunni residents of Zabadani with Shia residents of Fua and Kefraya, which could be considered as ethnic cleansing.

After putting people of Madaya and Zabadani being under siege for two years; forced to hunt rodents and boil grass to stave off hunger, were evacuated to other rebel controlled area. More than 30,000+ syrians. Similar thing happened to Moadamiyeh, Hameh, Qudsaya and the Barada Valley.

A Syrian journalist goes in detail about the demographic/ethnic displacement that took place throughout the country.

68 page document talking about the massacres that took place in al-Bayda and Baniyas, The attacks drove most of the Sunni population of al-Bayda and of Ras al-Nabe` in Baniyas to flee after the attack.

Article talking about how Sunni Muslim villages of Baida and Ras al-Nabaa which was home to more than 5000 Sunni became death towns after being attacked by Assad regime loyalists.

Iranian militias in Syria have been changing the names of ancient streets within the country with names of Iranian Shia leaders.

“Opposition was Zionist backed Salafis”

Non-Salafis/Ashari Scholars who supported the revolution

Shaykh Karim Rajeh
Shaykh Mujir Katib Al Shafi
Shaykh Mamdou Junaid Shafi
Shaykh Masadi
Shykh Muhammamid
Shaykh Osama Rifai
Shaykh Suraiya Rifai,
Shaykh Adnan Sakka Hanafi
Shaykh Majd Makkai
Shaykh Mafiz Mutee
Shaykh Rateb al-Nabulsi
Shaykh Adnan al-Saqqa
Shaykh Abd al-Kareem Bakka
And many more who supported the revolution.


“Hassan Nasrallah’s cutthroats are killing Palestinians in Sayyida Zeinab camp, simply for being Palestinian.”

Palestinian man from Yarmouk Camp Syria talking about the crimes of Assad regime and axis of ‘resistance against Palestinians.

Subhi Al-Tufayli, the inaugural Secretary-General of Hezbollah, has confessed that Hezbollah's actions in Syria did not primarily target ISIS, contrary to claims by the Assad regime and Hezbollah. Instead, their focus was on Sunni civilians and Syrian rebel groups. He further stated that the origins of ISIS can be traced back to prisoners from Syrian prisons who were utilized by the Assad regime to carry out bombings in Iraq, with support from Iran.

“FSA are Daesh”

FSA and Nusra both have been takfired and fought against Daesh

SIL launched an offensive against rebels (including al-Nusra, the Islamic Front, Army of Mujahedeen, the FSA and Syria Revolutionaries Front) in Deir ez-Zor Governorate

The Northern Aleppo offensive (February–July 2014) was a military offensive launched by armed Syrian opposition forces led by the Free Syrian Army against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the northern Aleppo Governorate.

The Battle of Markada (also spelled "Markadah" or "Markadahin")[4] was a military confrontation between two jihadist groups, al Qaeda's al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), over the town of Markada in the Al-Hasakah Governorate, in March 2014

The Battle of al-Rai was a battle fought in August 2016 between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the border town of al-Rai, part of the northern Aleppo Governorate on the border with Turkey, which resulted in the FSA capturing the town.

"The Eastern Qalamoun offensive was a large-scale military offensive against Syrian rebel positions in the eastern Qalamoun Mountains of the Rif Dimashq Governorate launched by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant along a frontline of more than 15 kilometers in the region"

"The Syrian Desert campaign (December 2016–April 2017) was a military campaign launched by Syrian rebel forces affiliated with the Free Syrian Army's Southern Front and their allies in the southern Syrian Desert and the eastern Qalamoun Mountains. The aim of the offensive was to expel the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant from the desert in southern Syria and to open a supply route between two rebel-held areas"

"On 26 December, pro-Syrian government sources reported that the Russian Air Force directly backed the Turkish Army for the first time since the start of the Russian intervention in Syria. However, despite Su-24 and Su-34 bombers carrying out airstrikes against ISIL fighters,"

"The Daraa offensive (March–April 2016) was a military operation of two groups allegedly affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade and the Islamic Muthanna Movement, against Syrian opposition forces in the Daraa Governorate."

