All of the nootropics I've tried for PRODUCTIVITY (An introduction and breakdown of brain PEDS)



Don't DM me "How do I start" ima ignore you
May 13, 2022
Disclaimer, you can probably mess yourself up with any of these and get addicted to the feeling of everything on this list that actually works. If you've ever gotten addicted to anything, cannot control your impulses, or do not understand anything im talking about...
Keep in mind this is just my personal experience. Some of these compounds have long term side effects from extended use. I try to keep all of my protocols safe and rarely take the same drug back to back.
Last all of my protocols are for making money and overall productivity & deskwork. Nothing regarding physical activity
(I want to use the drugs. I dont want the drugs using me)

Alpha GPC- 3/10
I have used it a couple of times individually, personally, I dont feel anything from using it. I combine it with other stuff which is supposed to help. Take noopept for example which depletes your choline so ill combine it with that. Ive also got brain fog and slight headaches from using a high dose.
Source Link
Gorilla mind smooth - 4/10
Didnt feel anything then stoped then started taking about 2 weeks after and felt better cognitively, still not a huge boost though. I combine it with other stuff to enhance their use like Adderall but I never bought it again when I ran out
Source Link

Gorrila mind mushroom - 0/10
Used it like 3 times, never felt anything. Swallowing 9 capitals also isnt fun
Source Link

Adderall - 8/10
Adderall would be a 10/10 but there can be some added side effects, especially used long term. I also sometimes dont get the effects. Im going to deep dive into this one because I highly recommend everyone try it.
From what I know, Adderall boost dopamine and epinephrine (which is kinda like dopamine)
Dopamine = motivation and also has to do with focus.

I own a business and work from home so that can be challenging considering I can social media at my disposal and I dont even really need to work, if I wanted to I could flood my brain with porn and netflix + youtube all day which is probably why I needed to take drugs to actually work to begin with. But…. if I starve myself of those dopaminergic activities and then take adderall (somthing that boosts dopamine) during activities I dont like, lets take writing or reading. I can rewire my brain to actually like the activities I dislike. I can even start getting dopamine without taking adderall

(Btw I could be wrong it’s just my understanding, this info comes from mostly Leo and longevity, Dr Andrew Huberman and pubmed studies + some random videos and podcasts here are there)

Dosage : Ive tried 5 mg and 10 mg. I love 10mg but sometimes I get euphoric, IMO from the research I've done euphoria is not optimal and is overdoing it my theory is it I stay at 10mg I will eventually get accustomed to it and lose that euphoria. But sometimes I don't feel anything on 5mg which is why im bumping my dose up.

I combine it with huperzine A or gorilla mind smooth to increase the effectiveness.
I combine it with gorilla mind respawn a lot because the caffeine + the focus makes me work faster and get more out of it.

Ive never taken it more than one a week but im going to up my dose to twice a week MAX

Usage: I bought like 5 pills of 20mg each and I think its lasted me over 8 months. I almost never take this stuff but I want to up my protocol and use it more because it helps me work so much. Ive tried it atleast 8 times.

Effects: Amazing results. Super focus. Time flies by. Days worth of work done in hours, euphoria at higher doses, legit feels like in about to bust a load but in my brain lol. (that's the euphoric feeling im guessing) I literally have brain organisms on this stuff while being super focused loving work.

Side Effects :
Asfar as the long term side effects goes, as long as its used in moderation im sure ill be fine. I haven't looked too much into it but I think its safe enough considering so many people are on it + the little research ive done. Some people say it sacrifices long term brain power for short term brain power. I dont even think thats true but if it is
Source Link (Paid Friend with ADHD)

Nicotine gum - 5/10
I never felt anything on 2mg or 4mg and it tastes horrible. I chew Nicorete a nicotine gum. Alot of people say nicotine gives them focus and euphoria and energy. I feel absolutely nothing.
But ill keep using it randomly because it has neuroprotective properties. (which is why its a 5 not a 0)

Sometimes i feel the compulsion to take it and i think to myself…. Is this addiction? I think its just a placebo

[story skip if u dont care : I got mine from amazon and my mom found it, she thought i was a nicotine addict or somthing, then told my dad. I didnt explain anything nor do IGAF because im a grown man and make my own decisions. But she freaked out, i thought it was pretty funny. She accused me of buying it for somone else as well which is the lie I rolled with]
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HuperzineA - 2/10
The only reason its not a 0 is because ive heard it could enhance other things. I originally bought it for the growth hormone boost when I was younger so I didnt really track my cognitive abilities with it. Ive also seen some horror stories about it. But is it apparently neuroprotective and used for patients with altimeters so i cant give it a 0.
Source Link (best tasting thing on this list)

Caffeine - 7/10
Super good but can make me super emotional I want to try it with lthienene to remove the caffeine jitters and the emotion. Sometimes it feels like the world is about to end sometimes it makes me want to run a marathon.
Ik alot of people using it often so side effects probably arnt that bad as long as you do it every so often, my suggestion is twice a week max.
My personal optimal dose is 300mg
Source Link

Ashwaganda - 1/10
nothing (never knew what it did when taking it tho) I want to try it for anxiety
Btw from what I know ksm-66 is better for you and normal can be toxic (based off of a Bryan Johnson Podcast)
Source Link

Gorilla mind respawn - 7.5/10

Just feels like a better, more expensive version of caffeine imo, id use it if youve got the money
Source Link

Noopept - 6/10
I just started using this tried it twice. First time I felt something but because it never gave me energy I thought it was a placebo. 2nd time i felt something aswell so I think it really does work.
I take it under my tongue, feels like a way less potent version of adderall, although maybe thats not the right way to describe it. It just makes me feel better for longer, for example I have been improving my vocabulary but as I get tired working into the night my speech typically goes back to normal. But when I took it I spoke with my coworker perfectly all night with the new speech performance im trying.
Good for slight focus, and cognitive enhancement, i heard its good for memory formation but my memory is already really good when im working on something I care about so I havent been able to measure it.
Soucre link : got it off amazon. The link is banned now though

To try:
Phenebuit (for anxiety) - already ordered
Modafinil (for productivity and tiredness) - already ordered
Rhodiola Rosea (for productivity and recovery) - already ordered
Ritalin (for productivity)
Semax (for recovery, and productivity)
Cherbroliyncin (for recovery)
Bromathize (for productivity)
Racetams (for productivity)

Recap + Sideffects
First, I haven't gotten any side effects from any drugs ive taken ever. Other than small ones like brain fog from the alpha gpc. This is because I do a ton of research beforehand, and I DONT abuse drugs. Again I want to use them to be more productive, to enhance my capabilities. Sure I could really lock in a focus and do the work but that would take some serious brain reprogramming from my end and thats not something im interested in doing atm.
I suggest trying caffeine, gorilla mind respawn, adderall, nicotine, noopept. From what Ive heard modafinil is also super good so im excited to try it. I might update this, I may not who knows. My advice would be to cycle these things.

A full cycle would be. Noopept monday, tuesday, Wednesday, break, friday, break then repeat on monday.
Adderall monday
Gorrila's mind respawn Wednesday
Nicotine Friday
Take the weekends off or add in cherbroliyncin, or something else for recovery.

Last, everyone do your own research, lookup the things your interested in trying its CRUTIAL. But if you don't. Idrc, im not your mother or your parent, i just think you should.

Lemme know if you have any questions. Goodluck!