"The Northwestern Syria campaign (October 2017 – February 2018) was a large-scale military operation that initially started with an offensive conducted by ISIL forces on areas controlled by Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the northern Hama Governorate. Subsequently, the Syrian Armed Forces launched their own offensive against HTS and other rebel groups in the area. The campaign took place at the intersection of the provinces of Hama, Idlib and Aleppo."

"The Southern Damascus offensive (March 2018) started on 12 March 2018, when ISIL began attacking rebel positions in the al-Qadam neighborhood of southern Damascus as they were evacuating"

Between 3 January and 28 June 2014, 5,641–6,991 people had been killed in the rebel v ISIL fighting, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.[25] By 25 February 2014, ISIL had conducted 34 suicide attacks.[296] On 26 August 2014, the Syrian Network for Human rights reported that since the declaration of the Islamic State on 9 April, 2,691 anti-ISIL rebels and 782 civilians had been killed.

You had thousands of Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Lebeense, Azeris, Iranians, Bahrain, Shias in Syria, If it was only a Sunni+Shia vs ‘Wahabbis’ - why would they need 50,000 thousands of foreign fighters and that too only Shias?

If it was a ‘Shia Sunni’ against Wahabbis - where are the sunni foreign fighters at?

At one point rebels thought they were fighting Iran only during 2016



Spillover and sectarian conflict spread by Assadist/Hezbollah in Lebanon: "Assad threatened to "break Lebanon over [Hariri's] head." 6 mos later, a car bomb killed him."

Hariri was a Poltican with a Sunni background that many Lebanese Sunnis held in high regard.

Bombing Sunni mosques in Lebanon

8 dead and 110+ injuries "The killing of a senior figure closely linked with the anti-Assad camp in Lebanon led to immediate speculation that Syria, or its allies, were behind the attack in Beirut. Al-Hassan had also led the investigation that implicated Syria and its ally Hezbollah in the killing of the former prime minister Rafik Hariri"

Two Mosques bombed more than 47 deaths and 800 injuries.

"it was perceived as an attack on the Lebanese Sunni community, with residents blaming Bashar al-Assad and Hezbollah"

Siege Of Madaya/Boukein by Hezbollah/Assad Regime, People were starving and dying. They had to resort to eating leaves.

The adjacent towns of Madaya and Boukein had around 40,000 civilians without electricity and food for months.


Meanwhile, you had Hezbollah Supporters Mocking them.

Umayyad Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz's grave was destroyed in Syria, so much for unity...


Iran-backed Terror Miltias / Assad Regime did fight against them but gets exaggerated.

The international coalition bombed ISIS-held areas (Around 20,000 missiles) without giving regard for civilian casualties and backed Kurds for most of the ground assaults.


Iran/Assad Regime/Russia themselves knew about it

Iran MoD Brig.Gen Dehqan In justifies the priority of combatting the armed opposition than ISIS in Syria & Aleppo over Deir Ezzor

[All credit goes to @AyKarTo on Twitter]
  • Woah
Reactions: EggKing
"But-they got Sunnis in SAA'

Yeah... the country is 80% Sunni and conscripts exist. Why do you think so many young Syrians fled the country? Not everyone wants to die as a cannon fodder for a Tyrant.

Either way, the majority of the commanders and elites of the military are alwaites.



@Manchild @SecularIslamist @MaghrebGator @Gengar @emeraldglass
@Baldingman1998 (I'm aware you're not a Muslim, thought it would be an interesting read nonetheless)
  • +1
Reactions: XtrovertNTnormalfag, emeraldglass and SecularIslamist

OP is a fanboy of ISIS and AQ
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: spark, thereallegend and Lynxress
So what is your point precisely? How do you attempt to change my mind?
So what is your point precisely? How do you attempt to change my mind?
This is more so a thread to showcase the crimes of Bashar, the Raafida etc.

I thought it'd be an interesting read.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
This is more so a thread to showcase the crimes of Bashar, the Raafida etc.

I thought it'd be an interesting read.
I see. Well, personally I don’t care about the Syrian conflict. My personal opinion is that others shouldn’t tell others how to rule their own country.
  • +1
Reactions: Lynxress
I see. Well, personally I don’t care about the Syrian conflict.
They are our brothers in Islam, how could you say that you don't care?
My personal opinion is that others shouldn’t tell others how to rule their own country.
Even when your own brothers get mercilessly slaughtered, starved and forced to admit that their president is "God"?
give a tl;dr

the FSA you rabbid anti shia dogs that wanted to genocide kurds and isis is a demonic force assad and iran and russia lesser of the three evils
  • +1
Reactions: yandex99
They are our brothers in Islam, how could you say that you don't care?
You still believe in the one ummah meme? Lol.
Even when your own brothers get mercilessly slaughtered, starved and forced to admit that their president is "God"?
It is better than allying with cuckmerica, which is responsible for the chaos in the muzzie world.
  • +1
Reactions: Fiqh
You still believe in the one ummah meme? Lol.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) صحيح (الألباني)
Reference : Sunan Abi Dawud 4297

I meant in the sense that we are brothers in Islam.

It is better than allying with cuckmerica, which is responsible for the chaos in the muzzie world.
At the end of the day, it's a lose-lose situation until the fall of Bashar (la) occurs.
I meant in the sense that we are brothers in Islam.
I know that’s what you meant but there is no such thing.
mirin research, how long did it take you to compile this?
kys terrorist Anglo bootlicker
kys terrorist Anglo bootlicker
Then the Syrians must also be bootlickers for being against Assad's regime 😅😅😅

What an utter retard.
kys terrorist Anglo bootlicker
Then the Syrians must also be bootlickers for being against Assad's regime 😅😅😅

What an utter retard.
Assadists, Tankies, Pro-Russia Propaganda, and the Axis of 'Resistance' have been disseminating fallacious narratives to justify Iran and its proxies' imperialist actions in Syria. They often accuse the opposition of being “Wahabbis” and proxies of 'Israel/West/Gulf Countries,' portraying this narrative so anything they do as justifiable ( for backing Assad and slaughtering muslims) and everything the opposition says as untrustworthy.
In this thread, I will address these points and debunk them. While these notions are already widely believed in Syria and the Arab World, I still see many people who naively fall for the propaganda spread by these Assadists, conspiracy theories, and Axis of 'Resistance'.

Why did Iran and its proxies get involved in Syria? Was it truly to defeat Daesh, or was it for their own interests, like any other imperialists out there? Iran's Axis of 'Resistance' tends to justify their involvement by claiming they were in Syria to combat ISIS and Salafi 'Radicals.' However, it was exposed by the Defense Minister of Syria that Iran was involved in the battles of Syria since 2011. FSA wasn't that big during the early days of the conflict (2011). 'I met Qassem Soleimani in 2011, and the first battle we planned and carried out was in Homs, Baba Amr.'

View attachment 2728793

At that time, there was no presence of ISIS, Al Nusra, Ahrar Al Sham, etc. In fact, a pro-Iran agency called 'Fars Agency' mentioned details of the involvement of the Iranian police in suppressing the Syrian demonstrations in 2011. The report states that before the outbreak of the civil war in Syria, Iranian military and police forces provided assistance to the Syrian police to suppress the 'street rebellion,' as reported by the agency." Street Rebellion, no mention of Islamists.

View attachment 2728795

Pilgrim’s Tale
The Axis of 'Resistance' often justifies its involvement by citing instances of kidnapped Iranians, using such incidents to rally support for military actions. For instance, they beat the drums of war when a group of 'pilgrims' were kidnapped by rebel forces. However, a report by Digarban, revealed that at least seven Revolutionary Guards commanders were among the released prisoners. The report disclosed, 'Abedin Khoram, the current commander of the Revolutionary Guards' division in Orumieh, is among those who were released and have returned to Iran.'This revelation highlights that many individuals connected to the elite force, whether current or former members, were involved in these incidents. Some of their identities inadvertently surfaced when their faces were revealed during welcoming ceremonies held in their hometowns or in reports on local news websites. And Of Course, Iranian officials have refused to publish a comprehensive list of those who were kidnapped." The “Pilgrims” end up being exchanged more than more than 2,100 prisoners.