Wolf of wall street leonardo wine glass josvrz7e6kw73ozx
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: incel194012940, micropp, Spiritual and 18 others
I also do protocols and routines for a lot of other things. Like sleep, productivity, room setups, and more. So if you guys like this or want me to cover something else lemme know. My credentials are, I run a 7 figure ecom brand (in revenue) at 18 yo, self made, my parents are on foodstamps
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ResilientGoyim, blackazure88, Staceymaxxing and 4 others
I also do protocols and routines for a lot of other things. Like sleep, productivity, room setups, and more. So if you guys like this or want me to cover something else lemme know. My credentials are, I run a 7 figure ecom brand (in revenue) at 18 yo, self made, my parents are on foodstamps
You have a 7 figure business at 18 which is why you have 4,000 posts on
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: mm398310, ccwarrior, vyirus and 6 others
You have a 7 figure business at 18 which is why you have 4,000 posts on
you can only laugh at some larps in this site, they dont even try
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: vyirus, BrahminBoss, Skywalker and 4 others
I also do protocols and routines for a lot of other things. Like sleep, productivity, room setups, and more. So if you guys like this or want me to cover something else lemme know. My credentials are, I run a 7 figure ecom brand (in revenue) at 18 yo, self made, my parents are on foodstamps
I’d like to know ur sleep and room setup routines etc.
  • +1
Reactions: Sondern
you can only laugh at some larps in this site, they dont even try
Bro stop hes a real millionaire like andrew tate he just wants to help us peons on .org thats why he posts so much
  • +1
Reactions: Glacier
Bro stop hes a real millionaire like andrew tate he just wants to help us peons on .org thats why he posts so much
im not tryna help the randoms of .org only for the people who like me / like the content i post, i also do this for fun and to log my own stuff.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: okwiwhd and Staceymaxxing
You have a 7 figure business at 18 which is why you have 4,000 posts on
its a hobby and I work in the male beauty industry
  • JFL
Reactions: Sushifart and Skywalker
I’d like to know ur sleep and room setup routines etc.
Ill make a sleep guide soon when ive got the free time. Ill take pictures of the stuff I have in person aswell
  • +1
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try bromantane
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I'd say this is pretty accurate.

Have you ever tried bemethyl? I've heard interesting things about it, but I haven't heard much. Apparently it was taken by soviet astronauts to enhance their abilities.
  • Love it
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I'd say this is pretty accurate.

Have you ever tried bemethyl? I've heard interesting things about it, but I haven't heard much. Apparently it was taken by soviet astronauts to enhance their abilities.
nah, ive never heard of it.
why are you considering semax and not selank ?
From what I gathered on the internet about these products, you're mostly right

Adderall - is legit, after all, it's a medication that people regularly use

Caffeine - definitely works, but mostly for energy, not so much focus

Phenebuit - legit as Adderall, is also medication but it's more about allowing you to be more NT, not so much for productivity

Alpha gpc - CAN work, basically as any other supplement, you most likely won't notice a difference, but again it can help

Ashwaganda - hit or miss, some say it definitely helped them in workouts and with anxiety, others don't notice anything
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once again, amphetamines mog everything
  • +1
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Can I take phenibut hcl to become nt and not autist so people will like me 🥰
not sure yet, i only ordered it. it hasn't came in the mail
why are you considering semax and not selank ?
ima try both but I havent looked into the differences and semax is more popular
  • +1
Reactions: kebab
Why no tag faggot
Look into picamilon for GABA. You can take cabergoline instead of kratom for becoming low inhib.
took phenibuit yesterday didnt feel anything
Might’ve been a bad source or dose, picamilon is legit though for destressing and socializing while being safer.
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Meth mogsss
Might’ve been a bad source or dose, picamilon is legit though for destressing and socializing while being safer.
thanks ill look into it. although I think swiss chems is pretty legit
  • +1
Reactions: lightskinbengali
you try new gorilla mind nootropic formula yet?
Disclaimer, you can probably mess yourself up with any of these and get addicted to the feeling of everything on this list that actually works. If you've ever gotten addicted to anything, cannot control your impulses, or do not understand anything im talking about...
Keep in mind this is just my personal experience. Some of these compounds have long term side effects from extended use. I try to keep all of my protocols safe and rarely take the same drug back to back.
Last all of my protocols are for making money and overall productivity & deskwork. Nothing regarding physical activity
(I want to use the drugs. I dont want the drugs using me)

Alpha GPC- 3/10
I have used it a couple of times individually, personally, I dont feel anything from using it. I combine it with other stuff which is supposed to help. Take noopept for example which depletes your choline so ill combine it with that. Ive also got brain fog and slight headaches from using a high dose.
Source Link
Gorilla mind smooth - 4/10
Didnt feel anything then stoped then started taking about 2 weeks after and felt better cognitively, still not a huge boost though. I combine it with other stuff to enhance their use like Adderall but I never bought it again when I ran out
Source Link

Gorrila mind mushroom - 0/10
Used it like 3 times, never felt anything. Swallowing 9 capitals also isnt fun
Source Link

Adderall - 8/10
Adderall would be a 10/10 but there can be some added side effects, especially used long term. I also sometimes dont get the effects. Im going to deep dive into this one because I highly recommend everyone try it.
From what I know, Adderall boost dopamine and epinephrine (which is kinda like dopamine)
Dopamine = motivation and also has to do with focus.