Some of the massacres were committed in Syria; Iran-backed Shia Terror militias were involved in some of these.

Deir Baalbah massacre in Homs (April 2012): “On these days, the Deir Baalbeh massacre took place in Homs More than 230 civilians were killed in this massacre, including 23 children and 22 women, and they killed this number in only 7 days, through field executions.”

Al-Malikiyah massacre in Azaz, Aleppo (February 2013): it included the execution of the residents of the village (children, women, elderly and young men)

96 deaths including 5 children & 3 womenAl-Qubeir massacre (50+ people were killed, including children)

- Bayda and Baniyas massacre (between 300 and 450 people were killed)

Tell Shughayb massacre in Aleppo (March 2016): 6 young men were killed & their bodies were burned

Rasm Al-Nafl massacre in Aleppo (June 2013): 191 civilians killed including 21 women & 27 children. bodies found buried in wells

Mr. Hasan Aboud, who is one of the village residents:“I managed to escape about two hours later along with my daughter and wife, and I saw armed men wearing black outfits with yellow headbands. It seemed to me that they were affiliates of Hezbollah. They killed a 90-year-old woman that was sitting in her house by herself, and then destroyed the house with her dead body inside. There was another house where a number of families took shelter. There were about 56 or 57 individuals. They asked them to enter the rooms, inside the house, and then they bomb the house, as everyone inside died.”

Al Nabk massacre in Damascus (December 2013): 399 civilians were killed including 94 children & 94 women

Darayya massacres between 2012-2016: 817 civilians were killed including 67 children & 98 women

Attached Youtube link shows one of place where the massacre took place and the locals are interviewed about it.


View attachment 2728812
View attachment 2728813
View attachment 2728814
View attachment 2728815

In 2016, Shia militias in Aleppo, Syria, upload a video of themselves dragging the body of a Sunni man and making sectarian statements, referring to him as an Umayyad, the son of Aisha (ra).

View attachment 2728816

Hezbollah fighter in Syria, 2014: “We stomped on their corpses, burnt the shit out of them, and we will continue to burn the *** out of them…till the last Sunni dog alive on the Earth.”
View attachment 2728818

Kill them wherever you find them, just because they are Sunnis.” A Shiite generalist is lecturing against a group of Iran backed Shia miltias to kill the Sunnis.

View attachment 2728819

Dehumanization of a Syrian refugee Sunni by Hezbollah in Lebanon, Old video which is from 2011/2012… I wonder if they’re gonna use the Nusra/ISIS excuse for this one…

View attachment 2728820

View attachment 2728822
Assad Troops / Iran backed Miltias destroying the graves and insulting/cursing the Sahabbas

View attachment 2728823

After Sunnis liberated Bayadha 2012 from Hezbollah/Assad troops, a militant comes across Shia Flags, Posters, Books, and etc in a town that has no Shias.

View attachment 2728824

Cursing of Abu Bakr RA, Umar RA, Uthman RA, Muawiyah RA in Ummayad Mosque (I think) located at Syria

View attachment 2728826

Leader of Iraqi Shia Terror group Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba saying Aleppo is Shia despite the fact that Aleppo always has been majority Sunni.
View attachment 2728830

Ethnic displacement Of Sunnis

A report by the Middle East Insitute which which was given to the ICC (International Criminal Court) which Identify signs of eliberate destruction or confiscation of assets, and the forced relocation of Sunni residents in certain areas of Syria since March 2011

Martin Chulov (who won the Orwell prize for journalism in 2015) wrote this article highlighting about how in the border of Syria/Lebanon - New communities are settling in areas where Sunnis have fled or been forced out

Article talking about how the Syrian opposition accused Iran of attempting to change demographics near Damascus by swapping Sunni residents of Zabadani with Shia residents of Fua and Kefraya, which could be considered as ethnic cleansing.

After putting people of Madaya and Zabadani being under siege for two years; forced to hunt rodents and boil grass to stave off hunger, were evacuated to other rebel controlled area. More than 30,000+ syrians. Similar thing happened to Moadamiyeh, Hameh, Qudsaya and the Barada Valley.

A Syrian journalist goes in detail about the demographic/ethnic displacement that took place throughout the country.

68 page document talking about the massacres that took place in al-Bayda and Baniyas, The attacks drove most of the Sunni population of al-Bayda and of Ras al-Nabe` in Baniyas to flee after the attack.

Article talking about how Sunni Muslim villages of Baida and Ras al-Nabaa which was home to more than 5000 Sunni became death towns after being attacked by Assad regime loyalists.

Iranian militias in Syria have been changing the names of ancient streets within the country with names of Iranian Shia leaders.

“Opposition was Zionist backed Salafis”

Non-Salafis/Ashari Scholars who supported the revolution

Shaykh Karim Rajeh
Shaykh Mujir Katib Al Shafi
Shaykh Mamdou Junaid Shafi
Shaykh Masadi
Shykh Muhammamid
Shaykh Osama Rifai
Shaykh Suraiya Rifai,
Shaykh Adnan Sakka Hanafi
Shaykh Majd Makkai
Shaykh Mafiz Mutee
Shaykh Rateb al-Nabulsi
Shaykh Adnan al-Saqqa
Shaykh Abd al-Kareem Bakka
And many more who supported the revolution.

View attachment 2728845

“Hassan Nasrallah’s cutthroats are killing Palestinians in Sayyida Zeinab camp, simply for being Palestinian.”

Palestinian man from Yarmouk Camp Syria talking about the crimes of Assad regime and axis of ‘resistance against Palestinians.

View attachment 2728850

Subhi Al-Tufayli, the inaugural Secretary-General of Hezbollah, has confessed that Hezbollah's actions in Syria did not primarily target ISIS, contrary to claims by the Assad regime and Hezbollah. Instead, their focus was on Sunni civilians and Syrian rebel groups. He further stated that the origins of ISIS can be traced back to prisoners from Syrian prisons who were utilized by the Assad regime to carry out bombings in Iraq, with support from Iran.

View attachment 2728852

“FSA are Daesh”

FSA and Nusra both have been takfired and fought against Daesh

SIL launched an offensive against rebels (including al-Nusra, the Islamic Front, Army of Mujahedeen, the FSA and Syria Revolutionaries Front) in Deir ez-Zor Governorate

The Northern Aleppo offensive (February–July 2014) was a military offensive launched by armed Syrian opposition forces led by the Free Syrian Army against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the northern Aleppo Governorate.

The Battle of Markada (also spelled "Markadah" or "Markadahin")[4] was a military confrontation between two jihadist groups, al Qaeda's al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), over the town of Markada in the Al-Hasakah Governorate, in March 2014

The Battle of al-Rai was a battle fought in August 2016 between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the border town of al-Rai, part of the northern Aleppo Governorate on the border with Turkey, which resulted in the FSA capturing the town.

"The Eastern Qalamoun offensive was a large-scale military offensive against Syrian rebel positions in the eastern Qalamoun Mountains of the Rif Dimashq Governorate launched by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant along a frontline of more than 15 kilometers in the region"

"The Syrian Desert campaign (December 2016–April 2017) was a military campaign launched by Syrian rebel forces affiliated with the Free Syrian Army's Southern Front and their allies in the southern Syrian Desert and the eastern Qalamoun Mountains. The aim of the offensive was to expel the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant from the desert in southern Syria and to open a supply route between two rebel-held areas"

"On 26 December, pro-Syrian government sources reported that the Russian Air Force directly backed the Turkish Army for the first time since the start of the Russian intervention in Syria. However, despite Su-24 and Su-34 bombers carrying out airstrikes against ISIL fighters,"

"The Daraa offensive (March–April 2016) was a military operation of two groups allegedly affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade and the Islamic Muthanna Movement, against Syrian opposition forces in the Daraa Governorate."