I own a business and work from home so that can be challenging considering I can social media at my disposal and I dont even really need to work, if I wanted to I could flood my brain with porn and netflix + youtube all day which is probably why I needed to take drugs to actually work to begin with. But…. if I starve myself of those dopaminergic activities and then take adderall (somthing that boosts dopamine) during activities I dont like, lets take writing or reading. I can rewire my brain to actually like the activities I dislike. I can even start getting dopamine without taking adderall

(Btw I could be wrong it’s just my understanding, this info comes from mostly Leo and longevity, Dr Andrew Huberman and pubmed studies + some random videos and podcasts here are there)

Dosage : Ive tried 5 mg and 10 mg. I love 10mg but sometimes I get euphoric, IMO from the research I've done euphoria is not optimal and is overdoing it my theory is it I stay at 10mg I will eventually get accustomed to it and lose that euphoria. But sometimes I don't feel anything on 5mg which is why im bumping my dose up.

I combine it with huperzine A or gorilla mind smooth to increase the effectiveness.
I combine it with gorilla mind respawn a lot because the caffeine + the focus makes me work faster and get more out of it.

Ive never taken it more than one a week but im going to up my dose to twice a week MAX

Usage: I bought like 5 pills of 20mg each and I think its lasted me over 8 months. I almost never take this stuff but I want to up my protocol and use it more because it helps me work so much. Ive tried it atleast 8 times.

Effects: Amazing results. Super focus. Time flies by. Days worth of work done in hours, euphoria at higher doses, legit feels like in about to bust a load but in my brain lol. (that's the euphoric feeling im guessing) I literally have brain organisms on this stuff while being super focused loving work.

Side Effects :
Asfar as the long term side effects goes, as long as its used in moderation im sure ill be fine. I haven't looked too much into it but I think its safe enough considering so many people are on it + the little research ive done. Some people say it sacrifices long term brain power for short term brain power. I dont even think thats true but if it is
Source Link (Paid Friend with ADHD)

Nicotine gum - 5/10
I never felt anything on 2mg or 4mg and it tastes horrible. I chew Nicorete a nicotine gum. Alot of people say nicotine gives them focus and euphoria and energy. I feel absolutely nothing.
But ill keep using it randomly because it has neuroprotective properties. (which is why its a 5 not a 0)

Sometimes i feel the compulsion to take it and i think to myself…. Is this addiction? I think its just a placebo

[story skip if u dont care : I got mine from amazon and my mom found it, she thought i was a nicotine addict or somthing, then told my dad. I didnt explain anything nor do IGAF because im a grown man and make my own decisions. But she freaked out, i thought it was pretty funny. She accused me of buying it for somone else as well which is the lie I rolled with]
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HuperzineA - 2/10
The only reason its not a 0 is because ive heard it could enhance other things. I originally bought it for the growth hormone boost when I was younger so I didnt really track my cognitive abilities with it. Ive also seen some horror stories about it. But is it apparently neuroprotective and used for patients with altimeters so i cant give it a 0.
Source Link (best tasting thing on this list)

Caffeine - 7/10
Super good but can make me super emotional I want to try it with lthienene to remove the caffeine jitters and the emotion. Sometimes it feels like the world is about to end sometimes it makes me want to run a marathon.
Ik alot of people using it often so side effects probably arnt that bad as long as you do it every so often, my suggestion is twice a week max.
My personal optimal dose is 300mg
Source Link

Ashwaganda - 1/10
nothing (never knew what it did when taking it tho) I want to try it for anxiety
Btw from what I know ksm-66 is better for you and normal can be toxic (based off of a Bryan Johnson Podcast)
Source Link

Gorilla mind respawn - 7.5/10
Just feels like a better, more expensive version of caffeine imo, id use it if youve got the money
Source Link

Noopept - 6/10
I just started using this tried it twice. First time I felt something but because it never gave me energy I thought it was a placebo. 2nd time i felt something aswell so I think it really does work.
I take it under my tongue, feels like a way less potent version of adderall, although maybe thats not the right way to describe it. It just makes me feel better for longer, for example I have been improving my vocabulary but as I get tired working into the night my speech typically goes back to normal. But when I took it I spoke with my coworker perfectly all night with the new speech performance im trying.
Good for slight focus, and cognitive enhancement, i heard its good for memory formation but my memory is already really good when im working on something I care about so I havent been able to measure it.
Soucre link : got it off amazon. The link is banned now though

To try:
Phenebuit (for anxiety) - already ordered
Modafinil (for productivity and tiredness) - already ordered
Rhodiola Rosea (for productivity and recovery) - already ordered
Ritalin (for productivity)
Semax (for recovery, and productivity)
Cherbroliyncin (for recovery)
Bromathize (for productivity)
Racetams (for productivity)

Recap + Sideffects
First, I haven't gotten any side effects from any drugs ive taken ever. Other than small ones like brain fog from the alpha gpc. This is because I do a ton of research beforehand, and I DONT abuse drugs. Again I want to use them to be more productive, to enhance my capabilities. Sure I could really lock in a focus and do the work but that would take some serious brain reprogramming from my end and thats not something im interested in doing atm.
I suggest trying caffeine, gorilla mind respawn, adderall, nicotine, noopept. From what Ive heard modafinil is also super good so im excited to try it. I might update this, I may not who knows. My advice would be to cycle these things.

A full cycle would be. Noopept monday, tuesday, Wednesday, break, friday, break then repeat on monday.
Adderall monday
Gorrila's mind respawn Wednesday
Nicotine Friday
Take the weekends off or add in cherbroliyncin, or something else for recovery.

Last, everyone do your own research, lookup the things your interested in trying its CRUTIAL. But if you don't. Idrc, im not your mother or your parent, i just think you should.

Lemme know if you have any questions. Goodluck!

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What's the most effective thing you've used for anxiety??
What's the most effective thing you've used for anxiety??
nothing yet :/ it was supposed to be phenibut but i didnt feel anything on it
Yo semax is known to cause hairloss
Best of all is coke.
curious whether you’ve tried any microdosed psychedelics?
Where's the best adderall ? No pharma kike, drop links or names
  • +1
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Sometimes i feel the compulsion to take it and i think to myself…. Is this addiction? I think its just a placebo
Another young soul brainwashed by big tobacco
if I starve myself of those dopaminergic activities and then take adderall (somthing that boosts dopamine) during activities I dont like, lets take writing or reading. I can rewire my brain to actually like the activities I dislike.

High iq, will buy adderal for the new semester, taking high level courses and want A's to compete with gpa sweats.

Where to buy adderal? I can steal them from sis but if I get caught I don't want family to think im druggie.
Need good clean source preferably through mail

Pack in da mail les go :feelsuhh:
  • Love it
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High iq, will buy adderal for the new semester, taking high level courses and want A's to compete with gpa sweats.

Where to buy adderal? I can steal them from sis but if I get caught I don't want family to think im druggie.
Need good clean source preferably through mail

Pack in da mail les go :feelsuhh:
its the only one i got in person from someone with a prescription.
Disclaimer, you can probably mess yourself up with any of these and get addicted to the feeling of everything on this list that actually works. If you've ever gotten addicted to anything, cannot control your impulses, or do not understand anything im talking about...
Keep in mind this is just my personal experience. Some of these compounds have long term side effects from extended use. I try to keep all of my protocols safe and rarely take the same drug back to back.
Last all of my protocols are for making money and overall productivity & deskwork. Nothing regarding physical activity
(I want to use the drugs. I dont want the drugs using me)