"The Northwestern Syria campaign (October 2017 – February 2018) was a large-scale military operation that initially started with an offensive conducted by ISIL forces on areas controlled by Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the northern Hama Governorate. Subsequently, the Syrian Armed Forces launched their own offensive against HTS and other rebel groups in the area. The campaign took place at the intersection of the provinces of Hama, Idlib and Aleppo."

"The Southern Damascus offensive (March 2018) started on 12 March 2018, when ISIL began attacking rebel positions in the al-Qadam neighborhood of southern Damascus as they were evacuating"

Between 3 January and 28 June 2014, 5,641–6,991 people had been killed in the rebel v ISIL fighting, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.[25] By 25 February 2014, ISIL had conducted 34 suicide attacks.[296] On 26 August 2014, the Syrian Network for Human rights reported that since the declaration of the Islamic State on 9 April, 2,691 anti-ISIL rebels and 782 civilians had been killed.

You had thousands of Iraqis, Pakistanis, Afghans, Lebeense, Azeris, Iranians, Bahrain, Shias in Syria, If it was only a Sunni+Shia vs ‘Wahabbis’ - why would they need 50,000 thousands of foreign fighters and that too only Shias?

If it was a ‘Shia Sunni’ against Wahabbis - where are the sunni foreign fighters at?

At one point rebels thought they were fighting Iran only during 2016

View attachment 2728866
View attachment 2728867

Spillover and sectarian conflict spread by Assadist/Hezbollah in Lebanon: "Assad threatened to "break Lebanon over [Hariri's] head." 6 mos later, a car bomb killed him."

Hariri was a Poltican with a Sunni background that many Lebanese Sunnis held in high regard.

Bombing Sunni mosques in Lebanon

8 dead and 110+ injuries "The killing of a senior figure closely linked with the anti-Assad camp in Lebanon led to immediate speculation that Syria, or its allies, were behind the attack in Beirut. Al-Hassan had also led the investigation that implicated Syria and its ally Hezbollah in the killing of the former prime minister Rafik Hariri"

Two Mosques bombed more than 47 deaths and 800 injuries.

"it was perceived as an attack on the Lebanese Sunni community, with residents blaming Bashar al-Assad and Hezbollah"

Siege Of Madaya/Boukein by Hezbollah/Assad Regime, People were starving and dying. They had to resort to eating leaves.
View attachment 2728869
The adjacent towns of Madaya and Boukein had around 40,000 civilians without electricity and food for months.


Meanwhile, you had Hezbollah Supporters Mocking them.
View attachment 2728870
Umayyad Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz's grave was destroyed in Syria, so much for unity...

View attachment 2728872

Iran-backed Terror Miltias / Assad Regime did fight against them but gets exaggerated.

The international coalition bombed ISIS-held areas (Around 20,000 missiles) without giving regard for civilian casualties and backed Kurds for most of the ground assaults.

View attachment 2728874
Iran/Assad Regime/Russia themselves knew about it

Iran MoD Brig.Gen Dehqan In justifies the priority of combatting the armed opposition than ISIS in Syria & Aleppo over Deir Ezzor
View attachment 2728875

[All credit goes to @AyKarTo on Twitter]

Can you please tldr?

Does the Iran-Armenia-(Ossetia)-Russia Axis still exist?
the only good jihadi is a dead jihadi in hellfire.
Why is @Fiqh banned? Ramadan?
Can you please tldr?

Does the Iran-Armenia-(Ossetia)-Russia Axis still exist?
Idk about Armenia but Iran and Russia are very well in cahoots.

They govern Syria, whilst propping Assad as their puppet. Without those two countries, he would have been long overthrown.
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Idk about Armenia but Iran and Russia are very well in cahoots.

They govern Syria, whilst propping Assad as their puppet. Without those two countries, he would have been long overthrown.
Which MENA countries love Russia the most?

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