Alpha GPC- 3/10
I have used it a couple of times individually, personally, I dont feel anything from using it. I combine it with other stuff which is supposed to help. Take noopept for example which depletes your choline so ill combine it with that. Ive also got brain fog and slight headaches from using a high dose.
Source Link
Gorilla mind smooth - 4/10
Didnt feel anything then stoped then started taking about 2 weeks after and felt better cognitively, still not a huge boost though. I combine it with other stuff to enhance their use like Adderall but I never bought it again when I ran out
Source Link

Gorrila mind mushroom - 0/10
Used it like 3 times, never felt anything. Swallowing 9 capitals also isnt fun
Source Link

Adderall - 8/10
Adderall would be a 10/10 but there can be some added side effects, especially used long term. I also sometimes dont get the effects. Im going to deep dive into this one because I highly recommend everyone try it.
From what I know, Adderall boost dopamine and epinephrine (which is kinda like dopamine)
Dopamine = motivation and also has to do with focus.

I own a business and work from home so that can be challenging considering I can social media at my disposal and I dont even really need to work, if I wanted to I could flood my brain with porn and netflix + youtube all day which is probably why I needed to take drugs to actually work to begin with. But…. if I starve myself of those dopaminergic activities and then take adderall (somthing that boosts dopamine) during activities I dont like, lets take writing or reading. I can rewire my brain to actually like the activities I dislike. I can even start getting dopamine without taking adderall

(Btw I could be wrong it’s just my understanding, this info comes from mostly Leo and longevity, Dr Andrew Huberman and pubmed studies + some random videos and podcasts here are there)

Dosage : Ive tried 5 mg and 10 mg. I love 10mg but sometimes I get euphoric, IMO from the research I've done euphoria is not optimal and is overdoing it my theory is it I stay at 10mg I will eventually get accustomed to it and lose that euphoria. But sometimes I don't feel anything on 5mg which is why im bumping my dose up.

I combine it with huperzine A or gorilla mind smooth to increase the effectiveness.
I combine it with gorilla mind respawn a lot because the caffeine + the focus makes me work faster and get more out of it.

Ive never taken it more than one a week but im going to up my dose to twice a week MAX

Usage: I bought like 5 pills of 20mg each and I think its lasted me over 8 months. I almost never take this stuff but I want to up my protocol and use it more because it helps me work so much. Ive tried it atleast 8 times.

Effects: Amazing results. Super focus. Time flies by. Days worth of work done in hours, euphoria at higher doses, legit feels like in about to bust a load but in my brain lol. (that's the euphoric feeling im guessing) I literally have brain organisms on this stuff while being super focused loving work.

Side Effects :
Asfar as the long term side effects goes, as long as its used in moderation im sure ill be fine. I haven't looked too much into it but I think its safe enough considering so many people are on it + the little research ive done. Some people say it sacrifices long term brain power for short term brain power. I dont even think thats true but if it is
Source Link (Paid Friend with ADHD)

Nicotine gum - 5/10
I never felt anything on 2mg or 4mg and it tastes horrible. I chew Nicorete a nicotine gum. Alot of people say nicotine gives them focus and euphoria and energy. I feel absolutely nothing.
But ill keep using it randomly because it has neuroprotective properties. (which is why its a 5 not a 0)

Sometimes i feel the compulsion to take it and i think to myself…. Is this addiction? I think its just a placebo

[story skip if u dont care : I got mine from amazon and my mom found it, she thought i was a nicotine addict or somthing, then told my dad. I didnt explain anything nor do IGAF because im a grown man and make my own decisions. But she freaked out, i thought it was pretty funny. She accused me of buying it for somone else as well which is the lie I rolled with]
Source Link
HuperzineA - 2/10
The only reason its not a 0 is because ive heard it could enhance other things. I originally bought it for the growth hormone boost when I was younger so I didnt really track my cognitive abilities with it. Ive also seen some horror stories about it. But is it apparently neuroprotective and used for patients with altimeters so i cant give it a 0.
Source Link (best tasting thing on this list)

Caffeine - 7/10
Super good but can make me super emotional I want to try it with lthienene to remove the caffeine jitters and the emotion. Sometimes it feels like the world is about to end sometimes it makes me want to run a marathon.
Ik alot of people using it often so side effects probably arnt that bad as long as you do it every so often, my suggestion is twice a week max.
My personal optimal dose is 300mg
Source Link

Ashwaganda - 1/10
nothing (never knew what it did when taking it tho) I want to try it for anxiety
Btw from what I know ksm-66 is better for you and normal can be toxic (based off of a Bryan Johnson Podcast)
Source Link

Gorilla mind respawn - 7.5/10
Just feels like a better, more expensive version of caffeine imo, id use it if youve got the money
Source Link

Noopept - 6/10
I just started using this tried it twice. First time I felt something but because it never gave me energy I thought it was a placebo. 2nd time i felt something aswell so I think it really does work.
I take it under my tongue, feels like a way less potent version of adderall, although maybe thats not the right way to describe it. It just makes me feel better for longer, for example I have been improving my vocabulary but as I get tired working into the night my speech typically goes back to normal. But when I took it I spoke with my coworker perfectly all night with the new speech performance im trying.
Good for slight focus, and cognitive enhancement, i heard its good for memory formation but my memory is already really good when im working on something I care about so I havent been able to measure it.
Soucre link : got it off amazon. The link is banned now though

To try:
Phenebuit (for anxiety) - already ordered
Modafinil (for productivity and tiredness) - already ordered
Rhodiola Rosea (for productivity and recovery) - already ordered
Ritalin (for productivity)
Semax (for recovery, and productivity)
Cherbroliyncin (for recovery)
Bromathize (for productivity)
Racetams (for productivity)

Recap + Sideffects
First, I haven't gotten any side effects from any drugs ive taken ever. Other than small ones like brain fog from the alpha gpc. This is because I do a ton of research beforehand, and I DONT abuse drugs. Again I want to use them to be more productive, to enhance my capabilities. Sure I could really lock in a focus and do the work but that would take some serious brain reprogramming from my end and thats not something im interested in doing atm.
I suggest trying caffeine, gorilla mind respawn, adderall, nicotine, noopept. From what Ive heard modafinil is also super good so im excited to try it. I might update this, I may not who knows. My advice would be to cycle these things.

A full cycle would be. Noopept monday, tuesday, Wednesday, break, friday, break then repeat on monday.
Adderall monday
Gorrila's mind respawn Wednesday
Nicotine Friday
Take the weekends off or add in cherbroliyncin, or something else for recovery.

Last, everyone do your own research, lookup the things your interested in trying its CRUTIAL. But if you don't. Idrc, im not your mother or your parent, i just think you should.

Lemme know if you have any questions. Goodluck!

View attachment 2582496

Phenebuit (for anxiety) - tried twice, first time didnt feel anything. 2nd time everything was funny, and i felt like talking more but I didnt feel the decreased anxiety which is why i got it in the first place

Modafinil (for productivity and tiredness) - tried once, legit feels like caffeine, based off of that performance anyone claiming its as strong as adderall is dumb af

Rhodiola Rosea (for productivity and recovery) - good for mental fatigue, i take it a couple times a week on days where i wakeup early, take stimulants, come down in the afternoon and still need to get work done

Semax (for recovery, and productivity) - tried once, didnt really feel much tbh, dont know if i dosed it wrong or somthin

Phenebuit (for anxiety) - tried twice, first time didnt feel anything. 2nd time everything was funny, and i felt like talking more but I didnt feel the decreased anxiety which is why i got it in the first place

Modafinil (for productivity and tiredness) - tried once, legit feels like caffeine, based off of that performance anyone claiming its as strong as adderall is dumb af

Rhodiola Rosea (for productivity and recovery) - good for mental fatigue, i take it a couple times a week on days where i wakeup early, take stimulants, come down in the afternoon and still need to get work done

Semax (for recovery, and productivity) - tried once, didnt really feel much tbh, dont know if i dosed it wrong or somthin
Drop a detailed guide and trip report
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dont have the time, what do u want to know more about
Side effects and how long the trip lasts and the long term side effects

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